Justice for God
(too old to reply)
Justice for US is a Plus
2016-04-25 00:06:47 UTC

Every vaccine contains neural toxins.. How come near
no one on earth will repeat that on Radio or Magic
TV? Because it is as certain as anything is.. So, no
plausible deniability.. It's like all these radio
"patriots", or defenders of doing right.. don't
really mean it.. when it comes to truly getting
it done. Do right, vote John Kinal for President
how about??

purging the electorate

How is purging the electorate not deserving of a
fair death sentence? What? Not even as misdemeanor?
DemocracyNow called it a goof of some sort.. Carry
on? Under Johnny, everyone 16 and older, has a paper
ballot vote. After voting, a non-toxic food coloring
is applied.. Cheat? trouble will be yours..

New York Voters Shut Out

It's rigged! Why not demand fair say for everyone included..
being civilized? Don't will to forward such a concern?
It's your loss.. Instead.. do right.. Vote John Kinal
for President.. Make a stand for your fellow man..
Justice for US. Who would appose doing right??

Vote John Kinal for President. Why? Because we're
going with the better ideas here. Fair say all the
way means everyone wins a better day just about.
Justice for we guarantees freedom to be.
Entertain yourself on my antics..
All invites welcome.

A Gift of Music - Johnny Sings


Support a Public Inquest, Truth Commission,
and Police Investigation on HSC's "Comfort
Care" program of murder, in the first degree.
Where your loved one is sentenced to die
victim to neglect as official public
paid for policy.

Justice for US

Who would apposes doing right?

Many lives are still falling..

Please, have mercy.. forward this info.


Important: The Public must be warned.. Save lives..

Support a Public Inquest

My mother, Jennie Kinal, was murdered in a
Winnipeg hospital, on March the 8th, 2016
under a program of first degree mass murder

"Comfort Care"..

I beg everyone to reach out to our media,
in hopes they'll too support shedding some
light on this very serious circumstance..

We need our voices heard as fair here.
Forward this concern to everyone being
human. They are stealing innocent lives.

"To My Fellow Canadians".. My name is John Kinal and I have a story to tell..
(a small 8 meg audio file explaining everything..)

To the Honorable Health Minister of Manitoba

Hello.. I have disturbing news to tell, of my mother,
Jennie Kinal, being first degree murdered at the
Winnipeg Health Sciences Center, ward 4H. What
is the evidence? Dr. Colister, on the day he committed
this murder, March 8th, speaks to me as recorded, that,
wouldn't I like to approve something unheard of, to stop
my mother's congestion? (To have him not take the
blame for her soon death no doubt.). I respond, as
recorded, that no. Such quackery will do nothing TRULY
to alleviate my mother's newly acquired contagious
condition. At that time, not even knowing what this
poison called “Devil's Breath" was, but typically, of
all his sadistic ‘end of life’ ‘medicines’, they are
clearly poisons to murder anyone as healthy with. Of
which he does routinely as mass murdering psychopath.
Importantly, he with his partner, does not disagree
with my astute medical assessment.. and leaves stating
to my mother and me, that he will allow her to recover
without new poisons offered that day.. But does so
secretly.. According to the night nurse, as recorded
in the medical record, showing me the order herself,
for ‘Devil’s Breath’ to be given to Jennie as needed..
Needing they did, Dr. Colister and the day nurse,
Colette, to administer the lethal shot when I wasn’t
present.. For I would have told.. Dr. Colister, and
Dr. Chisic told no new poisons to attempt murder once
more would be offered for that day.. of March 8th..
For I had explained such wickedness, will do nothing
but harm my beloved mother. They hated me for being
wise, exposing their falsehoods, of faith initiatives.
In quips I gave, no longer than two or three sentences.
As they did when I explained this operation of getting
everyone stoned with poisons to stop breathing, while
depriving life saving treatments is beyond insane..
They would speak of their treason against life and
God with grins of pleasure..of our powerlessness. Go
ask them yourself.. I called it a horror show..
Because it is.. When I would explain, a heroin junkie
can feel comfortable starving to death.. they wouldn’t
as couldn’t disagree.. Remember, my mother was not
suffering from anything, but their poisons.. As her
thyroid condition cleared right up.. DUE MY DEMANDS
FOR HER MEDICINE, of which they argued near endlessly,
as pure wicked evil to not allow.. Told me, a thyroid
condition of my mothers can not be treated.. as once
it’s gone.. it’s gone.. A LIE.. Proven as so.. as my
mother did recover.. Why so apposed? Because a thyroid
condition, has the human body retain water.. causing
mild hallucinations if not treated.. Hallucinations
lend well to no complaining effectively.. Once she
recovered.. she spoke of these "murderers".. she
spoke of Delaney punching her in the eye.. she spoke
desperately, while I cried.. to free her of these
torturers.. They were so sadistically mean to her..
Knowing no police have entered to investigate for
years of formal complaints. See, the doctor
the week prior claimed.. sure all Jennie has is some
mild back pain.. but he was not prepared to stop the
Fentanyl.. perhaps for fear, of then Colister coming
in with his needle.. that murders all, every single
time, save none.. As all of Colister’s history, of
determining end of life for countless others in no
more than 14 days.. .Except my mom the month before.
It was at that time I went to talk to the teen police
at Winnipeg’s public safety building, after consulting
with the College of Physicians and Surgeons.. who
recommended the police be brought in, on me catching
them FOR SURE, attempting murder the first time on
Feb 2.. They just simply refused to do anything..
Not even a single phone call.. Nothing.. I went
back.. spoke polite.. on how these teens didn’t
understand the words I’m telling of.. It’s so
important.. It’s life and death.. It’s important
here to know, they didn’t tell that I was in error.
And yet still. refused to do anything.. Like call
their Dad, or an adult even.. I went again.. and
again.. Then a teen police officer, told me not to
come back.. NO REASON GIVEN. I guess she didn’t
like having to call someone else who can fairly reason.
Perhaps it’s all due the vaccines.. Anyway.. we need
adult police officers from the RCMP, to consult
with Prosecutors with scientific minds to know this
was no accident.. but willful first degree murder..
When I caught them the first time.. The Hospital did
not call for an investigation.. they just threatened
me to not divulge the information.. or they would
give us all the what for.. Fear is not in me however.
Perhaps to a fault.. I demand Justice must come,
to see these murderers spend a life time behind
bars.. I hope I am making myself clear.. These
crimes have occurred for many years.. due the
struggle with most in time to understand.. Look
at my story.. I knew, as proven, they had tried
to murder my mother.. and yet.. what more could
anyone do? We need to also look at how police
investigations must be handled in the future..
First things first.. I need financial support
from the Province and the city, in lieu of me
not suing.. to save my home.. to save our lives..
While I work tirelessly for Justice to finally
come for everyone no longer forsaken by our
careless disregard for the rights of others,
of our same communities.. .. Please let’s
get started on doing right for ourselves.
What if it was your mother?

A heroin junkie can feel comfortable
starving to death. So.. what the hell
is happening in our hospitals.

What if it was your mother?

I am doing what I must, after having my mother murdered
in hospital, and then to note. There was no complaints
department.. no newspaper, no radio, and no police
determining fair measure either. My life is ruled by
law to live speaking for a just cause..I am admittingly,
kind of weird this way.. Not since the murder, but well
before in decades.. So this tragedy, that has hurt me
more than anything ever can, has me giving of everything
now, to not allow these murderers to conduct their
business as usual, further escaping our police
authorities,. God willing justice, demands of you
to try for fairness towards all parties, of the
society you are not absent of. It’s called, acting
civilized. It seems the TV's devote relationship
tied to blindly serving doctors no matter what, is
a cause they need not worry for to truly understand..
Like a cult.. A cult that is costing our lives as
innocent people.. murdered by those near never
chastised with accountability throughout their
lawless ranks.. Dr. Semus told me directly, that
the first try at committing murder against my mother
on Feb. 2 and 3rd.. had been scrubbed from the files..
And Vanessa too, would weave the most fantastical lies,
you were never lost to know, she hadn't a clue of what
she was saying for real.. As recorded..

The Telling Truth

John Kinal to Dr. Colister "No I don't
agree.. Such medications will hamper
my mother's ability, to expel her
newly acquired congestion".. He does
not disagree.. Nor so does his partner.
..and in closing, supports allowing
my mother recover by introducing no
new poisons. Of which we learned of
his betrayal from the record, that
he instead conspired with nurse
Colette, to murder my mother, with
their, "Devil's Breath"... to a
woman who had only suffered arguably
with minor back pain the entire two
weeks prior.. As to why they tried
to put her to "end of life" meds a
a month earlier, with hydromorophone,
was because, it turns out, she
never even could have had
multiple organ failure all along..
IT WAS A LIE they were publicly
caught on.. Then as evil being dumb,
then went ahead further, and finally
murdered my mom. Didn't go, "look
everyone! it's a miracle!" no no no..
no investigation whatsoever..
That's not we see? Perhaps,
it's all a failure to

Evidence on the continuing murders at the
Winnipeg Health Sciences Center under
- Comfort Care- Please Share
(200+ meg file..)

But so.. What about the responsibilities
of the police to investigate crimes
scenes such as these? Shouldn't they
as we respect the rights of everyone
in our society? To be fairly treated?
The Province did not do the simplest
of inquiries into the heart of the
evidence before us. .. Leaving those
that conspire to get away further
from fair judgment.. on just who
the hell they think we are.. stealing
innocent lives going unreported. This
is a routine case behind newspapers
doors, involving many more forsaken
victims absent your personal outrage,
and action Let's truly save some great
peoples lives by warning everyone.. How
about it? Sounds good to see Justice
finally succeed for Jennie Kinal?,
and so included, we the people?
Demand Justice for Jennie Kinal..

David L. Martel <***@frontier.com> wrote:


You are puttin a lot of effort into this strange
belief. Your mother was on palliative or "comfort
care". This suggests that your mother was aware
that she was terminally ill and had decided to
end her life. Why do you believe otherwise?"

Hey Dave.. Yeah no.. all she had was a thyroid
condition when entering.. then we were told she
had a heart attack with her unwanted nicotine
patch, and then, multiple organ failure.. I
proved it was a lie.. And for a month, all
they did was not allow my mother to recover..
My mother, nor I, were never given a choice to
decide whether or not to end her life, by
depriving medications, while doping her with
'end of life' poisons that stop anyone from
breathing, or expelling an infection. First
degree murder. Not an accident. IN FACT:
freely admitted to.. like lawless demon
enemies of our better natures willing to
be civilized. Let's not murder people.

Remember.. Dr. Colister told my mother and I,
that he would not poison my mom with Devil's
Breath or anything else, then did so secretly
with fellow murderer, conspirator Nurse Colette.
I caught them at that, as too, when they attempted
murder in early February. Support a Public Inquest.

Forward this to save lives..

Save innocent lives in Winnipeg..

We have a life to lead for a freedom forged
through Justice meted fairly as ourselves..
To be all we can as civilized.. Born free.

My mother Jennie Kinal and I, at no time
did we freely decide, her life was to be
stolen by the first degree murderers at..
Winnipeg's HSC, the Health Sciences Center

We need our voices heard as fair here.
Forward this concern to everyone being
human. They are stealing innocent lives.

Away with Murder

We have a serious responsibility here
to speak fair against the stealing of
innocent life currently going on over
at Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center
in "Comfort Care". They openly,
without apology, deprive vital
medicines, while torturing the
patient with poisons such as with
my mom, Jennie Kinal, now dead as
crime victim to first degree murder.

To Those You Care For..

Winnipeg's "Comfort Care" - They refuse
to give antibiotics, or needed thyroid
medication claimed as useless, but
not Scopolamine together with Fentanyl,
the deadliest poisons against an elderly
women with some minor back pain, and
congestion. So they in secret gave her
the worst things possible that they said
they wouldn't. Told me and my mother of
the same day, where they went ahead and
did so in contempt for all our lives.

If Chris, who works for our government,
had simply done the job by enforcing
Manitoba's standing law, Jennie Kinal
would be alive today. Don't allow them
to steal more innocent lives in Winnipeg.

Mr.Kinal on the murder of his mother at the hospital.

We, of Canada

We, of Canada, need a Truth Commission
on the Winnipeg Health Sciences Center's
"Comfort Care" program, of first degree
murder. An un-elected cruel sentence of
death they give to we of Canada, unlucky
enough to still not have any effective
police protections. Deprived effective
medicines, while purposefully doped out
of our trees, non-stop to the bitter end.
Without anyone to complain to in the
media of our peers? Let's save some
innocent lives still left forsaken
as crime victims shall we?

Introduction of the First Attempt at Murder:

This following, is of the Winnipeg Health
Sciences Center and the first attempt they
made at the murder of my mother, Jennie Kinal.
Caught red handed on Jan 2nd, and 3rd of 2016.
Call the cops. We live for Justice. No limits
against murderers.

Introduction to the Case: back-from-the-dead

Let's Save Some Lives..

We have a serious responsibility here
to speak fair against the stealing of
innocent life currently going on over
at Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center
in "Comfort Care". They openly,
without apology, deprive vital
medicines, while torturing the
patient with poisons such as with
my mom, Jennie Kinal, now dead as
crime victim to first degree murder.

"Comfort Care". Where your loved one
is sentenced to die victim to neglect
as official public paid for policy.

Winnipeg's HSC, the Health Sciences Center

They first degree murdered Jennie Kinal,
who had caught a chest infection near the day
prior, and with such an infection, was refused
all antibiotics, but promised, her new Doctor
for that week Dr. Laura Chisic did, no new
concoctions would be introduced. But later
that same day, her partner in crime Dr.
Colister (who made the same promise)
secretly gave Scopolamine together with
Fentanyl, when I had left the room briefly,
causing paralysis then the unnatural
death of my mother. As planned before
hand by the sinister Dr. Colister with
fellow conspirator Nurse Colette.
All documented.. Call the RCMP.

They openly, without apology, deprive
vital medicines, while torturing the
victims with poisons such as with my
mom. Given through lies, Scopolamine
"Devil's Breath", secretly in a
conspiracy with nurse Colette, in
deadly conjunction with Fentanyl,
causing instant paralysis, then
unnatural death through FOR SURE,
proven first degree murder.

Save Lives in Winnipeg

Hi everyone.. We have a serious
responsibility here to speak fair
against the stealing of innocent life
currently going on over at Winnipeg's
Health Sciences Center in "Comfort Care".

Justice for we guarantees freedom to be.
The Public must be made to know.. that
Winnipeg's HSC is willingly committing
murder without misgivings. Support a
Public Inquest, Truth Commission, and
Police Investigation on HSC's "Comfort
Care" program of murder, in the first
degree. Where your loved one is
sentenced to die victim to neglect
as official public paid for policy.

My mother Jennie Kinal and I, at no time
did we freely decide, her life was to be
stolen by the first degree murderers at..

Winnipeg's HSC, the Health Sciences Center

They kidnapped, tortured, and murdered my
Canadian mother, Jennie Kinal.. as sadistic
enemies of God and mankind. They continue
to victimize citizens in Winnipeg left
without Justice granting a fair defense
for our lives, with what they call,
"Comfort Care". They side officially not
to care to provide the poisoned victim a
medicinal path forward to a better
health. Refuse to give antibiotics, or
needed thyroid medication claimed as
useless, but not Scopolamine together
with Fentanyl, the deadliest poisons
against an elderly women with minor
back pain and congestion.. for, the
"multiple organ failure" was PROVEN a
hoax on Feb. 3rd, 2016. While apposing
Jennie and me by openly refusing to
resuscitate, when Nurse Charlene
called about Jennie losing her life
without the proper care freely given.
The police when called before, stated,
go to the College of Physicians, while
the College states, 'this is a high
priority police matter, of proven
attempted murder [as earlier on] Go
to the cops.' Four times I went to tell
near teenage cops always at the front desk,
'no, the Police must investigate.. pick
up a phone and call Dr. T how about?'
- ..and they continued to refuse.. they
told me as a lawful citizen of Winnipeg,
they didn't want any more information.
Like on the Public's dime from Magic
CBC TV did also refuse to defend our
lives as still falling victims. While
the whorish newspapers refused doing
right for us whatsoever as typical.
Now, ask yourself.. what honorable
officer, soldier, or as true lover
of freedom, would hold such contempt
for the value of Your Canadian Life?,
left still, jeopardized as the innocent
without rights? This murderous crime
that continues, personally involves all
Canadians.. Still cheating our loved
families for murder, by what can safely
be described, as ungodly evil criminals
of the worst disorders. More than
thousands and thousands of complaints
not granted the light of the public's
scrutiny.. Do right, forward this concern
as your own included. We must demand a
public inquest to reveal all, of who we
are.. the truly civilized. The churches,
the politicians, and the police.

We, of Canada, need a Truth Commission
on the Winnipeg Health Sciences Center's
"Comfort Care" program of first degree
murder.. Save some innocent lives why
don't we?

Here's an idea..
Down with murderers..
who's with we? fairly speaking..

Call the Cops

The Public must be made to know.. that
Winnipeg's HSC is willingly committing
murder without misgivings. Support a
Public Inquest on HSC's "Comfort Care"
program of murder, in the first degree.
Where your loved one is sentenced to
die victim to neglect as official
policy.. This horror continues, so
far.. because of it's hideous sub-
humanness that most want to find
impossible to believe exists mass
murdering for real.. Not one person
has escaped in more than seven
years.. of which many, can stay
being tortured for longer than
eight months.. to finally kick
the bucket. Never allowed to
leave the dungeon.. With thousands
and thousands of complaints ignored
by two "newspapers", and three Magic
TV news broadcasters.. The Public
must be made to know we have a
responsibility to each other.. to
be thought safe, of entering a
hospital seeking remedies, not
un-elected death sentences. we must
not allow this to continue in our
stolen better names. It's unbecoming,
and they murdered my mom. Justice
must be done if we will to be free
to dream of a bettering future.
I will to work with everyone
fairly to get this won.

Something is Wrong..

No police to arrest murderers? No news
agency to express a care for the elderly
being tortured and murdered? No politician
to express indignation.. We all are somehow
at a serious loss of our humanity. Speak out.

Demand Truth Commission on Winnipeg's HSC
"Comfort Care" murdering Jennie Kinal.
Save innocent life in Winnipeg still
falling crime victims..

Again this "Comfort Care" mass murder
program in Winnipeg is not made by the
victims as something agreed upon in OUR
newspapers either. They just privately
announce your loved one is now sentenced
to deprivation of caring completely,
while openly being poisoned with
the most deadly of UNWARRANTED
'medicine'. Justice for we
guarantees freedom to be. Take
care to make others aware. Email
is cool.

Demand Public Inquest on the Murder of Jennie Kinal
Save life in Winnipeg falling murder victims today..

To whom this greatly concerns..

My mother died murder victim at Winnipeg's Health
Sciences Center. Dr. Colister approached the bed
to ask, how about giving your mother Scopolamine
to ease moisture.. Sound good? I state no.. I
explained such poison would hamper my mother's
ability to expel her current chest infection.
It would be greatly better, to remove all your
opiates, like Fentanyl, and let her heal how about
instead? my learned friend? He doesn't disagree..
His side kick states, yeah.. sounds good in similar
words.. They leave.. Then, I pop out later for a
coffee, and back when I return Nurse Colette
has administered the lethal shot.."Devil's Breath"
Stating.. your mother asked for it.. being barely
capable of stating, ' get me out of here'.. 'bloody
murderers' 'no more pain killers'.. She had no
problem health wise any longer.. but for those
in "comfort care" succeeding finally in error at
murdering her.. Now the hospital states, they
don't allow toxicology studies in autopsies.. Well..
that's why I implore for you to stand up likewise
as a fellow human being, to demand such an
easy test be carried out to determine true
cause of death.. And a Public Inquest on how
Justice has left us for no longer, on this
critical crime scene involving all Canadian
lives jeopardized.. left in self contempt by
our newspapers and TV broadcasters.
Sound good? It should. Justice for Jennie Kinal.

Care for our innocent lives stolen.

Forward this information to everyone.
Let's save some lives here people..

Don't forget, this involves many more
lives in Canada than just my mother,
willfully poisoned to die crime victim,
just like the rest officially. Denied
OUR Police protections, and vital care
in needed medicines, while doped out
of her wits to complain about who's
driving down civilization. How dare
Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center
commit lawless first degree mass
murder openly, with the newspapers,
in the light of understanding
this reality measured fair.


What they knew and chose nothing to do
about.. Still? Shouldn't someone be fired,
if not arrested as complicit in murder?

John Kinal - Protections of Persons in Care Act - Feb 24 2016

"10,000 similar complaints in Manitoba."

Ignored.. Still? Hello people.. we have a
serious responsibility here to speak fair
against mass murderers.

If Chris, who works for our government,
had simply done the job by enforcing
Manitoba's standing law, Jennie Kinal
would be alive today. Don't allow them
to steal more innocent lives in Winnipeg.
Take action. Personally forward this to
the media movers and shakers, to save
lives, demanding Justice. I am available
for interviews. Help ourselves.

I beg you to do right.. Save an innocent life.

Please, peoples of our world..defend innocent
life being mass murdered here in Winnipeg, at
the Health Sciences Center, under a program
of the most heinous ungodly evil ever known
of titled, "Comfort Care". They openly deprive
vital medicines, while torturing the victims
with poisons such as with my mom. Given
through lies, Scopolamine "Devil's Breath",
secretly in a conspiracy with nurse Colette,
in deadly conjunction with Fentanyl, causing
instant paralysis, then unnatural death through
FOR SURE, proven first degree murder. My mother
Jennie, who only several days earlier was
guilty of only minor back pain, as to why
these demons refused to stop doping her since
her arrival two months earlier. Simultaneously
claimed though, she was by her murderer, Dr.
Colister, to have had multiple organ failure
continuously for more than a month. Proven
to be a lie on Feb 3rd, by myself told to
Winnipeg Police.. Through too, the broken
orders of Law by Dr. T., Jennie's Doctor that
week. The Winnipeg Police dishonorably, have
refused to do the simplest of preliminary
investigations..such as making a single phone
call to Dr. T.. to confirm the first attempt
made at murdering my mother by Nurse Delaney..
using then, ILLEGAL hydromorophone. You
personally could save an innocent life, by
simply identifying a citizen of Winnipeg,
to give them this post personally. Again
this "Comfort Care" mass murder program is
not made by the victims as something agreed
upon in OUR newspapers either. They just
privately announce your loved one is now
sentenced to deprivation of caring
completely, while openly being poisoned
with the most deadly of UNWARRANTED
'medicine'. So confident in our made
illiterate police agencies never getting
involved here, that they believe they can
escape sadistically mass murdering for
decades more perhaps.. if you continue to
take no action for the world you can not
escape my friend. It is truly all up to
you.. Do right. Care for your world.
Forward go freely of Justice winning
victory. Justice for we guarantees
freedom to be..

Our Time is Now

I have conclusively proven, without
any officer of law disagreeing, that
the Winnipeg Health Sciences Center's
Dr. Colister, with conspiring Nurse
Colette, first degree murdered my
mother Jennie Kinal.. after I caught
their "Comfort Care" demon team prior,
attempting murder on Feb 2nd 2016,
and begged the police to investigate
the crime scene four times.. But they
refused cowardly as too did the College
of Manitoba Nurses, and Doctors refuse
to demand the arrests be done for Justice
must come.. To not following the rules
of murder in Canada, as not applying
blindly in all hospital settings for
more than a decade? Something must be
done in a love for moms, before yet
again, these cheats have more innocent
Canadians first degree murdered, due
our self contempt. For what demonic
gain? We are left to only speculate..
..though we know it is for sure going
on still by these enemy to all sadists.

Here's an idea..
Down with murderers..
who's with we? fairly speaking..

justice for we guarantees freedom to be

My mother was murdered here in Winnipeg, at
the Health Sciences Center, under a program
titled, "Comfort Care", where these demons
deprive life saving medicines, and under
torture, openly poison the victims to death,
often by chemical suffocation. No one
escapes the death sentence program run for
many years. It involves the old, it
involves the young - and something surely
must be done.. Why is it that our humanity
can't find the strength to do good for
another? ..or for one's own mother or
father? I tried my best, and I'm as good
as it nearly gets as speaking reasonable..
But without the public being supported by
our made illiterate police agencies, or
regulatory bodies that ONLY defend, in
this case, the continuing mass murderers..
Hope seems bleak to save the innocent
lives that fell yesterday, and of those
that will tomorrow. So.. I must try to win
for Justice in this forsaken city named
Winnipeg.. Once holding the title, I will
order all police and military to assist in
public arrests for public fair trial of
these mass murderers that must not
freely steal the better of ourselves
further left undefended..

Public Inquest..

Support a Public Inquest We need an autopsy
to include cause of death with the sciences
of toxicology - something forbidden the
victims of Winnipeg's Health Sciences

URGENT - Support a Public Inquiry into Why
some Winnipeg autopsies don't allow toxicology
to determine cause of death in murder..- URGENT
(they have cremated the body - all evidence
gone?. we don't think so.)

Justice for Jennie Kinal

I want a public inquest in how my mother died, so justice can be served. All the evidence is in, it's just that, because the death occurred at a hospital in Winnipeg, the Police's hands are tied.

Jennie Kinal was murdered on March 8th, 2016, by the actions of Dr. Colister, at Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center.

Facts: Dr. Colister told no new medications would be administered on March 8th, to myself and Jennie.. Dr. Laura Chisic, Jennie's other doctor, one of more than four others, told of Dr. Colister, doing just as he claimed he would not, ordering on the 8th of March, the deadly, Scopolamine "Devil's Breath", in conjunction with already administered Fentanyl, . Nurse Colette, sold that it was Jennie's idea to take the most lethal drug on the Canadian market that she gave Jennie, Scopolamine, to hamper her ability to expel an infection that had recently appeared, leading to paralysis and death. Nurse Colette, couldn't administer the poison while I was present however, and couldn't let on, it was
ordered in by Dr. Colister. As Colette's crazy lie of my mom being willing, now makes more sense. No antibiotics are given in Winnipeg, for ANY Canadian patient in "comfort care", but poisons a plenty to first degree mass murder it disturbingly appears. You really should care.. Think of the next victims last night. Forward this concern to everyone who loves their mother. Do it.

The TRUE disregard for a patient's wellness, made as policy at Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center, is like a hell on earth for real, when you hear them tell of such madness openly, denying all rights to do right for ourselves. 'End of Life' poisons to those we guess near, perfect health. Poisons to weaken clearing our bodies of new infections, with poisons to hamper breathing, and then, to top it off, heroin derivatives 80 times stronger than morphine, apposing better health.. is simply willful first degree murder.. Again, they officially deny all "Comfort Care" patients antibiotics, to die victim from neglect.. With too, refusing to resuscitate any patient as policy of evil.. So, say you
were poisoned by Scopolamine with her Fentanyl. as my mom was against her will and my own.. they told me as such, over the phone.. they will make no attempt to save my mother's life as "doctors" on scene. Demand a Public Inquest.

Don't forget, this involves many more lives
in Canada than just my mother, willfully
poisoned to die crime victim, just like the
rest officially. Denied vital care in
needed medicines, while doped out of her
wits to complain about who's driving the
ship. Different Nurses everyday, while the
Doctor changes once every two weeks, with
Colister hanging around allthe beds going,
"are you in any pain", then needles every
four hours non-stop, till you die.. No
matter whatever you say to the contrary.
Who needs a witness? Some say Jennie
Kinal was good to go, while Colister
states her story can't live more than
weeks with him and Laura Chisic ruling
over everyone here truly being tyrannized.
..while poisoning who knows how many
others too, who dream of being released,
as they go further unchecked as needling
psychopaths. We desperately need a true
concern expressed for ourselves as the
citizen measured correct in all fairness.
We will to be civilized on the farms
and in the hospitals.

Justice for Jennie Kinal

Public Inquest.. ask for it here in Winnipeg please

Please Peoples.. support a Public Inquest here
in Winnipeg on the mistreatment of Jennie Kinal
in the Health Sciences Center, ward H4, and of
her subsequent final murder.. Done in by Dr.
Colister with Scopolamine, in conjunction with
Fentanyl, to a 84 year old woman, who suffered
a thyroid issue, that caused swelling, then
indicating inside that short time frame,
confusion nearing the symptoms of dementia..
But that all disappeared a month earlier..
That's it.. she could walk talk and express
clearly, she did not want a nicotine patch..
but they gave it to her, apposing me included.
Public Inquest.. Hopefully, gaining an
understanding too, for why our police think
it none of our business still, while more are
thrown through to fall crime victim to these
apparent psychopaths.. to be denied essential
medications, and antibiotics for infections..
but to just be poisoned to death with their
unneeded injections. It's called murder..
and all stand on guard for thee of we fairly
speaking. Justice is freedom to be all we can
be as of, the civilized worlds. Commanding
ourselves with self respect. Support a Public
Inquest. .Save further lives left forsaken
now, no longer. What do you say lover of life?
Forward this post to someone in Winnipeg if
you could.. Let's go save some lives..

My mother was murdered on March 8th, 2016, by
the actions of Dr. Colister, at Winnipeg's Health
Sciences Center.. Whereby, after consulting my
mother Jennie and me, he told of no new
medications would be prescribed.. For a woman
heavily drugged every which way, but initially
denied her thyroid medication that I had to fight
for as reasonable.. Then denying all antibiotics
apposing our wills to truly care.. as I explained
to Dr. Chisic of her madness on March 8th, 2016..
..since the recent speculative lead up to this
appearing of an air born infection, that will
in some likelihood, take the healths of many
weakened others.. This house of hellish horror,
of Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center, H4, is a
place of the wickedest evil ever witnessed by
yours truly I must say. Anyway.. the hell of it
is, Dr. Colister secretly told the day Nurse
for Jennie, a named suspect labeled Colette..
'that if it should warrant'.. use this new
order for Scopolamine, in conjunction with her
fentanyl.. for Jennie's congestion. A concoction,
substantiated together, paralyzed my mother to a
position of suffocation.

Though, importantly, according to Dr. Laura
Chisic, (being Jennie's last stand in good for
nobody though..) tells of the order, came from
Colister, while she herself adamantly denies
all antibiotics for every infection, like I
said, even penicillin... Don't be crazy..
,.let's get to it.. "no.. we don't do that
here.." is what she spoke, in part, as
clinically insane.. So less of two evils,
is still two evils.. what say, we demand
fair say.. I wonder where that could take
us commanding in self respect for the rights
of others, as if they were of us too included..

"Fentanyl is estimated to be 80 times as potent as morphine "
"World’s most dangerous drug is not a myth: Scopolamine aka The Devil’s Breath"

When Jennie was ever questioned, she spoke
of no pain, and no interest of being doped
further out of her wits, without she was,
the claimed multiple organ failure, but
suffering with dementia.. Medicine? Figure
it out.. the police haven't had the public
interest just yet.. despite the thousands
of similar complaints, and Night Nurse
Charlene telling, in the SEVEN YEARS she
worked there.. not a single person has
ever been capable of escaping her horror
show.. "Comfort Care" in H4 at the Health
Sciences Center.. Winnipeg. Call the cops..
Call the President. Save That Man!

To those who this greatly concerns..

Hello.. The newest revelations to this heart break of a story, is that Jennie Kinal's outgoing Dr, Dr. Semus, has advised me today, March 7th, 2016, that after reviewing Jennie's medical records, they do not contain the information of Doctor T's (Tazaramangzing..?) order to the Nurses at station, for the evenings of question, Feb 2nd, and Feb 3rd, 2016, to not administer hydromoophone to Jennie, without her son witnessing first hand some form of pain.. Jennie, at that time, an alleged sufferer, of "multiple organ failure" However, the Nurses involved certainly would concur, as too, most importantly, the head Nurse for the day of Feb 3rd, does confirm that such an order did transpire, of her
quoting the Nurses report, where hydromoraphone was administered, to Jennie.. An action opposing Dr. T, by leastly, RN Delaney it appears.. Who too, like another Nurse that evening, state Jennie does suffer from "multiple organ failure". Dr. Semus, Jennie's Doctor for the last two weeks, and the prior Dr., Dr. Necozy, stated, and will state, Jennie does not, and could not have had multiple organ failure, going on now, more than a month later.. Big problem of course.. as you know... Here is the run down...

Shortened synopsis..

I wad told Jennie had multiple organ
failure, and was on end of life medication.
I said bullshit, she was great just hours
ago.. The head Doctor, Dr. T, called a halt
to the death meds.. Telling Nurses, if
Jennie experiences any discomfort, I am
to be phoned to okay the death meds once
more.. I am phoned for such action the next
day, arrive in under 7 minutes, to find
my mother pronounced clinically dead by
RN Delaney, due organ failure.. I revive
my mom to discover, she has no organ
failure.. and breathes to this day.
Being doped everyday under torture..
this information to everyone who loves
their mother.. The Police most especially.
They have been caught attempting first
degree murder of made helpless innocent
old folks at Winnipeg's Health Sciences


On Feb 2,, 2016 after discovering my mother
to be on death meds, namely hydromorphone to
hamper breathing for death, I demanded such
madness stop immediately.. telling Dr. T of
all the witnesses the day before, and the
official record of Jennie up with several
physiotherapists , Dr. T agreed to call a
halt.. Then ordering, that if Jennie, woman
with 'multiple organ failure' seems in dire
need for such opiates, I will be called to
witness such anguish..

On Feb 3, RN Delaney phoned at 6pm to have
me come to the hospital, to okay the death
meds (hydromorphone) - I arrived in 7
minutes to witness my mother appearing
dead, with all the moisture gone from her
skin, not appearing to be breathing.. I
talked to her of what I thought she was
going through, as incapable of taking a
breath, due the poisons RN Delaney used
apposing Doctor's orders..How do we know
this most certain? From Jennie herself,
for ten hours, telling of how she can not
take a full breath, just as such poison
is designed.. Turns out, Delaney and Dr.
T were wrong that mom had total organ
failure..How's that? It's called
attempted murder..

There are a possible large number of other victims..

Save an innocent life.. What if it was your mother?

Points of Fact:

They claimed Jennie had multiple organ
failure where clearly she does not. To 'justify'
hydromoraphone, as a poisonous opiate to
hamper breathing, that would have killed her,
hadn't I stopped it.

Nurse Delaney repeatedly encouraged me to
stop speaking to the clinically dead, before I
revived my forsaken mother, left as dead in
bed, looking seriously poisoned with a
diuretic, and no doubt, hydromoraphone,
Something I had banned her with the
agreeing Doctor's admonishment from
doing ever again the day before. Without
my implicit approval, it would not be
allowed to happen again.

Suspect Nurse #2.. She firstly reported
to a doctor that I was abusing what she
understood, to be the clinically dead. The
doctor arrived to witness Jennies sitting
up alive. Then, shortly later, shows back
up to tell, I should get my mom back on
the hydromorophone.. Telling as recorded,
I don't want to make Jennie suffer with her
multiple organ failures do I. Told to me no
less than 7 times, by at least three nurses
trying to control free thought through guilt
on the issue. Telling her I did, as recorded,
Jennie is not in any pain, and certainly most
does not need something to stop her from
breathing. The suspect Nurse #2 then
leaves, and reportedly by her co-worker,
to tell me later as recorded in evidence
also, that they decided together, I must
not be allowed to wake the pronounced
clinically dead again.. Claiming such action
is not caring. Implicit in knowing, as
recorded, she was left for dead by
themselves, until I had revived her..
This is willful attempted murder once
more, that she knows they are almost
caught for it clearly appears in the light
of fairly understanding the evidence
before us.


On Feb 2,, 2016 after discovering my
mother to be on death meds, namely
hydromorphone to hamper breathing for
death, I demanded such madness stop
immediately.. telling Dr. T of all
the witnesses the day before, and
the official record of Jennie up
with several physiotherapists , Dr.
T agreed to call a halt.. Then
ordering, that if Jennie, woman
with 'multiple organ failure' seems
in dire need for such opiates, I
will be called to witness such

On Feb 3, RN Delaney phoned at 6pm
to have me come to the hospital, to
okay the death meds (hydromorphone)
- I arrived in 7 minutes to witness
my mother appearing dead, with all
the moisture gone from her skin,
not appearing to be breathing.. I
talked to her of what I thought
she was going through, as incapable
of taking a breath, due the poisons
RN Delaney used apposing Doctor's
orders..How do we know this most
certain? From Jennie herself, for
ten hours, telling of how she can
not take a full breath, just as
such poison is designed.. Turns
out, Delaney and Dr. T were wrong
that mom had total organ failure..
How's that? It's called attempted

There are a possible number of other murder victims..

Save an innocent life.. What if it was your mother?

Irene McDonald, as the Executive
Assistant to the Investigations
Committee of the College of
Physicians and Surgeons in
Manitoba has recommended this
as an allegation of criminal
infraction, be handled directly
by the Police..It's about time..
Police In. R16 9616


This is what we witness here as recorded
in evidence.. They said the crime victim
had organ failure, and would never recover..
A LIE.. Left for done in with the poison
known of as Hydromorphone. Raised from a
certain death sentence, and found without
the reason given, to try and steal an
innocent Life of one so still, left in
jeopardy. This needs widespread criminal
investigations for the public interest..
for we the people will to be civilized..
Fair say all the way means everyone wins.
I want only the best for my mother in a
ward of likewise care givers.. I think
we can work together, and get
that done as soon as possible..

New in the Developing Case: of the
Formal Complaint Against the Named
Nurses and Doctors of Winnipeg's
Health Sciences Center

Regarding, 'With RN Delaney again,
insisting that I was not facing
reality.. That I should be just
thankful for the time I had with
mom.. Jennie then began to revive..'

This after being put on 'end of
life meds' to steal my mother's
life, without consultation..
Considering the day before she
was up and eating, and wanting
to go home. Please, call the
cops too.

In conjunction with the 22 of
January where I was told Jennie
had a heart attack, and I
found what I disproved of,
a nicotine patch on her
shoulder area..Apposing they
did the wishes of both Mother
and son.

Everyday that goes by, while
we wait for the College of
Physicians and Surgeons of
Manitoba to act correctly
in the defense of my innocent
mother's Life, is another day
she is still left in mortal
jeopardy.. These facts detail
a need to have her immediately
moved out of the HCS's
'comfort ward' and to be
into intensive care where
not needed treatments, are
no longer administered..
Act now..

(these were words sent to, in part, the college of physicians and surgeons.. and too, the college of nurses.. )

Formal Complaint Against the Named Nurses
and Doctors of Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center

On the 21st of January, despite Jennie's expressed wishes upon intake, and my own, the Doctor not responsible for Jennie, but on "the Team", asked if she was a smoker, and would provide a nicotine patch, I told him no.. she didn't want it, nor did I..

On the 22 of January, I was told Jennie had a heart attack, and I found what I disproved of, a nicotine patch on her shoulder area..

To whom this concerns..

My name in John Kinal, the son of Jennie Kinal, currently held against our will at 4H at the Health Science Center.

My mother told the hospital upon admission, she did not want a nicotine patch, but two weeks in, when she's near a coma.. they appose her wishes and my own, giving her the POISONOUS nicotine, and she then has, a massive heart attack hours later..Then a week later, puts her on end of life medications.. To die of.. for sure for sure.. 100%.. every patient under such treatment DIES.. I fought to deny my mother had complete organ failure.. and over 20 hours in total, brought her back to life..From a position the hospital has decided to do nothing for.. because she was clinically dead..

"Hydromorphone may cause serious or life-threatening breathing problems, especially during the first 72 hours of your treatment and any time "

Think of this.. They poison patients so they can't take a breath, then when the patient struggles to breath due the muscles not working, they only answer, must need more pure oxygen, or Hydromorphone ..Another quick death they believe they will escape criminal charges over..

When I learned they were giving my mother end of life medication, where only the day before she was at near the best she had been since arriving.. I demanded such madness stop immediately.. Of which two RNs on the floor argued with me for 30 minutes, to suggest I was being cruel to try such action. They argued I have not the right to deny death meds,and told I must speak to "Dr. T", of which I did.. Reminding her of all the witnesses to my mothers health, from the day before.. such as the physiotherapist.. sitting in bed, talking, and eating several yogurts, juice, and water.. She told she would then have the poising stopped... and if the seriously unqualified RN Ms. Delaney, decided it at a
later time needed to continue, would have me called firstly, to get to the hospital to witness such need.. The next day, at approximately 6pm, Ms. Delaney called me to come and witness her condition, in need of death meds.. I get all the way to the distant HSC in approximately 7 minutes.. to witness her 'dead' in bed.. not breathing due the medication stopping the muscles of her lungs incapable of taking a breath..Ms. Delaney told me to stop talking to a corpse that can't hear, speak, or see.. All the fluids of her body had been removed due, what was likely an overdose of a diuretic.. her lips were near black. Ms. Delaney told I was not ever going to get a response talking to a body with
complete organ failure..She can't pee, so her body is clinically dead..I remained, and in approximately an hour, her lips move in response to water.. and slowly I brought her back to life.. Delaney never returned to the attempted murder scene for the rest of her time at shift.. No 'miracle' claimed, but for by the several aids who witnessed, in part the 'miracle'.

The evidence offered for fair public interest, tells Ms. Delaney's plan was to tell she didn't give such medications as a lie.. Why? On video, of my mother recovering the assault states.. she can't take a breath (her lungs are poisoned on purpose, due the "medicine") it takes near 20 hours for the poison to be left absent her blood stream according to the videos..The medical record as quoted to me 24 hours later, when I'm leaving for home after resurrecting the dead.. I'm told indicates the last poisoning to stop muscle function occurred 24 hours prior..

I need a formal investigation, following probable cause to arrive at the fair conclusion of decisions made to steal my mother's life..

Contact me immediately on the fair actions already underway to gather the facts here,

To College of Registered Nurses in Manitoba...


It is John Kinal reporting in on recent disturbing developments on the Jennie Kinal matter at Winnipeg's Health Science Center in 4H. As you may already be aware, hopefully, I struggled in a meeting with five professional individuals on Wednesday, the 24 of February, 2016, to have Jennie Kinal taken off the hydromorophine, considering it appears as the primary cause for why it killed her, as according to RN Delaney, on February 3rd, 2016. They crazily, like unreasonable psychopaths on a mission of self destruction, argued against it.. claiming my reasoning they would at all costs refuse to tune into.. so mush so.. that Dr. Semus suggested, perhaps an alternative could be found to stop their
naked exposure to the light of being.. and would get on that, quickly, as they had done.. as it was achieved, the next day. Despite Jennie and myself stating, we do not want to be doped.. we want our bodies to heal without the confusion created by opiates, and poisons that mess with the muscles of our lungs to stop one from breathing.. But who cares truly for the health as well being of person or persons truly, for they appear insisting, Jennie's life is not the concern here.. The concern is not allowing her to live, free of the lie, that she still has, "multiple organ failure" going on three weeks..pigging out.. (she wants yogurt, egg salad, salmon, blue berries, and some kind of specialty
stews..) , Instead of facing the mistake, they've chosen still, to steal her life.. Her life loved by me.. As it has turned out however, the new opiate concoction administered by patch, exposed the reality, with the turn around.. That NO PAIN Jennie had, or has through the transformation to getting well.. But get this my learned friends.. prepare yourself.. Friday morning, February 27 2016.. Vanessa, head of all nurses for the Health Science Center, ward 4H and beyond, at approximately 9:14 am, informed me, that Jennie yelled throughout the night.. I spoke to state, that even so, the quantification she was making is still unknown.. See, it could mean, her screaming is a good thing.. because,
now she can breath.. Then she said, challenging my great wisdom of all ages, she had been screaming, "help me".. I asked Vanessa firstly, "was she then sedated", she responded, "no, she wasn't." I then said, "so this is then in the official report? She said "yes..". "Oh", I said.. "I arrived here at approximately 6:18 am, and was approached by the night Nurse responsible for Jennie, knowing her well, over this life and death struggle.. and she's stated that Jennie was exceptional through the night.. rested comfortably.. as showing a good sign for progress." I then looked over to my left, and there she was.. six feet away, not gone home yet.. I stated, "Hi.. ..did you hear Jennie scream,
'help me, help me', through the night?" She only looked briefly in terror at the face of Vanessa, then turned quickly, without a word.. and took off out of there.. Oh oh.. This is very serious.. potentially deadly if you asked me to speak in all candor, knowing what I know.. as true, holds some jeopardy to the night Nurse's true professionalism for starters, as Vanessa is her blindly foolish superior .. Why so certain? I don't have to tell you, as the College of Registered Nurses here in Manitoba, but for those not familiar reading here. See.. That would mean, Vanessa has committed a crime, and should in all fairness, though PUBLIC fair trial, be challenged to lose her license for a
lifetime.. and.. we most definitely need to call the cops about the attempted murder no doubt.. As I've stated since this madness of contempt for thousands of innocent lives started, by irrational constructs, of those who mostly only deceive themselves when Johnny enters the scene .. Do not now, in addition to holding Jennie's life in contempt, do so also, to the other wonderful woman who has done no harm alleged to anyone, being curtious, kind, and all around.. a really sweet gal.. I immediately explained this true horror occurring in real time to Dr. Semus, of which Vanessa, only feet away to hear me explain.. took the stage.. Time is pressing.. and this story is far from over.. though
when telling of her twisting to tale a fib so ridiculous, Dr. Semus walked away while she was speaking... In short form, she claimed she spoke not of 'through the night', but of 'through the evening'.. defining such a term as between 3pm and 5:30 pm.. trouble is, I was there with Jennie through out near that entire frame.. as was the tricky Dr. Colister.. and three others from Palliative care.. No.. four.. I left at approximately, 5:12pm that day.. I kid not.. my life is bared to witness. So, of course.. I then expressed THE ONLY RIGHT I have in demanding the report of my mother's treatment from starting on this allegation against a honorable nurse to finish including the critical incident
summaries of her death on February 3rd.. And in short form, Dr. Semus, responded, he had no knowledge of February 3rd, 2016.. Despite, Wednesday, the 24 of February, 2016 (Many Doctors lead busy busy lives I suppose..) WOW.. that means.. well.. you as the professionals should know without me telling.. I will my mother to be moved from 4H at our earliest convenience, and especially, not given opiates mixed with poisons to further steal her precious innocent life.. She does not deserve this.. nor should anyone else, ever again.. We need a public action to remedy this for the better good of everyone..With the newspaper or without..Thousands here in Winnipeg have fallen victim to die forsaken,
according to my discussions with one Provincial investigator's aid. That of which, we together, don't yet, have the manpower, or the jurisdiction.. the Police do though, as lead by experienced practitioners.. I will to assist in any way possible to get to the core of what is important here.. My mother.. Let's let science prevail in determining what serves our health best how about my friends?

Addendum : when I stated that it could be a positive thing that Jennie can now freely breath instead of being suffocated, I also stated, that she is for this day, eating more than she has since entering the hospital.. a container of blue berries, three yogurts, egg salad.. Vanessa immediately responded, by stating "I don't know that." See? No care for Jennie's well being..

Love John.
or Johnny..
or whatever..
let's do this..

Jennie Kinal was admitted into the Health Science Center January 7th 8:41am

On the 21st of January, despite Jennie's expressed wishes upon intake, and my own, the Doctor not responsible for Jennie, but on "the Team", asked if she was a smoker, and would provide a nicotine patch, I told him no.. she didn't want it, nor did I..

On the 22 of January, I was told Jennie had a heat attack, and I found what I disproved of, a nicotine patch on her shoulder area.. I removed it, and told the doctor, being scientifically reasonable, she clearly was in no need of such poison.. considering her health issues.. and she apposed such poison from the day she entered.. and from that moment on.. it would not be continued..

Risk of acute first myocardial infarction and use of nicotine patches .

IT'S POISON... Hello... "harmless" .... you can't be serious when free men and women talk scientifically... and it's not burning with the additional many other ingredients people crave.. not as the deadly poison in it's purest stage. Besides, she had kicked the habit.

On Feb 1st Mom is near the best she's been since arriving.. sitting up on the bed, eating yogurts, drinking water and juices.. and with the physiotherapist, was talking with me on how the plan is to bring about a hopeful position where she can walk across the room eventually.. hopefully soon..

On February 2nd, upon witnessing my mother unresponsive to all stimuli, and witnessing a intravenous drip containing a concoction she had not received prior.. and given to her without me told of such a change.. discovered they were injecting her with an 'end of life' morphine derivative.. that stops humans from breathing..

I called RN Delaney to stop this action immediately.. She apposed, claiming such actions would be cruel for at least ten minutes..defeating her irrational position I did effectively, she sided to go get her fellow senior RN to argue with me in the hallway, that again, such action would be cruel, in not allowing her to die comfortably.. I would therefore need to speak to the head physician Dr. T.. Of who I reminded the recorded history of Jennie, just the day before.. under no pain or duress in breathing.. and with plenty of witnesses to attest.. She finally capitulated to intelligent discourse, and sided such poisoning would be halted.. but if it needed to be re-introduced, I would be called
before hand.. to witness a distress that would call for such poison.. I stayed with mom who remained near powerless to breath...

"Hydromorphone may cause serious or life-threatening breathing problems, especially during the first 72 hours of your treatment and any time "

Of which they told me, this poison will restrict Jennie's breathing, but too as an opiate, she'll feel great in this ending of her life by serious criminal negligence.

On February 3rd, at 6 pm, I was phoned by RN Delaney.. and needed to come to the hospital to okay the death meds.. Conveniently, I arrived at the hospital in approximately 7 minutes to find her, in all appearances to be dead... All the water had been drained from her face, in what appeared to be a huge overdose of a diuretic.. (Urine tests that were expected to never happen with the 'deceased' would confirm this..) As I spoke to Jennie, RX Delaney continued to insist I not do such a thing.. Jennie had complete organ failure, and can not hear, speak, or see.. As claimed, how she died was kidney failure to process urine.. and so all the poisons overtook her will to live.. so stop talking to
the clinically dead.. WITH WITNESSES.. But no.. I know better.. and over the course of approximately an hour and a half.. With Delaney again, insisting that I was not facing reality.. That I should be just thankful for the time I had with mom.. she started to revive.. upon then.. RN Delaney did not say, "..a miracle!" No she left the room, to never return for more than 24 hours, plus.. She did not come back to work the next day, nor did Dr. T approach her workstation.. Nor did any Doctor visit any other patient in the room as I recall thinking back.. Seeking a defense of plausible deniability, means they have to still insist, Mom's in a death coma..

As time permits, I will improve upon this outline... I would appreciate the quickest response feasible, to inform me on further processes, to move towards defending my mother's life hanging on, held in jeopardy by those that deny my mother's wishes, and my own to be scientific on how these medicines are administered.. Not as quoted in the audio, at regular intervals without measure..

Again, please phone me to co-operate in any respect of resolving this crisis, sooner than too much later.. Thanks before hand for being a professional about this matter..


Some extras..

To My Fellow Canadians..

Evidence on the continuing murders at the
Winnipeg Health Sciences Center under
-Comfort Care- Please Share


Protections of Persons..

Mr.Kinal on the murder of his mother at the hospital.


The true threat is against America.. I was there
before the bombs were dropped on Iraq.. Telling
that Saddam will do all that is asked.. plus more..
Near instantly verifiable, as too, Saddam was not
in violation with UN 1441 By bombing only lowered
our ability to do anything.. risking soldiers
lives who died irrationally..They could have
walked in a Mariachi dancers.. But the TV would
only lie.. while literally, millions of Americans
took to the streets.. Yet the TV so easily, cared
not for the truth to save American lives.. Just
as it is still the same.. but different..
Communications are improving..
All invites welcome.

Who Did What Again on 9/11?

The 19 suspects were in the country legally, and not
listed as passengers.. So, what do the cops say? Oh
yeah.. they were forbidden to investigate as pre-
planned with Condi and Ozolek with "Red Ex" inside
of "Unified Vision".. then Bush on magic TV stated
that, "We don't need any evidence".. And TV America
parroted is how I remember it. That and that Bush,
this being a Presidential "Top Secret" plan of high
treason, closed down any FBI terror investigations
outfits, several months prior.. You know..after
receiving near countless warnings.. even from
Tenet. 'imminent' then proceeded, Bush did, to
go on vacation.. Some people would rather die
in lies, than live for the truth spoken as power.
Have you heard me explain banking, Sandy Hook,
or the Boston Bombing in under five minutes? You
haven't.?. hmm.. that's a question only you can
answer as to why.. Justice is Freedom.

disabled veteran sentenced to die in prison over marijuana smoking – April 2016

"Alabama, like three other states, mandates a life
without parole sentence for simple possession of
small amounts of marijuana"

If I win as most popular, I will forthright, have
this man.. a veteran.. set free.. with a free stash
provided to him on his releasing, and to others of
similar circumstance.. of which the buying of
such said product, will be made by the released
prisoner's discretion – from any of the
countless legal establishments nation wide..
Plus.. If they will, once I settle in, I'll
offer Them a stay at the white house for a
spell.. Could be fun..

Do you know what a derivative is?

Do you know what a derivative is? Haaha.. Likely
not to the 99.99999 percentile.. Why? because it
born out of lawlessness. Not bound by law, it's
definition is what is called, arbitrary. What does
this mean in real man speak? It means I sell you
100 billion in derivatives, you sell me a 100
billion in derivatives.. Where did we get the
money? Nowhere is where, for it's not bound by
rules of any sort to define it's given credit,
in our dying snookered market place....Meaning?
It's just make believe as worthless.. Like badly
drawn monopoly money. This isn't a theory. Nor,
mysteriously, is it hidden. BIZARRE. Now the
only people who on earth can do this profitable,
are those that can embezzle funds out of the
general police pension accounts for example.
Due the rule of Glass Steagall being removed
BLINDLY by Clinton Inc.. without true reason to.
But guess what my foolish friends? Embezzlement
is still against the law! So is extortion. Wow
eh? I am John Kinal.I will to be America's next
President.. Why? We want to go with the better
ideas actually. Trump isn't all bad, nor is
Bernie.. we'll all work together.. I'm learning
about news things all the time.. It's a good
thing.. Freedom is Justice.. We want our stolen
trillions returned, plus interest.. Justice on
9/11, Sandy Hook, and the Boston bombing.. and
Justice for my recently murdered mother.. here
in the city of Winnipeg.. that is kept in the
dark still, as more innocent loved ones fall
murder victims to these psychopaths. Time to
rise and shine.. We have some important work
to get accomplished here. Vote John Kinal
for President. The truth shall set us free.


Denounce your cowardly position to con American teen
soldiers to sacrifice their lives, warring for al-Qeada
in the Democracy of Syria..Thousands needlessly dead in
Iraq. Your cowardly inaction to demand Justice on 9/11.
Or on the thieving of trillions from the made into
America losing, due your self contempt. So cowardly,
they'd lie to their own sons or daughters as the TV
taught them without thinking.. Anything to not face
in truth, what an honorable man is, or how he speaks..

Did You Know?

Did you know that trillions have been stolen? Did you
know, the police were forbidden to investigate 9/11.
Bush "we don't need any evidence" Did you know, our
water and food are being seriously tainted.. sometimes
directly on purpose? How about vaccines all containing
neural toxins? 'All'? Yes all.. Did you know that Assad
is Democratically elected? So well loved for having
the nation own it's own credit? Likely not.. if all
you watch is what is approved on Magic TV by millionaire
celebrities.. With gated communities.. without a care
for poor American soldiers lied to, so to war nations
as moderate terrorists - for those who continue to steal
our credit.. Being anonymous has it's advantages in a
world that lacks self respect for everyone, as anyone....
Fair say all the way means everyone wins a better day..
Yet, self respect is lacking near everywhere on TV and
talk radio.. to treat ourselves as having rights that
matter. TV make you happy? Too bad.. Science must
rule our interests as fairly measured. Innocent
until proven guilty. All invites as new found
readers to my plight are welcome, most

We are facing some kind of serious evil here.. They
just openly purge the electorate, and nobody on TV
demands arrests.. Trillions have been stolen.. Obama
and Co. are currently at war with American teen GIs
against the Democracy of Syria, as moderate terrorists..
All for pirate private banking, that hijacks our credit.
Please entertain yourself of dreaming me, out of nowhere,
running for the Presidency.. Cheers to victory over
tyranny. Your trying to be friend, John Kinal. All
invites gratefully accepted. Forward this post to
everyone under the sun.. Please.. do it for Yourself.

Every vaccine contains neural toxins. How come near
no one on earth will repeat that on Radio or Magic
TV? Because it is as certain as anything is.. So, no
plausible deniability.. It's like all these radio
"patriots", or defenders of doing right.. don't
really mean it.. when it comes to truly getting
it done. Do right, vote John Kinal for President
how about??

purging the electorate

How is purging the electorate not deserving of a
fair death sentence? What? Not even as misdemeanor?
Democracy Now called it a goof of some sort.. Carry
on? Under Johnny, everyone 16 and older, has a paper
ballot vote. After voting, a non-toxic food coloring
is applied.. Cheat? trouble will be yours..

New York Voters Shut Out

It's rigged! Why not demand fair say for everyone included..
being civilized? Don't will to forward such a concern?
It's your loss.. Instead.. do right.. Vote John Kinal
for President.. Make a stand for your fellow man..
Justice for US. Who would appose doing right?

Vote John Kinal for President. Why? Because we're
going with the better ideas here. Fair say all the
way means everyone wins a better day just about.
Justice for we guarantees freedom to be.
Entertain yourself on my antics..
All invites welcome.

Don - SAFE means we want to speak nice to you while
we kill you ....Nazism ...We Care so stand in
line and be killed and if you don't we will

Hey Don. Something related.. When I was in hospital,
the last day that my mother was murdered here in
Winnipeg. There was a man, about 35, just brought
in for execution under 'comfort care'.. And he rose
attempting escape while stating, "I got to get out
of here".. the nurses jumped him in bed with needles,
while one said, "don't you want to get out of here?"..
Knowing she did, no one escapes these psychopaths
in near ten years of operation.. Her intention,
was to say, 'just co-operate, and you'll get out'..
don't fight back.. Wait in line.. they state
similarly to everyone, including to a young
girl of 20, presumably now dead. Her boyfriend,
a great guy.. told me..'we might get out soon'.

AHIP Head Warns That ACA Premium Increases Are Coming......

..the wildest of realities - Obamacare

Obamacare is all about taking your investment in
health care, and giving it to billionaires, who'll
take 30% off the top for themselves as 'insurance'..
Because governing intelligently is dumb? This is
one of the wildest realities I know of.. Why?
Well.. Obama tells it's a "no brainer", in
relationship to granting J. P. Morgan to provide
guaranteed student loans, of which they DO NOT
cover the credit, nor take any risk. Free money
for doing nothing. ..and I swear.. in Obamacare..
Obama moves the issue of the checks to the
Education Department saving $60,000,000,000.
Yup.. Either give away 30% of your investment
for nothing, or don't. This means everything.
Obama declares Obamacare is a stupid plan, a
blind sacrifice in Obamacare. Reality. Let's
not hide from the truth, it's unbecoming.
All invites welcome.

Vote John Kinal for President.


Medical care main cause of death

"the Journal of Molecular Medicine called Death by
Medicine. It’s the most damning medical report card
ever issued. It claims huge numbers of patients are
being injured and killed by conventional medicine.
There’s also a big surprise there."

Please.. I beg you with everything I am.. forward
this post..Many people are being murdered.. Good
people.. honest people.. People like your mom or
dad.. son or daughter.. there are thousands of
complaints that are going unreported here in

Usenet is the brave new world..

EXAMPLE EMAIL: Redone in whatever way you see fitting..

Hello.. My name is John Kinal, and am pleading to
our world, to look much closer at an issue of clearly
murder occurring at a Winnipeg hospital titled, 'comfort
care'. My mother's life was stolen in front of me, with
barely nothing I could do to save her. No complaints
departments anywhere.. I can be reached here for
further questions, or interview by phone or Skype. .

Seems my posts prior, have been blocked by many
email clients.. as suspected spam.. Auto computer
coder, looking out for informative post no doubt, rules
over everyone without telling? Do you like that? Being
uncaring, to hide behind an intention of blindness? Not
me. If you have received this already, bare with it please..
I'm trying to get people interested in saving mass murder
victims. You really should give it a minute or two to think
over. What if such allegations are true? What if it was the
warning for Pearl Harbor? ..or a new 9/11?

The Public must be warned

Support a Public Inquest, Truth Commission,
and Police Investigation on HSC's "Comfort
Care" program of murder, in the first degree.
Where your loved one is sentenced to die
victim to neglect as official public
paid for policy.

Now, what I'll do.. is include one simple link to the story..

Support a Public Inquest into the many continuing deaths...


I will our world to wake up to this nightmare.

Real people are dying who don't need to be..
It's called murder, and it's against our law.

EVERY vaccine contains neural toxins. Something is so seriously wrong with our world.. Peoples minds are failing to grasp the reality.. the horror.. It's isn't a conspiracy so much, as a failure on our parts to measuring fairly this circumstance.. It is our failures to support wise men and women speaking freely for justice as fair play.. We need a commitment to do right for ourselves not blinded in error, without questioning.. 'yeah doctors.. they always know what they are doing', as so then, in faith people sacrifice the responsibility themselves - as the newspapers and TV tell, selling us out without opinion on such carnage. EVERY vaccine contains neural toxins. I can only warn from my
vantage, you must not trust blindly in what doctors do.. In Manitoba Canada, there is near no accountability whatsoever.. No true complaints departments..No newspapers or magic TV defending. No police whatsoever, yet.. Instead, we are sold, it is faithfully self regulating. For example, neural toxins in every vaccine given to newborns many many times over? what?.. Radiation for cancer? We deserve the very best we can give.. as a truly caring society.. assessing the reality scientifically. I don't will undo worry.. I will to make my tragic loss a gain for others, left unaware. Seek, 'Important: The Public must be warned.. Save lives.. Support a Public Inquest'. Your trying to be friend of
life, John Kinal. Check me out at LinkedIn.. All invites welcome.

What an excellent catch Pamela.. Except the claim of banks only covering 10%. That's not really how it works.. Particularly since the repeal of Glass Steagall, by Clinton. Bill Moyers reported that it's 1000 to 1.. But that's wrong too.. Since G.S. was removed.. backless fictions can be counted on the books of investment firms, that also lend money. To such extremes, we had a bank holding 77 trillion one day, and the next.. completely empty as bankrupt.. How so? Well the 77 was derivatives only truly worth 1 or 2 dollars then, since all the holdings were embezzled. No further crime victims possible.. except now those made to pay to bail.. It is so crazy criminal

If there is a God, why not end human suffering?

Like how? Teach civility? The golden rule? We
couldn't ask for more.. it's up to us..be fair..
we win.. justice is freedom. Cheat another, we
cheat ourselves politically speaking, Bush "We
don't need any evidence." no evidence means
the bad guys escape.. This isn't, 'hippy down
by the river smoking a doobie' philosophy..
though it could be as true wisdom.. We need
to improve our measuring skills, in how we
label other peoples, as a reflection of our
own character. The golden rule applies to
fools too.

EVERY vaccine contains neural toxins. Something
is so seriously wrong with our world.. Peoples
minds are failing to grasp the reality.

This God Business

Being more than we can ever know, we are of too..
despite never holding.. Found unbound to the gift
of life, enchants us to work for a better future.
Where our rights as equals, really matter.. It
requires understanding of measure. Though we
are susceptible to suggestion being fallible..
In where we can be made to believe in things
unsubstantiated, then to war innocent nations
for.. So, no wonder we have such a difficult
time with this God business. Outside of the
wise claim: treat another as you would will
yourself be treated.. Demanding we are
commanded with self respect, not tricked
as crime vicitms. is right to do, for life
to flourish being civilized.. no matter what.
Popular? Should be.
Why is it that people are not acting human?
2016-05-11 00:42:19 UTC
A Gift of Music - Johnny Sings

Why is it that people are not acting human?

Can you, my reader, entertain us on what you
make of this post? Begging you to care for
innocent life being mass murdered here in
Winnipeg? Is it too much trouble to click
your mouse, to save a life? To forward this
information, claiming these are the words of
a John Kinal's view? What if it were your own
life on the line.. and nobody cared enough to
click their mouse? Is it that you fear doing
right? Or is it that you dismiss this life and
death concern as wrong.. or just too much
trouble.. Let countless more innocent people
in Winnipeg be murdered, you can't be bothered?
What if I told you then, this program is being
implemented across North America.. Would you
then grow concerned? How about your brother,
or sister, you mother or father..If you wait
until then, we'll all be done for. Why do they
do it? I don't know for certain.. A contempt
for innocent life is present.. and speculating
the what for, comes at a price. TV and
newspapers are not our friends for example.
But have no doubt, many thousands, perhaps
even a great more, are dead already.. And
if we do nothing about it.. it will continue
to destroy this forsaken city, to destory
our Humanity. Please care to make others
aware.. Save Life.

Strategies: Apparently, you can't email anything
more than several pages, with three or four links,
without it thoughtlessly being labeled spam.. And
YouTube won't allow more than two pages or so..
Google+? Your own posts you can do just about
anything..but you can't post links on others
pages, more than three or four times, without
risking suspension. Doesn't matter content, they
don't take calls. and that is pretty evil. Also
with G+, they will censor you, but not have you
know.. So, I can post to my heart's will.. but
from another ISP, I am not there.. How many wise
men and women do they do this to? I can't tell..
But we should investigate this further.. Facebook?
You can post near anything, but no more that close
to three times.. then you get suspended for two
weeks. Makes spreading the facts that count for
everyone tough.. The word, "Amen" 1000s of times..
no problems.(clue..) So solution for most issues
of censorship, is to simply provide one link to
this story from elsewhere. Usenet is near the
very best on Earth.. For as you may know, there
is no way to censor this completely. And when
those that tell I am spam from the Google interface,
and shouldn't be read..Well.. you get the idea. All
I want is fair say, that I am denied by the forsaken
city of Winnipeg. The godless evil police heads,
refuse to allow any investigations of murder that
happen at the HSC, and all autopsies to confirm
cause of death are forbidden as well.. Want to
murder someone? Just do it in a Winnipeg hospital,
and your close to free from arrest as it is. So that
is how this will be done, for our kingdom must come..
It is fair say all the way..

I have no need, nor never had a reason to deny
the facts from being spoken. When others disagree
with me, I often just simply tell the truth.. And..
things goes mostly good.. If I'm found in error..
I wouldn't get defensive, instead I would be
tremendously grateful. That's being honorable
as fallible human to me. What do you think?

So, what do you think? Why don't you join
me as we to get this done for everyone?
The truth wins.


I beg you with everything I am.. please for a love
of our Humanity forward this to save innocent lives
dying today, simply because we refuse to express
this concern as most certainly happening.


My mother Jennie Kinal and I, were not asked if we willed to have her end her life in the Winnipeg Health Sciences Center, by them placing my mother in "Comfort Care" - depriving her medicines, while poisoned to die with the most powerful opiates on the market while suffering no pain, "devil's breath" to spread infections, and other poisons not warranted, not asked for.. and begged to stop repeatedly before she died murder victim. They wouldn't allow us to remove her from their plan of murder, r from the hospital.. tortured for months like so many others, all the way to death. The Winnipeg Police refuse
to allow a criminal investigation on all alleged such murders.. numbering in the many uncounted. This is for real, and must not be allowed to continue. Fair say all the way means we win being civilized.

An Open Letter to the Crown Prosecutors of Canada

The Oath of Crowns "pursue Justice where ever it leads.."

My mother, Jennie Kinal, was first degree murdered at the Winnipeg Health Sciences Center on March 8, 2016. There was also an attempt made on Jennie Kinal's life on February 2 and and 3 2016. All documented as proven easily. When contacting the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba, and speaking with the investigative Community's spokesperson Irene Mcdonald regarding the attempt at murder incident, whereas I forwarded the Committee the evidence.. Irene advised me that such a criminal allegation was something they can not as ever investigate.. and that the complaint needed to be brought to the attention of the Winnipeg police.. Of which I did, in total five times. The fifth time,
on April 29 2016, Mike at the desk told me, that under no circumstances do they allow any officer of law to investigate capital crimes that occur at hospitals, due the Doctor always being correct.. Recording available. They didn't tell me of their willingness to BLINDLY be, accessories to mass murder of Canadians until then. When I first brought the indisputable evidence of the attempt at murder, they did not tell me then, they would have all honorable police officers denied my pleas for mercy, or warn me that they would not be defending my mother's life left held in jeopardy, no matter what the facts were. Instead it was told that someone would look at it repeatedly. Of which at no time did
they phone anyone to clarify an understanding. To simply validate the claim, only took one phone call to Dr. T, of which they refused to do. Caring not for the well being of my mother, a Canadian citizen who was attempted to be murdered, upon my repeated requests for the police to protect.. Nor did they at any time talk to me, about how they found the facts lacking, or hard to grasp. The evidence of the attempted murder is a solid as it comes.. While the murder consists of Dr. Collister telling my mother and myself, that his suggestion of "Devil's Breath" and another drug to mix with Jennie's Fentanyl, that "doesn't cross the blood brain barrier" would NOT instead be administered, due my
wise words explaining why such action will bring about only harm to my mother, with a contagious chest infection just acquired the day before. Of which he does not disagree with as recorded. Why? As I state, to hamper my mother's ability to expel phlegm will do her no good obviously. Not knowing then what "Devil's Breath" was as deadly, and completely inappropriate obviously. But then as documented fully, Dr. Collister goes ahead secretly in a conspiracy with Nurse Colette to administer just such a poison when I am not present, gone for coffee. Again, recorded as administered by the night nurse, Charlene, who shows me the order herself, again, as recorded. Once administered, Jennie
becomes paralyzed, then shortly in hours dies. A woman diagnosed with mild back pain the entire two weeks prior by Dr. Semus.. A woman ready to go home as diagnosed by Dr. Necozy the two weeks prior to that. But diagnosed by Dr. Collister as having no more than 14 days to live.. on February 2.. and on March 7. [NO COMPLAINTS DEPARTMENT] He failed at murder, then to cover his attempt, a month later, went ahead and tried again.. Dr. Semus informed me, that the hospital removed the entire February incident from the books. The incident recorded as transpiring by three doctors, three nurses, including the head nurse of which I speak with for near a hour on the matter as recorded as well. There
have been no investigations on Dr. Collister's actions for near a decade as clearly being among psychopaths. For the Winnipeg Police to forbid Justice, because they believe in something of a death cult, that costs a great many innocent lives needs to be brought to the Public's attention, and halted immediately. Accessory to murder in not what OUR police are for. Many more lives are still threatened by this mass murder program called, "comfort Care" - an unelected death sentence given to thousands of Manitobans with families who have complained of "similar incidents" of murder, according to my private discussions with a provincial employee familiar with the numbers. I have heard from
three acquaintances in my personal life, that claim near identical scenario. 'No choice, your loved one will now be denied needed medicines, while given poisons to hamper breathing', and so on.. This needs a public inquest, or a truth commission to uncover this unholy nightmare. Let's do right by saving innocent lives, not hide to see further needlessly die victims to our cowardice of being professionals. This is very much an issue that involves aboriginals and the poor most especially, not only the elderly, but the young as well.

Please, I beg you with everything I am.. save innocent lives..
Forward this information. It is life and death. Care for those
of our society you are not absent from my friends or foes.

(tiny 4 meg file of police claiming no investigations allowed.)

Important: The Public must be warned.. Save lives.. Support a Public Inquest

My mother, Jennie Kinal, was murdered in a
Winnipeg hospital, on March the 8th, 2016
under a program of first degree mass murder
called.. "Comfort Care"..

Shortened synopsis..

I wad told Jennie had multiple organ
failure, and was on end of life medication.
I said bullshit, she was great just hours
ago.. The head Doctor, Dr. T, called a halt
to the death meds.. Telling Nurses, if
Jennie experiences any discomfort, I am
to be phoned to okay the death meds once
more.. I am phoned for such action the next
day, arrive in under 7 minutes, to find
my mother pronounced clinically dead by
RN Delaney, due organ failure.. I revive
my mom to discover, she has no organ
failure.. and breathes to this day.
Being doped everyday under torture..
this information to everyone who loves
their mother.. The Police most especially.
They have been caught attempting first
degree murder of made helpless innocent
old folks at Winnipeg's Health Sciences

Suggestions to the RCMP on how to conduct criminal investigations regarding the murder of Jennie Kinal, that happened on March 8, 2016, at Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center, 4H.

There are two major crime scene involved in this matter.. There was the attempt at murder made on February 2,2016, and the murder that took place on March 8, 2016.

On February 2, 2016 I was told my mother was to die from total organ failure.. So as a consequence, she was then being given an opiate, Hydromorphone, non-stop, until she dies. Which will be no more than 14 days. A poison the doctor tells, limits my mother's breathing too, to treat "shortness".. of which only hours earlier, through to several weeks prior, she had no problem with as perfect.. So an opiate to trick the body into well being, while limiting one from breathing. Knowing too, this "shortness" concept, being chemically treated, is not quantified correctly. Short what? At first I tell the Nurse to stop immediately this clear madness. No she claims, "don't be cruel". A tactic used
that had no effect, for I was not blind to the circumstance. As many others would be, not having the time to stay with their loved one everyday, or being astute in reason. I state this position to her intelligently, that my mother doesn't need to be hampered in her breathing, and is suffering in no pain.. and so, she calls me to talk to another nurse, who claims again "don't be cruel". I know then as now, these people are not mindfully of a fair measure. I then quickly go to speak with Dr. T.. my mother's doctor that week.. Claiming my mother was fine only hours earlier.. We were talking about going home on video.. When did this organ failure occur I ask? Dr. T. then calls a halt to the
poisoning.. without answer. (I learn later the next day, this was the first time in the history of their operation - where all under this order have been put to death without exception.) Dr. T tells the nurses, that Jennie Kinal will no longer receive Hydromorphone, unless she is found expressing some discomfort in pain..If she is, I am to be phoned at home to come to witness such a circumstance. I stay with my mother over the next few hours, where her breathing becomes closer to normal. The next day, nurse Delaney calls me at home to okay the death medication.. I happened to be already on my way.. and arrive in approximately seven minutes.. to see my mother appear poisoned with a
diuretic , and pronounced clinically dead by Delaney. Who then encourages me to stop talking to Jennie, "She's had multiple organ failure" "her kidneys gave out" "she can not hear you", "she can not speak with you", "see can not see you".. I continue talking to my mother.. while Delaney again goes off with "just remember all the good times you had" and in several minutes, my mother begins to revive.. She can not barely breath due the poison, that takes 10 hours to leave her, as her breathing recovers near back to normal. As on video.. without any pain. When my mother started to revive.. Delaney left to not be seen again.. save for the day my mother dies. No action on her part to
investigate how such a thing could have happened.. I remain with my mother for near 24 hours.. To then call everyone officially that can help save my mother's life as still threatened by these psychopaths. So witness yourself..up until the murder on March 8, 2016. she had had no "multiple organ failure".

Now to substantiate this with the facts that matter through a preliminary criminal investigation..

First thing: contact Dr. T and state, we of the RCMP, are just doing a preliminary investigation is respect to the late Jennie Kinal.. who died on March 8, 2016.. But our attention right now has to do with an event that started on Feb 2, 2016.. In where we are trying to establish whether an order to stop Hydromorphone was given to the attending nurses responsible for Jennie Kinal's care? Now, if Dr. T is truthful.. of which I suspect she will be.. she will claim yes. So, that means that Delaney gave my mother a medication against the Doctors order, that left her almost dead, gasping for air for ten hours. In the recording titled, 'back from the dead', 24 hours after I raised my mother
from her early grave, the head nurse confirms, the last time Hydromorphone was given, was 24 hours earlier. An attempt at murder, for it shows, she did not have total organ failure - surviving she did, for more than a month after. Now get this: Dr. Semus informed me this whole incident was made absent the medical record. But say Dr. T states that no.. such an order didn't happen? Well again, the head nurse confirms that the reason I was called by Delaney was to okay the death medication that had been forbidden.

How does this look? My mother was sentenced to die murder victim with lies. And under every circumstance prior.. this process had never before been stopped. So Dr T. did the right thing.. working for Justice.. suspecting perhaps she did.. just when was this determination made of total organ failure occur? If Johnny had been there almost every hour, every day? Established too, of the recording of suspect nurse 2.. who tried to insist I get my mother back on the Hydromorphone, because of her "multiple organ failure". The head nurse discusses her talk with suspect nurse 2, in where she tells.. we must never allow someone to stop the process again. Now, get this.. When I complained about them
trying to murder my mother? there was no investigations done by anyone.. for there is zero accountability.. No complaints department. While the college of Physicians and Surgeons.. upon hearing of this disorder.. recommended the police needed to investigate.. because the College never gets involved in clearly criminal behavior. The Winnipeg police took no action! no phone calls to the Physicians and Surgeons.. no calls to Dr. T.. to anyone.. including me to help them through reasonably.. They must have been lost, but refused to ask someone for directions. Despite me going over there four times.. According to my source in government, thousands of victim families have been denied Justice,
stretching over at least, seven years. Please.. be honorable. Do you job and defend our lives.. This is a issue involving all Canadians, and travelers through our forsaken city. Why do they do it? We can only speculate. They are very sadistic.. Delaney got off punching my 83 year old mother in the eye just before the attempt at murder.. Ask her about it.. They would abuse my mother, to spite me.. I would go out for a quick coffee, and come back where someone felt it necessary to throw her about in the bed horrifically. I know why there, but that's another story.. Like the young girl, and the young man.. and the lies they were told of how they could get out any day, if they just continue
to cooperate.. Nobody has ever left 4H. Not one person. So was told to me by two nurses.. one there for more than seven years. As recorded. And all those that work there know it. No accountability breeds success for the contemptuous. There are many other stories I can tell of these sadistic enemies of Life and God. But nobody seems to care to save innocent lives being mass murdered. How come chums? Let's all get started on this.. Everyone. Please. What if it was your mom? Forward this information. please.. let's save some innocent lives.

To the Honorable Health Minister of Manitoba

Hello.. I have disturbing news to tell, of my mother, Jennie Kinal, being first degree murdered at the Winnipeg Health Sciences Center, ward 4H. What is the evidence? Dr. Colister, on the day he committed this murder, March 8th, speaks to me as recorded, that, wouldn't I like to approve something unheard of, to stop my mother's congestion? (To have him not take the blame for her soon death no doubt.). I respond, as recorded, that no. Such quackery will do nothing TRULY to alleviate my mother's newly acquired contagious condition. At that time, not even knowing what this poison called "Devil's Breath" was, but typically, of all his sadistic 'end of life' 'medicines', they are clearly
poisons to murder anyone as healthy with. Of which he does routinely as mass murdering psychopath. Importantly, he with his partner, does not disagree with my astute medical assessment.. and leaves stating to my mother and me, that he will allow her to recover without new poisons offered that day.. But does so secretly.. According to the night nurse, as recorded in the medical record, showing me the order herself, for 'Devil's Breath' to be given to Jennie as needed.. Needing they did, Dr. Colister and the day nurse, Colette, to administer the lethal shot when I wasn't present.. For I would have told.. Dr. Colister, and Dr. Chisic told no new poisons to attempt murder once more would be
offered for that day.. of March 8th.. For I had explained such wickedness, will do nothing but harm my beloved mother. hey hated me for being wise, exposing their falsehoods, of faith initiatives. In quips I gave, no longer than two or three sentences. As they did when I explained this operation of getting everyone stoned with poisons to stop breathing, while depriving life saving treatments is beyond insane.. They would speak of their treason against life and God with grins of pleasure..of our powerlessness. Go ask them yourself.. I called it a horror show.. Because it is.. When I would explain, a heroin junkie can feel comfortable starving to death.. they wouldn't as couldn't
disagree.. Remember, my mother was not suffering from anything, but their poisons.. As her thyroid condition cleared right up.. DUE MY DEMANDS FOR HER MEDICINE, of which they argued near endlessly, as pure wicked evil to not allow.. Told me, a thyroid condition of my mothers can not be treated.. as once it's gone.. it's gone.. A LIE.. Proven as so.. as my mother did recover.. Why so apposed? Because a thyroid condition, has the human body retain water.. causing mild hallucinations if not treated.. Hallucinations lend well to no complaining effectively.. Once she recovered.. she spoke of these "murderers".. she spoke of Delaney punching her in the eye.. she spoke desperately, while I cried..
to free her of these torturers.. They were so sadistically mean to her.. Knowing no police have entered to investigate for years of formal complaints. See, the doctor the week prior claimed.. sure all Jennie has is some mild back pain.. but he was not prepared to stop the Fentanyl.. perhaps for fear, of then Colister coming in with his needle.. that murders all, every single time, save none.. As all of Colister's history, of determining end of life for countless others in no more than 14 days.. .Except my mom the month before. It was at that time I went to talk to the teen police at Winnipeg's public safety building, after consulting with the College of Physicians and Surgeons.. who
recommended the police be brought in, on me catching them FOR SURE, attempting murder the first time on Feb 2.. They just simply refused to do anything.. Not even a single phone call.. Nothing.. I went back.. spoke polite.. on how these teens didn't understand the words I'm telling of.. It's so important.. It's life and death.. It's important here to know, they didn't tell that I was in error. And yet still. refused to do anything.. Like call their Dad, or an adult even.. I went again.. and again.. Then a teen police officer, told me not to come back.. NO REASON GIVEN. I guess she didn't like having to call someone else who can fairly reason. Perhaps it's all due the vaccines.. Anyway..
we need adult police officers from the RCMP, to consult with Prosecutors with scientific minds to know this was no accident.. but willful first degree murder.. When I caught them the first time.. The Hospital did not call for an investigation.. they just threatened me to not divulge the information.. or they would give us all the what for.. Fear is not in me however. Perhaps to a fault.. I demand Justice must come, to see these murderers spend a life time behind bars.. I hope I am making myself clear.. These crimes have occurred for many years.. due the struggle with most in time to understand.. Look at my story.. I knew, as proven, they had tried to murder my mother.. and yet.. what
more could anyone do? We need to also look at how police investigations must be handled in the future.. First things first.. I need support from the Province and the city, in lieu of me not suing.. to save my home.. to save our lives.. While I work with a prosecutor for Justice to finally come for everyone. No longer forsaken by our careless disregard for the rights of a great many others, of our same community. Please let's get started on doing right for ourselves. What if it was your mother?

- If a decision to not fairly investigate this is made, furthering more murders - I want to still be contacted and told of such lies to hide yourself from we being fair. I bid a good day for catching bad guys. Let's do this right.

"To My Fellow Canadians".. My name is John Kinal and I have a story to tell..
(a small 8 meg audio file explaining everything..)

Support a Public Inquest, Truth Commission, and Police Investigation on HSC's "Comfort Care" program of murder, in the first degree. Where your loved one is sentenced to die victim to neglect as official public paid for policy.

Justice for US
Who would apposes doing right?
Many lives are still falling..
Please, have mercy.. forward this info.

Important: The Public must be warned.. Save lives..

Support a Public Inquest

My mother, Jennie Kinal, was murdered in a Winnipeg hospital, on March the 8th, 2016, under a program of first degree mass murder called.. "Comfort Care".

I beg everyone to reach out to our media, in hopes they'll too support shedding some light on this very serious circumstance.. We need our voices heard as fair here. Forward this concern to everyone being human. They are stealing innocent lives. A heroin junkie can feel comfortable starving to death. So.. what the hell is happening in our hospitals.

What if it was your mother?

I am doing what I must, after having my mother murdered in hospital, and then to note. There was no complaints department.. no newspaper, no radio, and no police determining fair measure either. My life is ruled by law to live speaking for a just cause..I am admittingly, kind of weird this way.. Not since the murder, but well before in decades.. So this tragedy, that has hurt me more than anything ever can, has me giving of everything now, to not allow these murderers to conduct their business as usual, further escaping our police authorities,. God willing justice, demands of you to try for fairness towards all parties, of the society you are not absent of. It's called, acting civilized.
It seems the TV's devote relationship tied to blindly serving doctors no matter what, is a cause they need not worry for to truly understand.. Like a cult.. A cult that is costing our lives as innocent people.. murdered by those near never chastised with accountability throughout their lawless ranks.. Dr. Semus told me directly, that the first try at committing murder against my mother on Feb 2 and 3rd.. had been scrubbed from the files.. And Vanessa too, would weave the most fantastical lies, you were never lost to know, she hadn't a clue of what she was saying for real.. As recorded..

The Telling Truth

John Kinal to Dr. Colister "No I don't agree.. Such medications will hamper my mother's ability, to expel her newly acquired congestion".. He does not disagree.. Nor so does his partner. ..and in closing, supports allowing my mother recover by introducing no new poisons. Of which we learned of his betrayal from the record, that he instead conspired with nurse Colette, to murder my mother, with their, "Devil's Breath"... to a woman who had only suffered arguably with minor back pain the entire two weeks prior.. As to why they tried to put her to "end of life" meds a a month earlier, with Hydromorphone, was because, it turns out, she never even could have had multiple organ failure all
along.. IT WAS A LIE they were publicly caught on.. Then as evil being dumb, then went ahead further, and finally murdered my mom. Didn't go, "look everyone! it's a miracle!" no no no.. no investigation whatsoever.. That's not we see? Perhaps, it's all a failure to communicate.

Evidence on the continuing murders at the
Winnipeg Health Sciences Center under
- Comfort Care- Please Share
(200+ meg file..)

But so.. What about the responsibilities of the police to investigate crimes scenes such as these? Shouldn't they as we respect the rights of everyone in our society? To be fairly treated? The Province did not do the simplest of inquiries into the heart of the evidence before us. .. Leaving those that conspire to get away further from fair judgment.. on just who the hell they think we are.. stealing innocent lives going unreported. This is a routine case behind newspapers doors, involving many more forsaken victims absent your personal outrage, and action Let's truly save some great peoples lives by warning everyone.. How about it? Sounds good to see Justice finally succeed for Jennie
Kinal?, and so included, we the people? Demand Justice for Jennie Kinal..

David L. Martel <***@frontier.com> wrote:


You are puttin a lot of effort into this strange
belief. Your mother was on palliative or "comfort
care". This suggests that your mother was aware
that she was terminally ill and had decided to
end her life. Why do you believe otherwise?"

Hey Dave.. Yeah no.. all she had was a thyroid
condition when entering.. then we were told she
had a heart attack with her unwanted nicotine
patch, and then, multiple organ failure.. I
proved it was a lie.. And for a month, all
they did was not allow my mother to recover..
My mother, nor I, were never given a choice to
decide whether or not to end her life, by
depriving medications, while doping her with
'end of life' poisons that stop anyone from
breathing, or expelling an infection. First
degree murder. Not an accident. IN FACT:
freely admitted to.. like lawless demon
enemies of our better natures willing to
be civilized. Let's not murder people.

Remember.. Dr. Colister told my mother and I,
that he would not poison my mom with Devil's
Breath or anything else, then did so secretly
with fellow murderer, conspirator Nurse Colette.
I caught them at that, as too, when they attempted
murder in early February. Support a Public Inquest.

Forward this to save lives..

Save innocent lives in Winnipeg..

We have a life to lead for a freedom forged through Justice meted fairly as ourselves.. To be all we can as civilized.. Born free. My mother Jennie Kinal and I, at no time did we freely decide, her life was to be stolen by the first degree murderers at.. Winnipeg's HSC, the Health Sciences Center

We need our voices heard as fair here. Forward this concern to everyone being human. They are stealing innocent lives.

To Those You Care For..
Winnipeg's "Comfort Care" - They refuse to give antibiotics, or needed thyroid medication claimed as useless, but not Scopolamine together with Fentanyl, the deadliest poisons against an elderly women with some minor back pain, and congestion. So they in secret gave her the worst things possible that they said they wouldn't. Told me and my mother of the same day, where they went ahead and did so in contempt for all our lives. If Chris, who works for our government, had simply done the job by enforcing Manitoba's standing law, Jennie Kinal would be alive today. Don't allow them to steal more innocent lives in Winnipeg.

Mr.Kinal on the murder of his mother at the hospital.

We, of Canada

We, of Canada, need a Truth Commission
on the Winnipeg Health Sciences Center's
"Comfort Care" program, of first degree
murder. An un-elected cruel sentence of
death they give to we of Canada, unlucky
enough to still not have any effective
police protections. Deprived effective
medicines, while purposefully doped out
of our trees, non-stop to the bitter end.
Without anyone to complain to in the
media of our peers? Let's save some
innocent lives still left forsaken
as crime victims shall we?

Introduction of the First Attempt at Murder:

This following, is of the Winnipeg Health
Sciences Center and the first attempt they
made at the murder of my mother, Jennie Kinal.
Caught red handed on Jan 2nd, and 3rd of 2016.
Call the cops. We live for Justice. No limits
against murderers.

Introduction to the Case: back-from-the-dead

Let's Save Some Lives..

We have a serious responsibility here
to speak fair against the stealing of
innocent life currently going on over
at Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center
in "Comfort Care". They openly,
without apology, deprive vital
medicines, while torturing the
patient with poisons such as with
my mom, Jennie Kinal, now dead as
crime victim to first degree murder.

"Comfort Care". Where your loved one
is sentenced to die victim to neglect
as official public paid for policy.

Winnipeg's HSC, the Health Sciences Center

They first degree murdered Jennie Kinal,
who had caught a chest infection near the day
prior, and with such an infection, was refused
all antibiotics, but promised, her new Doctor
for that week Dr. Laura Chisic did, no new
concoctions would be introduced. But later
that same day, her partner in crime Dr.
Colister (who made the same promise)
secretly gave Scopolamine together with
Fentanyl, when I had left the room briefly,
causing paralysis then the unnatural
death of my mother. As planned before
hand by the sinister Dr. Colister with
fellow conspirator Nurse Colette.
All documented.. Call the RCMP.

They openly, without apology, deprive
vital medicines, while torturing the
victims with poisons such as with my
mom. Given through lies, Scopolamine
"Devil's Breath", secretly in a
conspiracy with nurse Colette, in
deadly conjunction with Fentanyl,
causing instant paralysis, then
unnatural death through FOR SURE,
proven first degree murder.

Save Lives in Winnipeg

Hi everyone.. We have a serious
responsibility here to speak fair
against the stealing of innocent life
currently going on over at Winnipeg's
Health Sciences Center in "Comfort Care".

Justice for we guarantees freedom to be.
The Public must be made to know.. that
Winnipeg's HSC is willingly committing
murder without misgivings. Support a
Public Inquest, Truth Commission, and
Police Investigation on HSC's "Comfort
Care" program of murder, in the first
degree. Where your loved one is
sentenced to die victim to neglect
as official public paid for policy.

My mother Jennie Kinal and I, at no time
did we freely decide, her life was to be
stolen by the first degree murderers at..

Winnipeg's HSC, the Health Sciences Center

They kidnapped, tortured, and murdered my
Canadian mother, Jennie Kinal.. as sadistic
enemies of God and mankind. They continue
to victimize citizens in Winnipeg left
without Justice granting a fair defense
for our lives, with what they call,
"Comfort Care". They side officially not
to care to provide the poisoned victim a
medicinal path forward to a better
health. Refuse to give antibiotics, or
needed thyroid medication claimed as
useless, but not Scopolamine together
with Fentanyl, the deadliest poisons
against an elderly women with minor
back pain and congestion.. for, the
"multiple organ failure" was PROVEN a
hoax on Feb. 3rd, 2016. While apposing
Jennie and me by openly refusing to
resuscitate, when Nurse Charlene
called about Jennie losing her life
without the proper care freely given.
The police when called before, stated,
go to the College of Physicians, while
the College states, 'this is a high
priority police matter, of proven
attempted murder [as earlier on] Go
to the cops.' Four times I went to tell
near teenage cops always at the front desk,
'no, the Police must investigate.. pick
up a phone and call Dr. T how about?'
- ..and they continued to refuse.. they
told me as a lawful citizen of Winnipeg,
they didn't want any more information.
Like on the Public's dime from Magic
CBC TV did also refuse to defend our
lives as still falling victims. While
the whorish newspapers refused doing
right for us whatsoever as typical.
Now, ask yourself.. what honorable
officer, soldier, or as true lover
of freedom, would hold such contempt
for the value of Your Canadian Life?,
left still, jeopardized as the innocent
without rights? This murderous crime
that continues, personally involves all
Canadians.. Still cheating our loved
families for murder, by what can safely
be described, as ungodly evil criminals
of the worst disorders. More than
thousands and thousands of complaints
not granted the light of the public's
scrutiny.. Do right, forward this concern
as your own included. We must demand a
public inquest to reveal all, of who we
are.. the truly civilized. The churches,
the politicians, and the police.

We, of Canada, need a Truth Commission
on the Winnipeg Health Sciences Center's
"Comfort Care" program of first degree
murder.. Save some innocent lives why
don't we?

Here's an idea..
Down with murderers..
who's with we? fairly speaking..

Call the Cops

The Public must be made to know.. that
Winnipeg's HSC is willingly committing
murder without misgivings. Support a
Public Inquest on HSC's "Comfort Care"
program of murder, in the first degree.
Where your loved one is sentenced to
die victim to neglect as official
policy.. This horror continues, so
far.. because of it's hideous sub-
humanness that most want to find
impossible to believe exists mass
murdering for real.. Not one person
has escaped in more than seven
years.. of which many, can stay
being tortured for longer than
eight months.. to finally kick
the bucket. Never allowed to
leave the dungeon.. With thousands
and thousands of complaints ignored
by two "newspapers", and three Magic
TV news broadcasters.. The Public
must be made to know we have a
responsibility to each other.. to
be thought safe, of entering a
hospital seeking remedies, not
un-elected death sentences. we must
not allow this to continue in our
stolen better names. It's unbecoming,
and they murdered my mom. Justice
must be done if we will to be free
to dream of a bettering future.
I will to work with everyone
fairly to get this won.

Something is Wrong..

No police to arrest murderers? No news
agency to express a care for the elderly
being tortured and murdered? No politician
to express indignation.. We all are somehow
at a serious loss of our humanity. Speak out.

Demand Truth Commission on Winnipeg's HSC
"Comfort Care" murdering Jennie Kinal.
Save innocent life in Winnipeg still
falling crime victims..

Again this "Comfort Care" mass murder
program in Winnipeg is not made by the
victims as something agreed upon in OUR
newspapers either. They just privately
announce your loved one is now sentenced
to deprivation of caring completely,
while openly being poisoned with
the most deadly of UNWARRANTED
'medicine'. Justice for we
guarantees freedom to be. Take
care to make others aware. Email
is cool.

Demand Public Inquest on the Murder of Jennie Kinal
Save life in Winnipeg falling murder victims today..

To whom this greatly concerns..

My mother died murder victim at Winnipeg's Health
Sciences Center. Dr. Colister approached the bed
to ask, how about giving your mother Scopolamine
to ease moisture.. Sound good? I state no.. I
explained such poison would hamper my mother's
ability to expel her current chest infection.
It would be greatly better, to remove all your
opiates, like Fentanyl, and let her heal how about
instead? my learned friend? He doesn't disagree..
His side kick states, yeah.. sounds good in similar
words.. They leave.. Then, I pop out later for a
coffee, and back when I return Nurse Colette
has administered the lethal shot.."Devil's Breath"
Stating.. your mother asked for it.. being barely
capable of stating, ' get me out of here'.. 'bloody
murderers' 'no more pain killers'.. She had no
problem health wise any longer.. but for those
in "comfort care" succeeding finally in error at
murdering her.. Now the hospital states, they
don't allow toxicology studies in autopsies.. Well..
that's why I implore for you to stand up likewise
as a fellow human being, to demand such an
easy test be carried out to determine true
cause of death.. And a Public Inquest on how
Justice has left us for no longer, on this
critical crime scene involving all Canadian
lives jeopardized.. left in self contempt by
our newspapers and TV broadcasters.
Sound good? It should. Justice for Jennie Kinal.

Care for our innocent lives stolen.

Forward this information to everyone.
Let's save some lives here people..

Don't forget, this involves many more
lives in Canada than just my mother,
willfully poisoned to die crime victim,
just like the rest officially. Denied
OUR Police protections, and vital care
in needed medicines, while doped out
of her wits to complain about who's
driving down civilization. How dare
Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center
commit lawless first degree mass
murder openly, with the newspapers,
in the light of understanding
this reality measured fair.


What they knew and chose nothing to do
about.. Still? Shouldn't someone be fired,
if not arrested as complicit in murder?

John Kinal - Protections of Persons in Care Act - Feb 24 2016

"10,000+ similar complaints in Manitoba."

Ignored.. Still? Hello people.. we have a
serious responsibility here to speak fair
against mass murderers.

If Chris, who works for our government,
had simply done the job by enforcing
Manitoba's standing law, Jennie Kinal
would be alive today. Don't allow them
to steal more innocent lives in Winnipeg.
Take action. Personally forward this to
the media movers and shakers, to save
lives, demanding Justice. I am available
for interviews. Help ourselves.

I beg you to do right.. Save an innocent life.

Please, peoples of our world..defend innocent
life being mass murdered here in Winnipeg, at
the Health Sciences Center, under a program
of the most heinous ungodly evil ever known
of titled, "Comfort Care". They openly deprive
vital medicines, while torturing the victims
with poisons such as with my mom. Given
through lies, Scopolamine "Devil's Breath",
secretly in a conspiracy with nurse Colette,
in deadly conjunction with Fentanyl, causing
instant paralysis, then unnatural death through
FOR SURE, proven first degree murder. My mother
Jennie, who only several days earlier was
guilty of only minor back pain, as to why
these demons refused to stop doping her since
her arrival two months earlier. Simultaneously
claimed though, she was by her murderer, Dr.
Colister, to have had multiple organ failure
continuously for more than a month. Proven
to be a lie on Feb 3rd, by myself told to
Winnipeg Police.. Through too, the broken
orders of Law by Dr. T., Jennie's Doctor that
week. The Winnipeg Police dishonorably, have
refused to do the simplest of preliminary
investigations..such as making a single phone
call to Dr. T.. to confirm the first attempt
made at murdering my mother by Nurse Delaney..
using then, ILLEGAL hydromorophone. You
personally could save an innocent life, by
simply identifying a citizen of Winnipeg,
to give them this post personally. Again
this "Comfort Care" mass murder program is
not made by the victims as something agreed
upon in OUR newspapers either. They just
privately announce your loved one is now
sentenced to deprivation of caring
completely, while openly being poisoned
with the most deadly of UNWARRANTED
'medicine'. So confident in our made
illiterate police agencies never getting
involved here, that they believe they can
escape sadistically mass murdering for
decades more perhaps.. if you continue to
take no action for the world you can not
escape my friend. It is truly all up to
you.. Do right. Care for your world.
Forward go freely of Justice winning
victory. Justice for we guarantees
freedom to be..

Our Time is Now

I have conclusively proven, without
any officer of law disagreeing, that
the Winnipeg Health Sciences Center's
Dr. Colister, with conspiring Nurse
Colette, first degree murdered my
mother Jennie Kinal.. after I caught
their "Comfort Care" demon team prior,
attempting murder on Feb 2nd 2016,
and begged the police to investigate
the crime scene four times.. But they
refused cowardly as too did the College
of Manitoba Nurses, and Doctors refuse
to demand the arrests be done for Justice
must come.. To not following the rules
of murder in Canada, as not applying
blindly in all hospital settings for
more than a decade? Something must be
done in a love for moms, before yet
again, these cheats have more innocent
Canadians first degree murdered, due
our self contempt. For what demonic
gain? We are left to only speculate..
..though we know it is for sure going
on still by these enemy to all sadists.

Here's an idea..
Down with murderers..
who's with we? fairly speaking..

justice for we guarantees freedom to be

My mother was murdered here in Winnipeg, at
the Health Sciences Center, under a program
titled, "Comfort Care", where these demons
deprive life saving medicines, and under
torture, openly poison the victims to death,
often by chemical suffocation. No one
escapes the death sentence program run for
many years. It involves the old, it
involves the young - and something surely
must be done.. Why is it that our humanity
can't find the strength to do good for
another? ..or for one's own mother or
father? I tried my best, and I'm as good
as it nearly gets as speaking reasonable..
But without the public being supported by
our made illiterate police agencies, or
regulatory bodies that ONLY defend, in
this case, the continuing mass murderers..
Hope seems bleak to save the innocent
lives that fell yesterday, and of those
that will tomorrow. So.. I must try to win
for Justice in this forsaken city named
Winnipeg.. Once holding the title, I will
order all police and military to assist in
public arrests for public fair trial of
these mass murderers that must not
freely steal the better of ourselves
further left undefended..

Public Inquest..

Support a Public Inquest We need an autopsy
to include cause of death with the sciences
of toxicology - something forbidden the
victims of Winnipeg's Health Sciences

URGENT - Support a Public Inquiry into Why
some Winnipeg autopsies don't allow toxicology
to determine cause of death in murder..- URGENT
(they have cremated the body - all evidence
gone?. we don't think so.)

Justice for Jennie Kinal

I want a public inquest in how my mother died, so justice can be served. All the evidence is in, it's just that, because the death occurred at a hospital in Winnipeg, the Police's hands are tied.

Jennie Kinal was murdered on March 8th, 2016, by the actions of Dr. Colister, at Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center.

Facts: Dr. Colister told no new medications would be administered on March 8th, to myself and Jennie.. Dr. Laura Chisic, Jennie's other doctor, one of more than four others, told of Dr. Colister, doing just as he claimed he would not, ordering on the 8th of March, the deadly, Scopolamine "Devil's Breath", in conjunction with already administered Fentanyl, . Nurse Colette, sold that it was Jennie's idea to take the most lethal drug on the Canadian market that she gave Jennie, Scopolamine, to hamper her ability to expel an infection that had recently appeared, leading to paralysis and death. Nurse Colette, couldn't administer the poison while I was present however, and couldn't let on, it was
ordered in by Dr. Colister. As Colette's crazy lie of my mom being willing, now makes more sense. No antibiotics are given in Winnipeg, for ANY Canadian patient in "comfort care", but poisons a plenty to first degree mass murder it disturbingly appears. You really should care.. Think of the next victims last night. Forward this concern to everyone who loves their mother. Do it.

The TRUE disregard for a patient's wellness, made as policy at Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center, is like a hell on earth for real, when you hear them tell of such madness openly, denying all rights to do right for ourselves. 'End of Life' poisons to those we guess near, perfect health. Poisons to weaken clearing our bodies of new infections, with poisons to hamper breathing, and then, to top it off, heroin derivatives 80 times stronger than morphine, apposing better health.. is simply willful first degree murder.. Again, they officially deny all "Comfort Care" patients antibiotics, to die victim from neglect.. With too, refusing to resuscitate any patient as policy of evil.. So, say you
were poisoned by Scopolamine with her Fentanyl. as my mom was against her will and my own.. they told me as such, over the phone.. they will make no attempt to save my mother's life as "doctors" on scene. Demand a Public Inquest.

Don't forget, this involves many more lives
in Canada than just my mother, willfully
poisoned to die crime victim, just like the
rest officially. Denied vital care in
needed medicines, while doped out of her
wits to complain about who's driving the
ship. Different Nurses everyday, while the
Doctor changes once every two weeks, with
Colister hanging around allthe beds going,
"are you in any pain", then needles every
four hours non-stop, till you die.. No
matter whatever you say to the contrary.
Who needs a witness? Some say Jennie
Kinal was good to go, while Colister
states her story can't live more than
weeks with him and Laura Chisic ruling
over everyone here truly being tyrannized.
..while poisoning who knows how many
others too, who dream of being released,
as they go further unchecked as needling
psychopaths. We desperately need a true
concern expressed for ourselves as the
citizen measured correct in all fairness.
We will to be civilized on the farms
and in the hospitals.

Justice for Jennie Kinal

Public Inquest.. ask for it here in Winnipeg please

Please Peoples.. support a Public Inquest here
in Winnipeg on the mistreatment of Jennie Kinal
in the Health Sciences Center, ward H4, and of
her subsequent final murder.. Done in by Dr.
Colister with Scopolamine, in conjunction with
Fentanyl, to a 84 year old woman, who suffered
a thyroid issue, that caused swelling, then
indicating inside that short time frame,
confusion nearing the symptoms of dementia..
But that all disappeared a month earlier..
That's it.. she could walk talk and express
clearly, she did not want a nicotine patch..
but they gave it to her, apposing me included.
Public Inquest.. Hopefully, gaining an
understanding too, for why our police think
it none of our business still, while more are
thrown through to fall crime victim to these
apparent psychopaths.. to be denied essential
medications, and antibiotics for infections..
but to just be poisoned to death with their
unneeded injections. It's called murder..
and all stand on guard for thee of we fairly
speaking. Justice is freedom to be all we can
be as of, the civilized worlds. Commanding
ourselves with self respect. Support a Public
Inquest. .Save further lives left forsaken
now, no longer. What do you say lover of life?
Forward this post to someone in Winnipeg if
you could.. Let's go save some lives..

My mother was murdered on March 8th, 2016, by
the actions of Dr. Colister, at Winnipeg's Health
Sciences Center.. Whereby, after consulting my
mother Jennie and me, he told of no new
medications would be prescribed.. For a woman
heavily drugged every which way, but initially
denied her thyroid medication that I had to fight
for as reasonable.. Then denying all antibiotics
apposing our wills to truly care.. as I explained
to Dr. Chisic of her madness on March 8th, 2016..
..since the recent speculative lead up to this
appearing of an air born infection, that will
in some likelihood, take the healths of many
weakened others.. This house of hellish horror,
of Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center, H4, is a
place of the wickedest evil ever witnessed by
yours truly I must say. Anyway.. the hell of it
is, Dr. Colister secretly told the day Nurse
for Jennie, a named suspect labeled Colette..
'that if it should warrant'.. use this new
order for Scopolamine, in conjunction with her
fentanyl.. for Jennie's congestion. A concoction,
substantiated together, paralyzed my mother to a
position of suffocation.

Though, importantly, according to Dr. Laura
Chisic, (being Jennie's last stand in good for
nobody though..) tells of the order, came from
Colister, while she herself adamantly denies
all antibiotics for every infection, like I
said, even penicillin... Don't be crazy..
,.let's get to it.. "no.. we don't do that
here.." is what she spoke, in part, as
clinically insane.. So less of two evils,
is still two evils.. what say, we demand
fair say.. I wonder where that could take
us commanding in self respect for the rights
of others, as if they were of us too included..

"Fentanyl is estimated to be 80 times as potent as morphine "
"World's most dangerous drug is not a myth: Scopolamine aka The Devil's Breath"

When Jennie was ever questioned, she spoke
of no pain, and no interest of being doped
further out of her wits, without she was,
the claimed multiple organ failure, but
suffering with dementia.. Medicine? Figure
it out.. the police haven't had the public
interest just yet.. despite the thousands
of similar complaints, and Night Nurse
Charlene telling, in the SEVEN YEARS she
worked there.. not a single person has
ever been capable of escaping her horror
show.. "Comfort Care" in H4 at the Health
Sciences Center.. Winnipeg. Call the cops..
Call the President. Save That Man!

To those who this greatly concerns..

Hello.. The newest revelations to this heart break of a story, is that Jennie Kinal's outgoing Dr, Dr. Semus, has advised me today, March 7th, 2016, that after reviewing Jennie's medical records, they do not contain the information of Doctor T's (Tazaramangzing..?) order to the Nurses at station, for the evenings of question, Feb 2nd, and Feb 3rd, 2016, to not administer Hydromorphone to Jennie, without her son witnessing first hand some form of pain.. Jennie, at that time, an alleged sufferer, of "multiple organ failure" However, the Nurses involved certainly would concur, as too, most importantly, the head Nurse for the day of Feb 3rd, does confirm that such an order did transpire, of her
quoting the Nurses report, where Hydromorphone was administered, to Jennie.. An action opposing Dr. T, by leastly, RN Delaney it appears.. Who too, like another Nurse that evening, state Jennie does suffer from "multiple organ failure". Dr. Semus, Jennie's Doctor for the last two weeks, and the prior Dr., Dr. Necozy, stated, and will state, Jennie does not, and could not have had multiple organ failure, going on now, more than a month later.. Big problem of course.. as you know... Here is the run down...

Shortened synopsis..

I wad told Jennie had multiple organ
failure, and was on end of life medication.
I said bullshit, she was great just hours
ago.. The head Doctor, Dr. T, called a halt
to the death meds.. Telling Nurses, if
Jennie experiences any discomfort, I am
to be phoned to okay the death meds once
more.. I am phoned for such action the next
day, arrive in under 7 minutes, to find
my mother pronounced clinically dead by
RN Delaney, due organ failure.. I revive
my mom to discover, she has no organ
failure.. and breathes to this day.
Being doped everyday under torture..
this information to everyone who loves
their mother.. The Police most especially.
They have been caught attempting first
degree murder of made helpless innocent
old folks at Winnipeg's Health Sciences


On Feb 2,, 2016 after discovering my mother
to be on death meds, namely hydromorphone to
hamper breathing for death, I demanded such
madness stop immediately.. telling Dr. T of
all the witnesses the day before, and the
official record of Jennie up with several
physiotherapists , Dr. T agreed to call a
halt.. Then ordering, that if Jennie, woman
with 'multiple organ failure' seems in dire
need for such opiates, I will be called to
witness such anguish..

On Feb 3, RN Delaney phoned at 6pm to have
me come to the hospital, to okay the death
meds (Hydromorphone) - I arrived in 7
minutes to witness my mother appearing
dead, with all the moisture gone from her
skin, not appearing to be breathing.. I
talked to her of what I thought she was
going through, as incapable of taking a
breath, due the poisons RN Delaney used
apposing Doctor's orders..How do we know
this most certain? From Jennie herself,
for ten hours, telling of how she can not
take a full breath, just as such poison
is designed.. Turns out, Delaney and Dr.
T were wrong that mom had total organ
failure..How's that? It's called
attempted murder..

There are a possible large number of other victims..

Save an innocent life.. What if it was your mother?

Points of Fact:

They claimed Jennie had multiple organ
failure where clearly she does not. To 'justify'
Hydromorphone, as a poisonous opiate to
hamper breathing, that would have killed her,
hadn't I stopped it.

Nurse Delaney repeatedly encouraged me to
stop speaking to the clinically dead, before I
revived my forsaken mother, left as dead in
bed, looking seriously poisoned with a
diuretic, and no doubt, Hydromorphone,
Something I had banned her with the
agreeing Doctor's admonishment from
doing ever again the day before. Without
my implicit approval, it would not be
allowed to happen again.

Suspect Nurse #2.. She firstly reported
to a doctor that I was abusing what she
understood, to be the clinically dead. The
doctor arrived to witness Jennies sitting
up alive. Then, shortly later, shows back
up to tell, I should get my mom back on
the Hydromorphone.. Telling as recorded,
I don't want to make Jennie suffer with her
multiple organ failures do I. Told to me no
less than 7 times, by at least three nurses
trying to control free thought through guilt
on the issue. Telling her I did, as recorded,
Jennie is not in any pain, and certainly most
does not need something to stop her from
breathing. The suspect Nurse #2 then
leaves, and reportedly by her co-worker,
to tell me later as recorded in evidence
also, that they decided together, I must
not be allowed to wake the pronounced
clinically dead again.. Claiming such action
is not caring. Implicit in knowing, as
recorded, she was left for dead by
themselves, until I had revived her..
This is willful attempted murder once
more, that she knows they are almost
caught for it clearly appears in the light
of fairly understanding the evidence
before us.

There are a possible number of other murder victims..

Save an innocent life.. What if it was your mother?

Irene McDonald, as the Executive
Assistant to the Investigations
Committee of the College of
Physicians and Surgeons in
Manitoba has recommended this
as an allegation of criminal
infraction, be handled directly
by the Police..It's about time..
Police In. R16 9616


This is what we witness here as recorded
in evidence.. They said the crime victim
had organ failure, and would never recover..
A LIE.. Left for done in with the poison
known of as Hydromorphone. Raised from a
certain death sentence, and found without
the reason given, to try and steal an
innocent Life of one so still, left in
jeopardy. This needs widespread criminal
investigations for the public interest..
for we the people will to be civilized..
Fair say all the way means everyone wins.
I want only the best for my mother in a
ward of likewise care givers.. I think
we can work together, and get
that done as soon as possible..

New in the Developing Case: of the
Formal Complaint Against the Named
Nurses and Doctors of Winnipeg's
Health Sciences Center

Regarding, 'With RN Delaney again,
insisting that I was not facing
reality.. That I should be just
thankful for the time I had with
mom.. Jennie then began to revive..'

This after being put on 'end of
life meds' to steal my mother's
life, without consultation..
Considering the day before she
was up and eating, and wanting
to go home. Please, call the
cops too.

In conjunction with the 22 of
January where I was told Jennie
had a heart attack, and I
found what I disproved of,
a nicotine patch on her
shoulder area..Apposing they
did the wishes of both Mother
and son.

Everyday that goes by, while
we wait for the College of
Physicians and Surgeons of
Manitoba to act correctly
in the defense of my innocent
mother's Life, is another day
she is still left in mortal
jeopardy.. These facts detail
a need to have her immediately
moved out of the HCS's
'comfort ward' and to be
into intensive care where
not needed treatments, are
no longer administered..
Act now..

(these were words sent to, in part, the college of physicians and surgeons.. and too, the college of nurses.. )

Formal Complaint Against the Named Nurses
and Doctors of Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center

On the 21st of January, despite Jennie's expressed wishes upon intake, and my own, the Doctor not responsible for Jennie, but on "the Team", asked if she was a smoker, and would provide a nicotine patch, I told him no.. she didn't want it, nor did I..

On the 22 of January, I was told Jennie had a heart attack, and I found what I disproved of, a nicotine patch on her shoulder area..

To whom this concerns..

My name in John Kinal, the son of Jennie Kinal, currently held against our will at 4H at the Health Science Center.

My mother told the hospital upon admission, she did not want a nicotine patch, but two weeks in, when she's near a coma.. they appose her wishes and my own, giving her the POISONOUS nicotine, and she then has, a massive heart attack hours later..Then a week later, puts her on end of life medications.. To die of.. for sure for sure.. 100%.. every patient under such treatment DIES.. I fought to deny my mother had complete organ failure.. and over 20 hours in total, brought her back to life..From a position the hospital has decided to do nothing for.. because she was clinically dead..

"Hydromorphone may cause serious or life-threatening breathing problems, especially during the first 72 hours of your treatment and any time "

Think of this.. They poison patients so they can't take a breath, then when the patient struggles to breath due the muscles not working, they only answer, must need more pure oxygen, or Hydromorphone ..Another quick death they believe they will escape criminal charges over..

When I learned they were giving my mother end of life medication, where only the day before she was at near the best she had been since arriving.. I demanded such madness stop immediately.. Of which two RNs on the floor argued with me for 30 minutes, to suggest I was being cruel to try such action. They argued I have not the right to deny death meds, and told I must speak to "Dr. T", of which I did.. Reminding her of all the witnesses to my mothers health, from the day before.. such as the physiotherapist.. sitting in bed, talking, and eating several yogurts, juice, and water.. She told she would then have the poising stopped... and if the seriously unqualified RN Ms. Delaney, decided it at
a later time needed to continue, would have me called firstly, to get to the hospital to witness such need.. The next day, at approximately 6pm, Ms. Delaney called me to come and witness her condition, in need of death meds.. I get all the way to the distant HSC in approximately 7 minutes.. to witness her 'dead' in bed.. not breathing due the medication stopping the muscles of her lungs incapable of taking a breath..Ms. Delaney told me to stop talking to a corpse that can't hear, speak, or see.. All the fluids of her body had been removed due, what was likely an overdose of a diuretic.. her lips were near black. Ms. Delaney told I was not ever going to get a response talking to a body with
complete organ failure..She can't pee, so her body is clinically dead..I remained, and in approximately an hour, her lips move in response to water.. and slowly I brought her back to life.. Delaney never returned to the attempted murder scene for the rest of her time at shift.. No 'miracle' claimed, but for by the several aids who witnessed, in part the 'miracle'.

The evidence offered for fair public interest, tells Ms. Delaney's plan was to tell she didn't give such medications as a lie.. Why? On video, of my mother recovering the assault states.. she can't take a breath (her lungs are poisoned on purpose, due the "medicine") it takes near 20 hours for the poison to be left absent her blood stream according to the videos..The medical record as quoted to me 24 hours later, when I'm leaving for home after resurrecting the dead.. I'm told indicates the last poisoning to stop muscle function occurred 24 hours prior..

I need a formal investigation, following probable cause to arrive at the fair conclusion of decisions made to steal my mother's life..

Contact me immediately on the fair actions already underway to gather the facts here,

To College of Registered Nurses in Manitoba...


It is John Kinal reporting in on recent disturbing developments on the Jennie Kinal matter at Winnipeg's Health Science Center in 4H. As you may already be aware, hopefully, I struggled in a meeting with five professional individuals on Wednesday, the 24 of February, 2016, to have Jennie Kinal taken off the Hydromorphone, considering it appears as the primary cause for why it killed her, as according to RN Delaney, on February 3rd, 2016. They crazily, like unreasonable psychopaths on a mission of self destruction, argued against it.. claiming my reasoning they would at all costs refuse to tune into.. so mush so.. that Dr. Semus suggested, perhaps an alternative could be found to stop their
naked exposure to the light of being.. and would get on that, quickly, as they had done.. as it was achieved, the next day. Despite Jennie and myself stating, we do not want to be doped.. we want our bodies to heal without the confusion created by opiates, and poisons that mess with the muscles of our lungs to stop one from breathing.. But who cares truly for the health as well being of person or persons truly, for they appear insisting, Jennie's life is not the concern here.. The concern is not allowing her to live, free of the lie, that she still has, "multiple organ failure" going on three weeks..pigging out.. (she wants yogurt, egg salad, salmon, blue berries, and some kind of specialty
stews..) , Instead of facing the mistake, they've chosen still, to steal her life.. Her life loved by me.. As it has turned out however, the new opiate concoction administered by patch, exposed the reality, with the turn around.. That NO PAIN Jennie had, or has through the transformation to getting well.. But get this my learned friends.. prepare yourself.. Friday morning, February 27 2016.. Vanessa, head of all nurses for the Health Science Center, ward 4H and beyond, at approximately 9:14 am, informed me, that Jennie yelled throughout the night.. I spoke to state, that even so, the quantification she was making is still unknown.. See, it could mean, her screaming is a good thing.. because,
now she can breath.. Then she said, challenging my great wisdom of all ages, she had been screaming, "help me".. I asked Vanessa firstly, "was she then sedated", she responded, "no, she wasn't." I then said, "so this is then in the official report? She said "yes..". "Oh", I said.. "I arrived here at approximately 6:18 am, and was approached by the night Nurse responsible for Jennie, knowing her well, over this life and death struggle.. and she's stated that Jennie was exceptional through the night.. rested comfortably.. as showing a good sign for progress." I then looked over to my left, and there she was.. six feet away, not gone home yet.. I stated, "Hi.. ..did you hear Jennie scream,
'help me, help me', through the night?" She only looked briefly in terror at the face of Vanessa, then turned quickly, without a word.. and took off out of there.. Oh oh.. This is very serious.. potentially deadly if you asked me to speak in all candor, knowing what I know.. as true, holds some jeopardy to the night Nurse's true professionalism for starters, as Vanessa is her blindly foolish superior .. Why so certain? I don't have to tell you, as the College of Registered Nurses here in Manitoba, but for those not familiar reading here. See.. That would mean, Vanessa has committed a crime, and should in all fairness, though PUBLIC fair trial, be challenged to lose her license for a
lifetime.. and.. we most definitely need to call the cops about the attempted murder no doubt.. As I've stated since this madness of contempt for thousands of innocent lives started, by irrational constructs, of those who mostly only deceive themselves when Johnny enters the scene .. Do not now, in addition to holding Jennie's life in contempt, do so also, to the other wonderful woman who has done no harm alleged to anyone, being curtious, kind, and all around.. a really sweet gal.. I immediately explained this true horror occurring in real time to Dr. Semus, of which Vanessa, only feet away to hear me explain.. took the stage.. Time is pressing.. and this story is far from over.. though
when telling of her twisting to tale a fib so ridiculous, Dr. Semus walked away while she was speaking... In short form, she claimed she spoke not of 'through the night', but of 'through the evening'.. defining such a term as between 3pm and 5:30 pm.. trouble is, I was there with Jennie through out near that entire frame.. as was the tricky Dr. Colister.. and three others from Palliative care.. No.. four.. I left at approximately, 5:12pm that day.. I kid not.. my life is bared to witness. So, of course.. I then expressed THE ONLY RIGHT I have in demanding the report of my mother's treatment from starting on this allegation against a honorable nurse to finish including the critical incident
summaries of her death on February 3rd.. And in short form, Dr. Semus, responded, he had no knowledge of February 3rd, 2016.. Despite, Wednesday, the 24 of February, 2016 (Many Doctors lead busy busy lives I suppose..) WOW.. that means.. well.. you as the professionals should know without me telling.. I will my mother to be moved from 4H at our earliest convenience, and especially, not given opiates mixed with poisons to further steal her precious innocent life.. She does not deserve this.. nor should anyone else, ever again.. We need a public action to remedy this for the better good of everyone..With the newspaper or without..Thousands here in Winnipeg have fallen victim to die forsaken,
according to my discussions with one Provincial investigator's aid. That of which, we together, don't yet, have the manpower, or the jurisdiction.. the Police do though, as lead by experienced practitioners.. I will to assist in any way possible to get to the core of what is important here.. My mother.. Let's let science prevail in determining what serves our health best how about my friends?

Addendum : when I stated that it could be a positive thing that Jennie can now freely breath instead of being suffocated, I also stated, that she is for this day, eating more than she has since entering the hospital.. a container of blue berries, three yogurts, egg salad.. Vanessa immediately responded, by stating "I don't know that." See? No care for Jennie's well being..

Love John.
or Johnny..
or whatever..
let's do this..

Jennie Kinal was admitted into the Health Science Center January 7th 8:41am

On the 21st of January, despite Jennie's expressed wishes upon intake, and my own, the Doctor not responsible for Jennie, but on "the Team", asked if she was a smoker, and would provide a nicotine patch, I told him no.. she didn't want it, nor did I..

On the 22 of January, I was told Jennie had a heat attack, and I found what I disproved of, a nicotine patch on her shoulder area.. I removed it, and told the doctor, being scientifically reasonable, she clearly was in no need of such poison.. considering her health issues.. and she apposed such poison from the day she entered.. and from that moment on.. it would not be continued..

Risk of acute first myocardial infarction and use of nicotine patches .

IT'S POISON... Hello... "harmless" .... you can't be serious when free men and women talk scientifically... and it's not burning with the additional many other ingredients people crave.. not as the deadly poison in it's purest stage. Besides, she had kicked the habit.

On Feb 1st Mom is near the best she's been since arriving.. sitting up on the bed, eating yogurts, drinking water and juices.. and with the physiotherapist, was talking with me on how the plan is to bring about a hopeful position where she can walk across the room eventually.. hopefully soon..

On February 2nd, upon witnessing my mother unresponsive to all stimuli, and witnessing a intravenous drip containing a concoction she had not received prior.. and given to her without me told of such a change.. discovered they were injecting her with an 'end of life' morphine derivative.. that stops humans from breathing..

I called RN Delaney to stop this action immediately.. She apposed, claiming such actions would be cruel for at least ten minutes..defeating her irrational position I did effectively, she sided to go get her fellow senior RN to argue with me in the hallway, that again, such action would be cruel, in not allowing her to die comfortably.. I would therefore need to speak to the head physician Dr. T.. Of who I reminded the recorded history of Jennie, just the day before.. under no pain or duress in breathing.. and with plenty of witnesses to attest.. She finally capitulated to intelligent discourse, and sided such poisoning would be halted.. but if it needed to be re-introduced, I would be called
before hand.. to witness a distress that would call for such poison.. I stayed with mom who remained near powerless to breath...

"Hydromorphone may cause serious or life-threatening breathing problems, especially during the first 72 hours of your treatment and any time "

Of which they told me, this poison will restrict Jennie's breathing, but too as an opiate, she'll feel great in this ending of her life by serious criminal negligence.

On February 3rd, at 6 pm, I was phoned by RN Delaney.. and needed to come to the hospital to okay the death meds.. Conveniently, I arrived at the hospital in approximately 7 minutes to find her, in all appearances to be dead... All the water had been drained from her face, in what appeared to be a huge overdose of a diuretic.. (Urine tests that were expected to never happen with the 'deceased' would confirm this..) As I spoke to Jennie, RX Delaney continued to insist I not do such a thing.. Jennie had complete organ failure, and can not hear, speak, or see.. As claimed, how she died was kidney failure to process urine.. and so all the poisons overtook her will to live.. so stop talking to
the clinically dead.. WITH WITNESSES.. But no.. I know better.. and over the course of approximately an hour and a half.. With Delaney again, insisting that I was not facing reality.. That I should be just thankful for the time I had with mom.. she started to revive.. upon then.. RN Delaney did not say, "..a miracle!" No she left the room, to never return for more than 24 hours, plus.. She did not come back to work the next day, nor did Dr. T approach her workstation.. Nor did any Doctor visit any other patient in the room as I recall thinking back.. Seeking a defense of plausible deniability, means they have to still insist, Mom's in a death coma..

As time permits, I will improve upon this outline... I would appreciate the quickest response feasible, to inform me on further processes, to move towards defending my mother's life hanging on, held in jeopardy by those that deny my mother's wishes, and my own to be scientific on how these medicines are administered.. Not as quoted in the audio, at regular intervals without measure..

Again, please phone me to co-operate in any respect of resolving this crisis, sooner than too much later.. Thanks before hand for being a professional about this matter..


Mass Murder in Winnipeg


(tiny 4 meg file of police claiming no investigations allowed.)



Mr. Kinal


Medical care main cause of death

"the Journal of Molecular Medicine called Death by
Medicine. It's the most damning medical report card
ever issued. It claims huge numbers of patients are
being injured and killed by conventional medicine.
There's also a big surprise there."

Please.. I beg you with everything I am.. forward
this post..Many people are being murdered.. Good
people.. honest people.. People like your mom or
dad.. son or daughter.. there are thousands of
complaints that are going unreported here in

Why is it that people are not acting human?

Can you, my reader, entertain us on what you
make of this post? Begging you to care for
innocent life being mass murdered here in
Winnipeg? Is it too much trouble to click
your mouse, to save a life? To forward this
information, claiming these are the words of
a John Kinal's view? What if it were your own
life on the line.. and nobody cared enough to
click their mouse? Is it that you fear doing
right? Or is it that you dismiss this life and
death concern as wrong.. or just too much
trouble.. Let countless more innocent people
in Winnipeg be murdered, you can't be bothered?
What if I told you then, this program is being
implemented across North America.. Would you
then grow concerned? How about your brother,
or sister, you mother or father..If you wait
until then, we'll all be done for. Why do they
do it? I don't know for certain.. A contempt
for innocent life is present.. and speculating
the what for, comes at a price. TV and
newspapers are not our friends for example.
But have no doubt, many thousands, perhaps
even a great more, are dead already.. And
if we do nothing about it.. it will continue
to destroy this forsaken city, to destory
our Humanity. Please care to make others
aware.. Save Life.

Strategies: Apparently, you can't email anything
more than several pages, with three or four links,
without it thoughtlessly being labeled spam.. And
YouTube won't allow more than two pages or so..
Google+? Your own posts you can do just about
anything..but you can't post links on others
pages, more than three or four times, without
risking suspension. Doesn't matter content, they
don't take calls. and that is pretty evil. Also
with G+, they will censor you, but not have you
know.. So, I can post to my heart's will.. but
from another ISP, I am not there.. How many wise
men and women do they do this to? I can't tell..
But we should investigate this further.. Facebook?
You can post near anything, but no more that close
to three times.. then you get suspended for two
weeks. Makes spreading the facts that count for
everyone tough.. The word, "Amen" 1000s of times..
no problems.(clue..) So solution for most issues
of censorship, is to simply provide one link to
this story from elsewhere. Usenet is near the
very best on Earth.. For as you may know, there
is no way to censor this completely. And when
those that tell I am spam from the Google interface,
and shouldn't be read..Well.. you get the idea. All
I want is fair say, that I am denied by the forsaken
city of Winnipeg. The godless evil police heads,
refuse to allow any investigations of murder that
happen at the HSC, and all autopsies to confirm
cause of death are forbidden as well.. Want to
murder someone? Just do it in a Winnipeg hospital,
and your close to free from arrest as it is. So that
is how this will be done, for our kingdom must come..
It is fair say all the way..

I have no need, nor never had a reason to deny
the facts from being spoken. When others disagree
with me, I often just simply tell the truth.. And..
things goes mostly good.. If I'm found in error..
I wouldn't get defensive, instead I would be
tremendously grateful. That's being honorable
as fallible human to me. What do you think?



These are words given by me through Facebook
and so on.. I will anyone to use these ideas
for themselves to better our world by freely
communicating.. Please fight back for what's

'..on our new Prime Minister letting Canada burn before accepting help from Russia'

Yeah, he's turning out to be something of a disappointment. I'll give him credit though for contacting me personally regarding the first degree murder of my mother in a Winnipeg Hospital in March, where the police heads have still refused to allow any investigations to be legally followed through, due, it involves literally thousand of other murder victims - many poor aboriginals..Check out my page for more info. His response though was, it was greatly disturbing - and they are all looking at the situation very seriously.. but that he couldn't do anything about it. Of which is a crock of poo. If he simply mentioned it to our nation, the murders would have been stopped, no further questions..
The other thing, is his recent stand to steal from innocent Christians Jews and Muslims too as profitable to Canada's views about human rights and Israel. Then, my friends, as to this water bomb thing. It has happened before, and cost many innocent lives lost in California. The reason Bush said no, (then many died short after..) it was argued, that if the Public saw what Russia has.. they'd be going what??@#$?? - and what's that? It's a water bomber that is so huge, we've never seen anythingl ike it ever.. To much more intelligently, battle forest fires.. Plus it looks in some ways, like a big penis. Bigger than all the rest.. so.. well.. better to die victims then I guess eh? I'll just say
in parting, I went to an near all native school.. and it was cool.

All the while, while trying to educate others of this demon witch Hitlery's emails of high treason.. Obama and Co. are at WAR against democracies for anti-woman Saudi Arabia. And the Trumpettes don't truly care for anyone here, as the less thans, the bigot classes. (Muslims did what?) We need to fight back for what's right losers.. What free choice do we have? To at least make our news on what we need here.. To demand we are commanded with self respect. Trillions have been stolen, extorted and embezzled! Justice is a must if we want freedom. Cheat another, we cheat ourselves of the same society we are all of.. a TV world suckering teen soldiers to sacrifice their lives needlessly.. but for
the make for the final escape of those that did us wrong, for pure wicked evil..? We don't think so.. We desperately need leadership that commands ourselves with self respect. Where our rights truly mean something. That means bigots are not going to agree as false accusing losers to the cause, of liberty as justice for all. No instead, the bigots will to blame anyone but suspected criminals. The Jews, the Muslims, the religious, the NWO, the Globalists, the left the right. Times are changing however, and people are better understanding what it truly means to be constitutional in thinking. Innocent until proven otherwise.. and we need to be following probable causes to figure how an event
transpires.. Not as the Magic TV sells still with Bush here at 9/11 "We don't need any evidence." Yes we do actually. Don't be dumb, it's unbecoming.. All invites welcomed.

Did you know, that not only do we know for facts, the election is rigged by escaping criminals to our confusion.. but that trillions have been stolen also? Did you know that Assad is Democratically elected? So well loved for having the nation own it's own credit? Likely not.. if all you watch is what is approved on Magic TV by millionaire celebrities warring Democracies with LIES for evil Saudi Arabia - the anti human barbarity of the worst in tyranny.. .. With gated communities these celebrities roll.. without a true care for poor American soldiers lied to, so to war nations as moderate terrorists - for those who continue to steal our credit.. Until now.. now that we have it together
wherever willing freedom to be had by every one squared, treated fairly. We insist on fair elections not rigged like the thieves of wall street dancing away with our trillions. All invites welcomed.

We have to demand arrests of those who are rigging the elections. Don't fall for the propaganda.. 'oops.. they goofed..' This is war against pure wicked evil.. Look, Obama and Co. are currently at war with Democracies.. partnered up with anti-woman Saudi Arabia.. And those that hate Muslims, as bigot chumps for Trump.. they don't have a TV program to deal with that.. how about yourself? hmm.. talk to us.. See, fair say for everyone, brings about a brighter better day as being civilized.. Did you know, trillions have been stolen, extorted and embezzled? Answers are easy if you're willing to not hide from the truth, and our responsibilities being honorable individuals. Check out my threads..
I'm legit.. All invites welcomed..Cheers to defeating tyranny in our worlds everyone.. Back to the battle for liberation.. Ask me about free energy! All invites welcomed.. Why be strangers? .. Time to realize the potential in truly doing what we set out to do. Seek, "Important: The Public must be warned.. Save lives.. Support a Public Inquest". Cheers to victory over tyranny.

Hitlery knows she is going to lose. Why? The elections are openly rigged, and Americans are not all too cowardly to demand self respect to demand arrests for treason. ..and too, for the return of our stolen trillions embezzled and extorted. No longer do we will to war democracies with anti-woman Saudi Arabia and al-Qeada. Join we in demanding fair say all the way, so that everyone wins a better day.

Bigots are truly evil.. The demon whore of Satan Sarah Palin, supports OPENLY, the indiscriminate mass murder of innocent peoples for the wickedest of evils ever.. As she proudly advanced the mass murder of everyone in South Ossetia.. Complicit in mass murdering so many innocent souls, that we could not find enough ground space to bury the dead.. See, it is if you refuse to defend the rights of individuals, you are not capable of speaking fairly for yourself included.. but as a bigot false accuser.. .(as your Magic TV taught you..) Name a crime that you do not blame humans for, but suspects tied through following probable causes for how as why things happen.. too complicated? likely because
you have not developed an understanding of yourself most especially.. instead, willing to forgo critically thinking if it means you can cheat yourself most especially.. No? how so? "Bigot is the word.. and it marks the unwise, as not truly in defense of what matters.. Our rights fairly measured." We are paying back banksters for money they never lent.. We are being defrauded, as denied a fair say here, sacrificed in made for TV ignorance.. the elections are OPENLY being rigged without arrests being made.. Time to command ourselves with self respect my friends or foes.. to fairly demand the return of our stolen losses.. The truth wins..

God wills Justice as the golden rule applies to fools too. Treat another unjustly, we treat ourselves unjustly.. For example.. When TV Americans parrot Bush after 9/11 in stating, "we don't need any evidence", or quote Sara Palin or Clint Eastwood, 'we don't want to treat terrorists fairly', or Trump the pro terrorist too, who wants to terrorize innocent families by out doing the terrorists in torture and beheading.. Terrorists funded OPENLY by Congress, as not going after Commie Pinkoe false accuser war criminals like Obama and Clinton, for warring we the people of the Democracy of Syria with ANTI-WOMAN Saudi Arabia as exampled, we TRULY cheat ourselves.. See, as Bushite, by using no
evidence to form your capital allegations, you war to escape those truly responsible for 9/11.. By cowardly torturing the innocent to confess to crimes they are in no way a part of, escapes the true perpetrators. Such as 9/11's Condi and Ozolek with their "top secret" 9/11 plan titled "Unified Vision", with Bush and Cheney for obstruction naturally. Torture is a war crime that warrants death under standing American law.. ushered in by Ronald Reagan in his, War Crimes Act.. See, these "war crimes" escape those responsible for mass murdering Americans in NYC.. as her teen soldiers lied to too, dying forsaken. That's the truth.. A godly nation requires honorable intent.. much easier to just
randomly mass murder a nation staving to death.. sure.. but who still pays? See.. when Congress claims, you need not worry about the falling bombs.. it'll happen elsewhere.. Elsewhere is still here for the snookered Americans poisoned to death, denied Justice. Let's instead, let Justice roll like a stream,, Check out my written words, with real answers for all the most pressing of issues. Fair say all the way means everyone wins a brighter day. All invites welcomed. Why be strangers?

Syria is a full fledged Democracy. While the godless nation of Israel steals our homes at gun point.. being thieves of the freedom to be we, the people, willing to be commanded with self respect.. They break truces at every opportunity to have innocent Jews sacrificed, left further undefended for looting. Steal our homes, and everyone honorable as fair, will rightly call you a thief.. So says, the Christian Jew Muslim crew. Do right, vote John Kinal for President. Fair say all the way means you would win too most especially. All invites welcomed.

No reason to bomb Iraq. Should have walked themselves in as Mariachi dancers. Saddam was 110% co-operative. Doing anything that was asked of himself, plus more.. Not in violation with the UN's 1441, for inspectors had unrestricted access to go where ever they pleased, "without delay". Saddam even offered that Bush could take all the TV and radio over, to tell Iraqis the what for.. Bush refused.. Didn't want to save soldiers lives, but to have them needlessly sacrificed for no better good as a reason understood. Faithful TV Americans died forsaken, warring to bring about what was there prior to the attack. Would an American rather see more teen GIs conned for death by Magic TV's further evil
intentions, or be defended as a nation, with words spoken truthfully? Not willing as silenced, to be conned to die warring Democracies, but to defend liberty as justice for us all being honorable? Naturally, of course.. But that requires of you, naturally, to forward just such a concern.. Do we will the comfort of TV lies, to tell of it being heroic, to send your son or daughter to die without reason for?, ..as murderous thief of our good intentions? We wouldn't think so, if we could speak freely with the facts that matter..

We are the state, we are the governed. Every time I hear Alex Jones go on as a multi-millionaire, telling like yesterday he doesn't do it for the money.. selling his stuff for cowardly bigots who will to blame innocent folks for all our problems instead of individual suspects...Like the left, the globalists, the do gooders, those for "social Justice".. Then lies about the audit that found Obama and Co. stole 16 trillions.Telling too, Bush is just a puppet, move along move along.. . I think.. these bigot false accusers are defeated by one or three sentences given in a space of under six or seven seconds, by near anyone being of fair measure.. But why so few acting not as human? as telling..
we need to follow probable causes to determine for how something likely happens, as the 4th of the Bill of Rights.. is it really too complicated? For even a TV junkie? Did you know for example, that the FBI were threatened with arrests, for daring to investigate 9/11? ..right after disclosing the financier was Bush's business partner General Ahmad? The same guy who goes to the Taliban in person to state for AMERICA, that no evidence will be brought against the only therefore known as innocent, being falsely maligned??

+Nephilim Born "The state is controlled by the rich so it literally is rich vs poor class warfare."

Yeah.. we might be the state.. but that state is to have everyone ripped off, not granted equal protections. Trillions stolen.. no arrests. Elections rigged, no arrests.. War criminals ordering the bombing of democracies with Saudi Arabia without cause, no revolution? Obama is anti-Trump, and anti-Bernie. That's allot of pissed off people. What we need is leadership that tries to be fair to all.. It's easy I argue, but for the TV bigot classes, who wrongly generalize their indignation against swaths of people, instead of individual suspects robbing us further blind for broke.?

The Iraq war was completely irrational.. and I am recorded in history screaming as loud as I could for the days leading up to 'shock and awe'.. I tried to get on CBC TV, and CBC radio.. but they wouldn't allow my words spoken true.. And that it was a position that the State Department had held also (a department of the state department.. called the O.R.H.A.) Colluding we did being truthful.. this war decision is only going to needlessly sacrifice American soldiers lives for no gain!!! All you'll be doing is starting a war to get back to where you were prior to the needless attack. Saddam will do anything that is asked plus more. Get it? CBC would hear me explain it.. like twenty times or
more.. but still wouldn't pass on the war crime life and death info.. We need leadership that counts ourselves with self respect.. And we just don't get that on the popular TV shows. Never giving certainties as a selling point; of 'plausible deniability'.. in other words.. you have no responsibilities.. Is something happening for sure for sure? nah.. they don't do us like that there.. Everything is opinion.. so unnaturally, they don't want to hear truths that demand action from US either.. Like truly care to save soldier's lives.. You know, for God and Country.. not to TV liars willing lawless enslavement.. The truth will do us good I'm sure.. So.. I'm trying to get into a free election mind
set.. and wonder what it's going to take to do ourselves one better. I don't see any other realistic alternative but to attempt fairly measuring these things.. One paper ballot.. non-toxic food coloring.. and we'll take it from there.. we can't lose.. Check out my threads..

Would we rather die before fighting for Justice fairly meted here my losing friends of the trying to be civilized? Fair say all the way means you would win too most especially. We need Justice.. to return our stolen trillions.. and on all these crime scenes costing American teen soldiers their forsaken lives, still falling.. ..and too, of my gentle mother, Jennie Kinal, that was recently murdered in hospital, as a great many others have, and will continue if we don't speak up for our denied rights.. Time to realize the potential in truly doing what we set out to do. Seek, "Important: The Public must be warned.. Save lives.. Support a Public Inquest". Cheers to victory over tyranny.

America: Trump or Hillary? Are you Crazy?

I would argue Trump's flaws are far more severe than publicly claimed. He, like Alex Jones, doesn't will the return of all those stolen trillions, taken through the crimes of extortion and embezzlement. Why? Who of the Rightard clans can even think what that statement means?, let alone embezzlement as it pertains to the naked criminal frauds of the derivative. There are but near five people world wide that can simply explain it, and I'm one of those five. Another thing is that for aligning with false accuser Alex Jones, as then therefore doesn't really want justice on 9/11. Not supporting the 4th Amendment to follow probable causes for why a crime occurs. Instead, while persecuting the
innocent to escape the bad guys, has nodded that Gooliannie will be put at the head of homeland security. Gooliannie if you didn't know, was a part of "Red Ex" on 9/11.. This was a drill ON 9/11, yes on 9/11, where planes would be flown into buildings in NYC, that would then collapse.. The document was found on his server, archived forever till the end of time now it is.. for those who record such things.. Another thing, is as so addressed, regarding his pro criminal assault position - realize.. it is against those who disagree with himself legally on something. but most often.. his bigotry.. Which means as false malinger of our overtly generalized characters.. So, if he states falsely he
doesn't like our legal attitudes, he wills to see us all beat up and left in a gutter forsaken our shared values as once civilized.. He has talked on how he supports the Israeli STEALING our homes, to be then sent off to suffer in concentration death camps.. all because we are of, the Christian Jew Muslim crews, willing to be commanded in self respect. So he is a proven ungodly demon enemy of everyone truly. I can go on about him not understanding basic economics, though with trade.. he is close to accidentally doing the right thing.. Math is what is missing on TV always.. as it pertains to regressive tax structure.. Long story shortened.. A Casio, as they run today ILLEGALLY, destroy
economies.. It's not theoretical.. it mathematical. He stated, he was smart, to get out of Atlanta just before the Casinos bled the city to bone dying.. He's proud of that.. Openly.. I am not against gambling, I am against criminal theft.. of which all casinos participate.. because of the hatred for wise men and women speaking freely without fair opposition.. but to be name called.. But math is math.. His casinos, like all others, will lie that they only take 4%, but mathematically it's closer to 82%. This means the poor are not paying babysitters, to buy soft drinks.. No big deal? Well it's hundreds of millions of dollars each year... each town.. It adds up to whole lot of bad news.. Fewer
dollars repressively taken, without goods or services, from the poor to these obscenely wealthy criminals, means there are fewer dollars on the street to pay salaries.. This is what the Great Depression was. Hitlery, of course.. is far worse.. She's like a Satanic demon witch hell bent on slavery and indiscriminate mass murder. So, she OPENLY tells. Maybe that explains was she's so popular with the Magic TV celebrities eh? Obama and Co. are at war against Democracies with godless anti-woman Saudi Arabia.. making off with trillions stolen.. Don't you think It's about time we start demanding our rights be defended as fair here? I think so, as you would too no doubt to know. We need your
support. Fair say all the way means you would win too most especially. Vote John Kinal for President. At least let's freely talk about it. What do you say?

Wow eh?
Forward this if you would save America.


A Gift of Music - Johnny Sings
The Truth.
2016-09-10 09:56:38 UTC

The Winnipeg police are complicit in the murder of my mother Jennie Cinal.. forbidding all detectives from investigating. It involves the mass murder of a great many in Winnipeg, all because we are determined to be too poor by newspaper standards to care for. Something must be done of this most Satanic evil eating away our innocent lives. I've recorded 7 times my interactions with police.. who laugh in my face to think, they will allow a crime scene investigation, on their wholesale mass murder program. We need your help. God wills Justice.. Don't forsake ourselves..All I demand is a criminal investigation, as the crime has already been solved. Evidence freely available to all. Save
innocent lives..


Canada vs. George Walker Bush - Supreme Court Motions in Canada that WON the case for We the People on 9/11 - read them and weep..

A fact is a fact. I was cleared as innocent, as my motion to stay was granted while preparing to enter the Supreme Court of Canada. But these demonic liars cheating Winnipeg for Justice, don't will the truth to prevail.. Understand, these Satanic whores that pirate Winnipeg for furthering criminality against our communities, who tell of this once 'top secret' court case was really about me having sex with my mother - pay no attention as caring for the further mass murders.. Expressing zero concerns for the continuing mass murders transpiring at the Health Sciences Center 4th floor, "Comfort Care" . Encouraging through stolen faith, not to simply hear the Chief Medical Examiner or numerous
police interviews confess the same.. Evil is the deceived disguised..



[You'll need change the word Cinal, with the ltter K instead of C]

I, JOHN Cinal, in the city of Winnipeg, Province of Manitoba


Pakistani ISI Director General Ahmad orders an aide to wire transfer about $100,000 to
hijacker Atta. Ahmad later resigns after the transfer is disclosed in India and confirmed
by the FBI. [Dawn, 10/8/01, Times of India, 10/9/01, Wall Street Journal, 10/10/01, AFP,
10/10/01] The individual who makes the wire transfer at Ahmad's direction is Saeed
Sheikh, later convinced for kidnapping and murdering reporter Daniel Pearl in February
2002. ABC News later reports, "federal authorities have told ABC News they've now
tracked more than $100,000 from banks in Pakistan to two banks in Florida to accounts
held by suspected hijack ringleader Mohamed Atta." [ABC News, 9/30/01] CNN also
reports the $100,000 transfer, and the New York Times specifies that it came in 2000.
[CNN, 10/1/01, CNN, 10/6/01, New York Times, 7/10/02] Ahmad's order must have
preceded June 2000, since that's when Atta and others started opening bank accounts and
receiving the money ($109,910 is received by Atta and Marwan Alshehhi between June
19 and September 18). [MSNBC, 12/11/01]


On March 3, 2002, MSNBC's Jim Miklaszewski reported that he had received
anonymously, top secret presidential war strategy documents dated September 9th, 2001,
originating from Condolezza's office, outlining a strategy to invade Afghanistan premised
on blaming bin Laden a terrorist, but providing no evidence to back up the allegations,
thereby guaranteeing criminal invasion. Only workable if Laden pleads innocence to a
crime that hadn't yet taken place, a crime serious enough to "justify" sacrificing American
GIs truly for a liquefied natural gas pipe line for pension thieving Enron. ["The Dahbol
Working Group" and Bridas] Any evidence for any offense would have been sufficient to
have Muslim fundamentalists hand Laden immediately over, as they had offered [as others
of other nations had also] repeatedly during the Clinton years.

CBC and CNN have still, to this day, consciously refused to do any follow up on the
intelligence, deciding instead on behalf of dying people everywhere, our public
devolvement of a just society.


RTÉ News - US rejects Taliban bin Laden evidence calls
21 September 2001 17:41

The White House has rejected requests from Afghanistan's ruling Taliban for proof that
Osama bin Laden was responsible for last week's attacks. According to the US Secretary
of State, Colin Powell, the United States has enough evidence to try bin Laden in an
American court.

The US Government said there would be no negotiations.


[This following document was the official damning account]

Responsibility for the terrorist atrocities in the United States
4 October 2001

[This Internet Domain is Britain's Prime Minister's]

"This document does not purport to provide a prosecutable case against Usama Bin Laden
in a court of law."

The document doesn’t hold ANY case, as that was the strategy.... See?


Investigating the Investigation

After playing a tape of Cheney's statement, Russert asked Daschle, "Did the vice president
call you and urge you not to investigate the events of Sept. 11?" Daschle flatly
contradicted Cheney: "Yes, he did, Tim, on Jan. 24, and then on Jan. 28 the president
himself at one of our breakfast meetings repeated the request."

...."[T]hat request was made" by Cheney not only on Jan. 24 and by Mr. Bush four days
later, but "on other dates following" as well.


ABCNEWS.com : FBI Called off Terror Investigations

Two veteran FBI investigators say they were ordered to stop investigations into a
suspected terror cell linked to Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network and the Sept. 11

`You Will Not Open Criminal Investigations'


October 9 2001 - The Times of India

"While the Pakistani Inter Services Public Relations claimed that former ISI [the
"Pakistani CIA"] director-general Lt-Gen Mahmud Ahmad sought retirement after being
superseded on Monday, the truth is more shocking. Top sources confirmed here on
Tuesday that the general lost his job because of the "evidence" India produced to show his
links to one of the suicide bombers that wrecked the World Trade Center. The U.S.
authorities sought his removal after confirming the fact that $100,000 were wired to WTC
hijacker Mohammed Atta from Pakistan by Ahmad Umar Sheikh [Omar Saeed] at the
instance of General Mahmud [Ahmad]. Senior government sources have confirmed that
India contributed significantly to establishing the link between the money transfer and the
role played by the dismissed ISI chief. While they did not provide details, they said that
Indian inputs, including [Omar Saeed's] mobile phone number, helped the FBI in tracing
and establishing the link."


No evidence was brought against Laden for nine eleven, none. [So according to Bush's
official top secret Presidential directives] While Laden himself claimed he played no
part in 911. Still, to save the lives of third worlders on the brink of starvation, Laden
agreed to hand himself over, but Bush refused the offer, while CBC and CNN denied
to report on that fact for the behalf of now dying dismembered American GIs. Once the
indiscriminate bombing began, targeting almost every building in the country of
Afghanistan, Laden then claimed he had no choice but to fight back to defend US
innocent from the ungodly enemies of Creation/Freedom. Then the clear to all fake
video came out with an actor who's face wasn't even close to looking remotely like Laden,
but for almost the facial hair. [Bridge of the Jamaican actor's nose is HALF as long in
proportion to Laden’s for example, and surely frightfully shocking for some, the actor
doesn't even take blame for 911 either!] Photos comparing the two faces never aired on
CBC and CNN available in about twelve seconds with the power of the Internet.


former FBI deputy director and murder victim John O'Neill

"the main obstacles to investigating Islamic terrorism were U.S. oil corporate interests and
the role played by Saudi Arabia."


Alex Jones interviewing Former German Defense Minister Andreas Von Buelow

"Bush signed W199I months before 911 ordering the FBI not to stop Al-Qaeda. They
threatened to arrest FBI agent Robert Wright if he tells us what he knows."


Mr. Bush was quoted somewhere regarding Mr. Laden's guilt of complete innocence
with "We don't need any evidence, we know he's guilty."



" [FBI's] Edmonds concluded that documents clearly showed that the Sept. 11 hijackers
were in the country and plotting to use airplanes as missiles. She said documents also
included information relating to their financial activities. "


The honorable Argentinean oil company Bridas' relationship can not be understated
as the Bush Administration's primary motive on criminal invasion of Afghanistan to
save his biggest corporate backers, the American pension thieving Enron.

From "An American demands the truth from you" by Karl W. B. Schwarz

" I demand to know what energy companies were in that Cheney Energy Task Force
meeting and what discussions there were as to the steps that would be taken to remove the
Taliban and Bridas Corporation as the last remaining obstacle to the United States
controlling the Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline. I met that company in 1999 and have known
since then about the Bridas v Unocal, $15 billion interference of contract lawsuit in US
District Court, Southern District of Texas. I also know about the Fifth Circuit Court of
Appeals decision on September 9, 2003 that upheld the Bridas $500 million arbitration
settlement and the March 22, 2004 denial of Writ of Certiorari at the United States
Supreme Court, Case 03-1018, Turkmenneft v Bridas."


From "Fresh Memories of War" by Kandea Mosley, The Ithaca Journal (New
York), 25 May 2002:

"We were told there were no friendly forces," said [Army Private Matt] Guckenheimer, an
assistant gunner with the 10th Mountain Division at Fort Drum. "If there was anybody
there, they were the enemy. We were told specifically that if there were women and
children to kill them."


Quote from "A Dossier on Civilian Victims of United States' Aerial Bombing of
Afghanistan: A Comprehensive Accounting"

by Professor Marc W. Herold Ph.D., M.B.A., B.Sc.
Departments of Economics and Women's Studies McConnell Hall
Whittemore School of Business & Economics University of New Hampshire

When U.S warplanes strafed [with AC-130 gunships] the farming village of Chowkar-
Karez, 25 miles north of Kandahar on October 22-23rd,killing at least 93 civilians, a
Pentagon official said, "the people there are dead because we wanted them dead." The
reason? They sympathized with the Taliban.1 When asked about the Chowkar incident,
Rumsfeld replied, "I cannot deal with that particular village."



"American troops today admitted they routinely gun down Iraqi civilians - some of whom
are entirely innocent.

And in an admission that directly contrasts with the line coming out from the Pentagon's
spin doctors Specialist Corporal Michael Richardson added: "There was no dilemma
when it came to shooting people who were not in uniform, I just pulled the trigger."

The Crown would argue this issue isn’t in her jurisdiction, however, it is in mine as a
expressive communicator fighting for freedom from real tyranny. An irrational tyranny
that only stands exercised by corporate "news bite" censorship, and false imprisonments.
An American Prosecutor put Sergeant Benderman in prison for refusing to kill God’s
children. Now, what do you really think America would do, if "they" knew that too?


Bush demands total impunity on the war crimes he is personally responsible for




"Marines said the men fired on them. A senior officer said they had no weapons, but that
with shots coming in the men were legitimate targets because they ran."



CAIR also wants the Pentagon to investigate a photograph circulating the Internet of two
Iraqi boys and a U.S. soldier. A smiling soldier stands besides the two boys who are
giving a "thumbs up" sign, as one of boys holds a sign written in English that reads, "Lcpl
Boudreaux killed my Dad, th[en] he knocked up my sister!"

(Link to photo: Loading Image...)


Guardian Wednesday 7, 2001 - "FBI claims bin Laden inquiry was frustrated"
[this story was on Bush’s top secret W199i directive]

This information would take a well paid intelligence officer, or CBC reporter no more that
thirty seconds to look for follow ups. For, I know, the BBC did also a national news
report on it.


INTERVIEWER: Are you aware that this tank is contaminated with radiation?

SOLDIER: No, it isn't radioactive.

INTERVIEWER: But we have measured it.

SOLDIER: No, it isn't radioactive, not this tank.

"Basra is on a river," he noted. "A DU shell poisons the water in a river. It poisons the
grasses and the grains. It sinks into the ground and poisons the water table. When it gets
into the body, it does incredible damage. The combination of radioactivity and heavy
metal toxicity is such that it affects the DNA in such a way that you get genetic

[thousands of tons of measured radio-active toxic waste, heavy metals, oxidized to
microscopic particles as small as a tenth of a micron have been deposited in our airspace,
however, CBC and CNN have refused to inform ourselves on the scientifically measurable
extremely serious health concern issue..]


Justice Department lawyer John Yoo, "In the exercise of his plenary power to use military
force," Yoo insisted, "the President's decisions are for him alone and are unreviewable."
Yoo was also quoted recently on CBC national news report regarding the torturing of
innocent people to death, to state something like "President Bush doesn’t have to justify
his opinions to Canada or even to the United States for that matter."


The incriminating FBI email dated 22 May 2004, indicates that president Bush personally
signed off on certain interrogation techniques in an executive order."
(See original at http://globalresearch.ca/articles/FBI.121504.4940_4941.pdf)


U.S. deserter 'didn't want to have to kill babies'

"Mr. House will argue that American soldiers are guilty of war crimes and that forcing
Mr. Hinzman to fight in Iraq would have made him a war criminal.

He will call as a witness former U.S. Marine Staff Sergeant Jimmy Massey, who is
expected to testify that he and other soldiers shot more than 30 unarmed Iraqis,
including women and a six-year-old child, at a U.S. military checkpoint."



that a clandestine military task force in Iraq was beating detainees, ordering Defense
Intelligence Agency debriefers out of the room during questioning, confiscating evidence
of the abuse and intimidating the debriefers when they complained."



A sacked CIA official is reportedly suing the agency for allegedly retaliating against him
for refusing to falsify his reports on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction to support the
White House's pre-war position.


``I was faced with being deployed to Iraq to do what the infantry does, kill people, and I
had no justification for doing so,'' he testified. ``This was a criminal war. Any act of
violence in an unjustified conflict is an atrocity.''


Williams's squad stopped a dump truck, and an Iraqi climbed out. "Light him up!" the
sergeant ordered, according to testimony, and the squad opened fire, killing the unarmed
man. Williams and a squadmate reportedly got into an argument over which of them had
scored Company C's first kill.


It gets worse. We already knew about the Franklin County, Ohio, precinct that tallied
4,258 votes for Bush when only 638 people had actually voted.



Israeli Soldiers Going In For The Kill: A 13 year old Palestinian [JEWISH] school girl is
about to die

"It's a little girl. She's running defensively eastwards, a girl of about 10. She's behind the
embankment, scared to death."

"Anyone who's mobile, moving in the zone, even if it's a three-year-old, needs to be


US forces unleashed more than 20 air strikes and some 60 artillery rounds on Monday,
said Major Todd Desgrosseilliers. [...] An AFP reporter in the Jolan district said one
building in every 10 had been flattened. As US-led troops closed in on the neighborhood
overnight, at least four 900-kilogram bombs were dropped in the city's northwest.

[destructive radius of a 900-kilogram bomb is half a kilometer, and all TRUE accounts
of death rates for Fallujah alone, a city where the population was forbidden to leave,
exceed two hundred thousand innocent souls.]


The Bush Administration
In rush to defend White House, Rice trips over own words
Friday, March 26 @ 10:12:40 EST

By Walter Pincus and Dana Milbank, San Francisco Chronicle

"Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage contradicted Rice's claim that the
White House had a strategy before Sept. 11 for military operations against al Qaeda and
the Taliban. The CIA contradicted Rice's earlier assertion that Bush had requested a CIA
briefing in the summer of 2001 because of elevated terrorist threats. And Rice's assertion
this week that Bush had told her on Sept. 16, 2001, that "Iraq is to the side" appeared to be
contradicted by an order signed by Bush on Sept. 17 directing the Pentagon to begin
planning military options for an invasion of Iraq."

[ And...]


"Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage contradicted Rice's claim that the White
House had a strategy before Sept. 11 for military operations against al Qaeda and the

This indicates that with the foreknowledge gained through prior experiences of Muslim
fundamentalists, such as the Taliban, being forbidden by their religion [Jihad] to persecute
the innocent, left the Bush Administration with only needing to do, and had officially
done, was to use no evidence to back up allegations to insure invasion plans, and as a
result, a deliberate treasonous criminal strategy to not follow the crime scene leads at the
real murder scene to nab to true evil doers. For otherwise - spoil the top secret plot.


Blix nor Elbaradei, nor Kofi, suggested, implied, or stated, that Iraq had failed to
comply with the newest U.N. resolution: 1441.

HANS BLIX: "And at this juncture, we are able to perform professional no-notice
inspections all over Iraq and to increase aerial surveillance..."

With complete, one hundred percent access to go where ever the Bush Administration
pleased without delay, left a situation of an unjust war only detrimental to an ability to
bring about any good or better thing. American soldiers are being sacrificed for no better
good or reason understood, for if progress will ever be made, it will be when they work to
bring about a political situation that was there in Iraq before the Bush Administration
starting murdering innocent people for nothing . Well, not completely, for Bremer shipped
19 billion to Greenspan early on, then, hundreds of millions were sent back.


Professor Steven E. Jones, a tenured BYU professor, went public several weeks ago after
releasing a 19 page academic paper, essentially showing how the laws of physics do not
support the WTC's freefall and, consequently, the official government story.
It should be known that World Trade Center Building Seven was not struck by an
airplane, yet fell exactly the same as the two towers.

Below both towers were found pools of molten steel, only creatable with the heating
by high explosives.

Excerpts from "Me, Art Bell, and 9-11 by Lisa Guliani"

The official version of the WTC collapses defy both Galileo's Law of Falling Bodies, and
also Isaac Newton's First Law of Motion.

..if we know that hydrocarbon fires can only reach a maximum temperature of 1517
degrees Fahrenheit, how could they possibly have melted this steel, when the melting
point of steel is 2,795 degrees and the boiling point of steel (when it becomes a molten
liquid) is 5,182 degrees Fahrenheit.

The existence of these burning pools of molten steel were confirmed by:

- Mark Lorieux of Controlled Demolition, Inc
- Peter Tully, President of Tully Construction
- and the American Free Press newspaper


"To be truthful about it, there was no way we could have got the public consent to have
suddenly launched a campaign on Afghanistan but for what happened on September 11..."

Tony Blair Speaking To House of Commons Liaison Committee


The Washington Post, 23 September 2001.

At American urging, Ahmed traveled ... to Kandahar, Afghanistan. There he delivered the
bluntest of demands. Turn over bin Laden without conditions, he told Taliban leader
Mohammad Omar, or face certain war with the United States and its allies.

Mahmoud's meetings on two separate missions with the Taliban were reported as a
"failure." Yet this "failure" to extradite Osama without providing a shred of eidence was
part of Washington's documented design, providing a pretext for a military intervention
which was already in the pipeline. If Osama had been extradited, the main justification for
waging a war "against international terrorism" would no longer hold. Nor would the ready
to go Patriot Act. Incidentally, when MSNBC contacted the Whitehouse regarding the top
secret invasion of Afghanistan plan, it was confessed that the plan had been "fully


"Why of course the people don't want war ... But after all it is the leaders of the country
who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along,
whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist
dictatorship ... Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the
leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and
denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger." --
Hermann Goering, Nazi leader, at the Nuremberg Trials after World War II


On the wall of the National Holocaust Museum: " Thou shall not be a victim, thou shall
not be a perpetrator, and thou shall not be a by-stander"

SWORN before me
in the City of Winnipeg,
Province of Manitoba,

[this affidavit was sworn in federally and provincially as a massive
Canadian Constitutional challenge]





For an Order of Production




JOHN Cinal


This Notice of Motion regarding an Order of Production is to have disclosed to
the defense, the complete evidence without undue hindrance, evidence the Crown
holds against the accused as a member of our public. These following
arguments are the reasons why Justice must prevail in these proceedings:


Open Letter to Canada's Governor General, His Excellency, the Right Honorable David Johnson
- Regarding the continuing program of mass murdering the poor in the city of Winnipeg.


Open Letter to Canada’s Governor General,
His Excellency, the Right Honorable David Johnson.

Hello. My name Is John Cinal, and I am a citizen of Canada living in Winnipeg. Terribly, my mother was recently murdered right in front of me at Winnipeg's Health Science Center. Against her will, she was denied medical aid, and poisoned to die under an un-elected murder/suicide program titled, "Comfort Care". The moment the hospital told me they were poisoning her to die, because she was at "end of life" I demanded they stop immediately - that the allegation was obviously false.. Her doctor for that week, known as “Dr. T” (something like, Tazarasing) , agreed, and ordered the nurses stop poisoning Jennie Cinal. The head Nurse told AS RECORDED, that Nurse Delaney decided to disobey the
doctor, and went ahead suffocating my mother, with an overdose of hydromorphone, along with an overdose of a diuretic. My mother was pronounced dead the next day from the lie she had, “multiple organ failure”. I was capable of reviving her from her poisoning, and I ran to the police, and spoke with the college of physicians and surgeons, begging to save my mother from these then caught, attempting first degree murder. The College's spokesperson Irene McDonald told, that they can not get involved in any criminal allegations, and that the police must be called in, while the police, told eventually, they never had one minute to give the allegation of attempted murder, because Mike at the
Winnipeg Police's, Public Safety Building tells, they never allow capital crime investigations to happen at a hospital, because the doctor is always right, when it goes to court. RECORDED. I went to the police a total of seven times, trying to seek a defender of the criminal code of Canada's opposition to murder.. Never happened, but for laughs in my face, that my mother being tortured, being punched in the face by the nurse, was not something they would EVER get involved with. My mother was finally murdered right in front of me 30 days later, by Dr. Colister with Fentanyl and “Devil’s Breathe” in a conspiracy with Nurse Collette.. AS RECORDED..

This is an abbreviated synopsis, with all the evidence recorded, of the most serious of crimes. The day my mother was finally done in, her doctor from the week before, Dr. Semus, told me as recorded, that the first time they tried to have her murdered, had been expunged from her medical record. Despite my many hours of video recorded, documented the event with several nurses, and doctors.. And my recorded visits to the police.

Here is a link, with a more detailed timeline..

An Open Letter to Winnipeg's Mayor Brian Bowman
groups. google .com / forum/#!topic/alt.religion/ Mc_J5xk-Hzk

The Winnipeg Police are complicit in the continuing murders of the poor in our city.

All I ask, is a criminal investigation of my allegations be sought. I have several talks with nurses recorded.. One where nurse Charlene tells, of no one ever escaping their death sentences in seven years, given against our wills, on the hellish, 4th floor, Health Sciences Center.. Thousands of victims, who’s sin, seems to be, being poor. Please, don’t forsaken the value of my innocent mother’s life, Jennie Cinal. Demand a criminal investigation.. as the Chief Medical Examiner for our province tells me, he is forbidden to look at patients medical records. RECORDED. Refusing to allow an autopsy too, or to ask my mother’s doctor if she had ordered the stopping of the poisoning.. He is found
complicit, by simply listening to the recorded phone calls yourself, or as a crime scene investigator.. I beg the Queen to intervene, to demand a fair measuring on this continuing crime scene.

Contact me at your earliest opportunity, with any further follow up questions.. so we can get started on freeing ourselves of this dreadful tyranny, that apposes God and our Humanity. What I request, as a sovereign citizen, is my Right, a preliminary criminal investigation regarding this alleged murder scene, that will easily find these murderers in serious violations, of many laws designed to defend our liberties..

204 --- ----. I too, wish this wasn’t so.. The evidence speaks for ourselves..


This was emailed to all city of Winnipeg councilors
along with the Mayor, and many provincial MPs.
Including the WRHA, and the two Colleges.
Including the local papers. Think now of this
time going by already, where innocent people are
still not being defended from being murdered by
the clear enemies of being fair as we free of
their ungodly tyranny. We need a formal criminal
investigation to start immediately.


To All Concerned..

An Open Letter to Winnipeg's Mayor Brian Bowman

After talking with the RCMP, I am told that our honorable
Mayor, has the right to ask for a preliminary criminal
investigation, as to whether our laws have been broken,
in respect to my recently murdered mother. Denied health
care, while poisoned to die against her will and my own as
wilful first degree murder. Understand it isn't that any
officer of law in Winnipeg, has in anyway disagreed with
this fair assessment - documented with evidenced video,
and audio recordings included..But to blindly deny all
rights to be defended, because Mike, at the front desk of
the PSB states".. a judge always sides with the Doctor
on criminal matters" - as the reason he gives for why all
are forbidden to be defended by Law equally. He refuses
to allow me file a formal complaint repeatedly. The
recordings with Manitoba's Chief Medical Examiner,
suggest there could be thousands of victims here.. The
Chief apparently can't tell precisely, claiming, he too is
forbidden from reviewing the provably doctored medical
records, of all those alleged murdered, denied
formal investigating.

I, John Cinal, am available for any questions or interview.


Winnipeg Police state unlawfully, under no circumstances will
they allow a complaint of murder to be drawn and forwarded
to homicide - for those of Winnipeg who are chosen, AGAINST
OUR WILL, to be first degree murdered, at the Winnipeg Health
Sciences Center.

OUR Winnipeg Police state...

The Winnipeg police are complicit in the
continuing murders of the poor in our city.

Evidence on the continuing murders - 250+meg file


I am begging Humanity for help.. please be human..

My mother Jennie Cinal was taken against her will and my own, and put into the Winnipeg Health Sciences Center mass murder program titled, "Comfort Care". Where my mother's medications as effective health treatment, was denied, while being poisoned with agents that suffocate and paralyze. We were told we could not leave, or stop them from poisoning her. When asked on March 8th, whether my mother could receive some help with her newly acquired chest infection - I had suggested penicillin or maybe a antibiotic.. Dr. Chisic told me as recorded, "we don't do that here in Comfort Care" SHE KNOWS she is committing murder with Dr. Colister, by denying my mother the care she deserves, while being

Jennie Cinal was finally murdered at the Winnipeg Health Sciences Center by Dr. Collister and Nurse Collette. Earlier in the day that they committed this murder, my mother and I meet with Dr. Collister, that I have recorded - of Dr. Collister, talking to me and my mother, of how he wants to give my mother 'Devil's Breath'.. (the worst thing imaginable - as it stops the lungs from expelling phlegm.) I say no, because it will only exacerbate her newly acquired chest infection. He can only agree.. and ends our conversation stating, no new poisons will be prescribed.. (as too we received promise from Dr. Chisic) But Dr. Collister, the murderer, arranges with Nurse Collette to give 'devil's
breath', mixed with her fentanyl when I am absent the room.. of which my mother soon succumbs during the next shift, at the cruel hands of night Nurse, Charlene. Who when I briefly rushed home, thinking she was someone I could trust, she phones me to tell, my mother will "not be walking out the front doors". And no, she will not revive.. "We don't do that here."


Mass Murdering the Poor in Winnipeg Hospitals
- Police Refusing to Investigate is Criminal

What is this world to not express a concern for innocent life
sacrificed? A world truly dying from self contempt. All I ask,
is for we the people to demand Justice, of which the Winnipeg
Police refuse to allow. Please, support fair say, as the
enforcement of our laws apposing murder

TheTruth -
Manitoba confirming no investigations
allowed..(eleven megabyte audio file)

Honesty requires effort to discern.. and a care for the
plight of others in the society we are not absent of. I've
just released my newest video off my home page, of the
mass murder program against the poor being run in the city
of Winnipeg with the Police. Please care enough not to
dismiss our innocent lives, as too much trouble to witness
the horrific reality yourself. I am begging Humanity to
speak out for the continuing falling crime victims, denied
our rules of law.. Where the police claim, we the people
can not have our laws, to defend our innocent lives being

The Winnipeg police are complicit in the continuing mass murders of the poor in our city.

I am begging Humanity for help.. please be human..

I explain in detail, with recordings of me speaking with the
police, and the Chief Medical Examiner.. The city refuses to
allow me to submit a complaint of murder. Trouble yourself to
listen. Lives are still being stolen, simply for being poor.

Winnipeg Police state unlawfully, under no circumstances will
they allow a complaint of murder to be drawn and forwarded
to homicide - for those of Winnipeg who are chosen, AGAINST
OUR WILL, to be first degree murdered, at the Winnipeg Health
Sciences Center. My mother was denied her needed medicines,
while punched out and suffocated. All evidence is freely
available. She nor I, did we will her to die murder victim as
suicided.. We went to the hospital for help.. If others had
warned us, we wouldn't have sacrificed our lives to these mass
murderers. The Winnipeg police, as recorded several times,
OFFICIALLY claim they are to be left unaccountable as lawless.
There are many other victims here, denied our rules of law.

like anyone else would

(..this on the first attempt at murder..)
Introduction to the Case: back-from-the-dead

We the People

Please support a criminal investigation on the recent
murder of Jennie Cinal in Winnipeg. The city forbids
all police agencies from enforcing OUR law against
premeditated murder.. at the Health Sciences Center
4th floor - "Comfort Care" ..mass murder in fact.

Being civilized, is naturally progressing in understanding.
All the prophets will justice as fair say here.. as too,
the astute Atheist. Willing to be free of tyranny.

They are mass murdering the poor in Winnipeg today..
Where our police are forbidden to investigate.. Please
check my homepage for further details.. I know it's
hard to believe, but it's happening.. They murdered
my mother right in front of me.. and the police I
have recorded several times refusing to enforce the
law by accepting a formal complaint, while laughing
at me.. by suggesting they need to enforce our
standing criminal code. UNDERSTAND, no matter what
the truth is, our police services are forbidden from
investigating allegations of murder at the 4th floor,
Health Sciences Center, where mass murder is still
transpiring.. Please fight back for fair say here..
innocent lives are being stolen..

The Winnipeg Police are complicit in
mass murdering the poor of our city.

Hi everyone, my name is John Cinal.

Do right for others in the society you are of. I'm
trying to save countless innocent lives from further
mass murder in the city of Winnipeg. Innocent people
are dying, all because we can't care enough to find
ourselves as normal human beings willing Justice as
fair say. It's what we have laws for.

The only power they have, is our indecision to do right for another.

Get the full evidence archive with links provided below..

Forward this to save innocent lives..
(simply email a link to the story)


My mother Jennie Cinal and I, were not asked if we
willed to have her end her life in the Winnipeg Health
Sciences Center, by them placing my mother in "Comfort
Care" - depriving her medicines, while poisoned to die.

Did not sign anything to agree to 'Comfort Care'.

Justice done is freedom won.

SHOCKING AUDIO - Winnipeg Police Admit Being Complicit in Mass Murdering the Poor of Winnipeg - SHOCKING AUDIO


Who cares for Winnipeg murder victims?

THE CITY REFUSES TO ALLOW A COMPLAINT OF MURDER MADE - My mother Jennie Cinal and I, were not asked if we willed to have her end her life in the Winnipeg Health Sciences Center, by them placing my mother in "Comfort Care" - depriving her medicines, while poisoned to die. Did not sign anything to agree to 'Comfort Care'. All Winnipeg police officers clearly wouldn't support this wicked criminality continuing, but they are not made aware, as the complaints are not allowed to be filed. LISTEN TO THE COPS TELL ME SO AS RECORDED. We can't remain silenced on this matter of our families being first degree murdered at the lawless hospitals. It's justice for us or further we go bust. All invites for
friendship welcomed.. Murderers Allowed To Walk Free in Winnipeg - Police forbidden to investigate.. WE DID NOT SIGN TO DIE UNDER COMFORT CARE. HOSPITAL REFUSED TO STOP END OF LIFE MEDS. JENNIE Cinal PRONOUNCED DEAD FROM ORGAN FAILURE. RECOVERED HER TO FIND NO ORGAN FAILURE.. TORTURED FOR 33 MORE DAYS UNTIL DEAD FROM DEVIL'S BREATH. Allow the truth to prevail.. Are you not human? Warn innocent people of these crimes.. save lives..

Did not sign anything to agree to 'Comfort Care'.

TheTruth - murders still occurring at
Winnipeg’s Health Sciences Center – H4.
Manitoba confirming no investigations
allowed..(eleven megabyte audio file)


Mass Murderers Allowed To Walk Free in Winnipeg


There is so much for criminality transpiring in our dying world,
and near no honorable leadership screaming for Justice.. What are
we going to do? How about just taking the link for the story, and
forwarding it to those who you believe should hear the good news?
That we're not putting up with mass murder in Winnipeg any longer..
Fair say all the way has you win too, a better world.. Please I
beg you, be human. Judge this incredibly serious matter for
yourself. The top recording is of me speaking with the head of
all murder investigations in the province.. Telling he doesn't
support getting to understand what the cause is ever of any,
murdered in Winnipeg under this not elected program titled,
"Comfort Care" where they ON PURPOSE.. deny medicines the
patients needs, while then being poisoned to die with opiates,
along with concoctions that stop the patient from breathing
effectively, while spreading infections. Thousands of victims
so far, according to my contact, directly connected - and the
Chief Medical examiner stating in a recording in the archive..
too.. of "thousands" being put down this way in Winnipeg. .
My mother, nor I, did not sign into being murdered, or as they
call, suicided.


Save Lives

In Winnipeg, the police state they will not investigate
capital offenses that occur at Hospitals, because judges
always side for doctors in criminal matters. Recording
available. But in my case, with my mother, it was the
doctor that ordered Jennie Cinal no longer be poisoned,
with end of life medications.. but the nurses went ahead
anyway to attempt murder.. for it was proven, Jennie Cinal
did not have "multiple organ failure" - and they needed
to cover up their murderous crimes against the poor as
disadvantaged. Fair say all the way means we're living
civilized lives, not being murdered as forsaken in
Winnipeg.. Save lives in Winnipeg by warning others
of this program titled, "Comfort Care" - It's a matter
of life and death.

Save innocent lives by allowing the truth to prevail. By
warning others, you save lives.. Do right for ourselves,
Love justice. Love freedom. Love life.


"No one goes into palliative care without signing documents."

John Cinal - Never signed anything. And it's the medical doctor who
ordered my mother no longer be poisoned.. but my mom was according to
the medical record, and the head nurse.. and two other nurses.. all
to attempt cover of the fact, she never had 'multiple organ failure'.

"Who never signed nothing? And how did your Mom end up at the hospital?
I take it they didn't kidnap her too? Who poisoned your Mom? Again those
are allegations of wrong doing. Multiple organ failure would be a cause
of death, not something anyone could live with."

John Cinal - That's right. That's why it is so clearly, attempted
murder on Feb 2nd when it was alleged, she had "multiple organ
failure" .But lived for more than 30 days longer.. While the police
refused to investigate, while the College of physicians are forbidden
to involve themselves in criminal matters. The audio recordings are
available.. They are murdering the poor, under "Comfort Care".. My
mother entered the hospital in hopes to be helped with her thyroid
condition, that had cause swelling in her legs.. Instead they pumped
steroids and other things into her veins non-stop, which caused tremors
from the minute after giving her health card information.. then kept
near a coma, doped with Fentanyl 80X more powerful than morphine, and
hydromorphone to seriously hamper breathing,. to her subsequent murder
on March 8th with "Devil's Breath".


Listen: People of the world.. In Winnipeg, if a
capital offense occurs at a hospital.. the College
of Physicians and Surgeons can not get involved, and
the concern needs to be forwarded to police.. while
the police in Winnipeg state, they never allow officers
to investigate capital crimes that occur in hospital..
Recording available. THAT'S A BIG PROBLEM. For everybody.
We, the People have to face this fair. Don't fear
standing on principle.. This is really a serious
matter, of murder going unpunished. We all need to
defend ourselves fair.. Who do the Winnipeg Police
Department think they work here for? It is we the
people of Winnipeg.. The Winnipeg police department
is complicit, as an accessory to mass murder by
refusing to enforce our laws. Minimally,
obstructionists. That Law against murder we must
enforce. They get a fair say, before conviction can
be gained.. We love all honorable cops.. as they are
of us, willing freedom. The freedom to not be
murdered. Fair say all the way means cops win too,
hip hip hooray!


"Here's a list of grief counselors who can help you.."

Things are true for us to find too. Without needing a
reflex reaction, to hear of such foolishness.. as the
cause for why Winnipegger's are cheated to die victims..
denied Justice.. denied equal protection under the laws
of Canada.. it is for you friend.. a sad day to reflect
on our TRUE circumstance.. as measured correct, 100%.
Facts are facts.. and no one can thwart our fair
measure being human. Freedom is Justice.

All the evidence is made publicly available my friend.
Read the facts for yourself to be horrified. Recording at
the police desk, telling no.. they will not allow any
investigations.. no matter what. It's like a death cult.
And yeah.. it is rather terrifying to learn, I tell the
truth. Cops of course are good on general terms, but they
have to obey the rules too. The truth is better than the
lies, while further innocent lives are lost due our
inaction in further silence. Why this happens is
difficult to talk on, as it is a part, speculative.
The whole branch of medicine, called "death meds", or,
'end of life' medications, if you ask me, is extremely
faulted in error. However, it is for really happening
across North America too. Medicines to stop breathing,
or to spread infections, are clearly poison to the
thinking man or woman.. In Winnipeg the patient and
family have no rights defended whatsoever. We need
to demand a public inquest.. as so, the facts are
brought to the attention of everyone being civilized.

An Open Letter to the Crown Prosecutors of Canada

The Oath of Crowns "pursue Justice where ever it leads.."

My mother, Jennie Cinal, was first degree murdered at the
Winnipeg Health Sciences Center on March 8, 2016. There was
also an attempt made on Jennie Cinal's life on February 2 and
3 2016. All documented as proven easily. When contacting the
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba, and speaking
with the investigative Community's spokesperson Irene Mcdonald
regarding the attempt at murder incident, whereas I forwarded
the Committee the evidence.. Irene advised me that such a
criminal allegation was something they can not as ever
investigate.. and that the complaint needed to be brought
to the attention of the Winnipeg police.. Of which I did, in
total five times. The fifth time, on April 29 2016, Mike at
the desk told me, that under no circumstances do they allow
any officer of law to investigate capital crimes that occur
at hospitals, due the Doctor always being correct.. Recording
available. They didn't tell me of their willingness to BLINDLY
be, accessories to mass murder of Canadians until then. When
I first brought the indisputable evidence of the attempt at
murder, they did not tell me then, they would have all
honorable police officers denied my pleas for mercy, or
warn me that they would not be defending my mother's life
left held in jeopardy, no matter what the facts were.
Instead it was told that someone would look at it repeatedly.
Of which at no time did they phone anyone to clarify an
understanding. To simply validate the claim, only took one
phone call to Dr. T, of which they refused to do. Caring
not for the well being of my mother, a Canadian citizen
who was attempted to be murdered, upon my repeated requests
for the police to protect.. Nor did they at any time talk
to me, about how they found the facts lacking, or hard to
grasp. The evidence of the attempted murder is a solid as
it comes.. While the murder consists of Dr. Collister
telling my mother and myself, that his suggestion of
"Devil's Breath" and another drug to mix with Jennie's
Fentanyl, that "doesn't cross the blood brain barrier"
would NOT instead be administered, due my wise words
explaining why such action will bring about only harm
to my mother, with a contagious chest infection just
acquired the day before. Of which he does not disagree
with as recorded. Why? As I state, to hamper my mother's
ability to expel phlegm will do her no good obviously.
Not knowing then what "Devil's Breath" was as deadly,
and completely inappropriate obviously. But then as
documented fully, Dr. Collister goes ahead secretly in
a conspiracy with Nurse Colette to administer just such
a poison when I am not present, gone for coffee. Again,
recorded as administered by the day nurse, the night
nurse Charlene shows me the order herself, again, as
recorded. Once administered, Jennie becomes paralyzed,
then shortly in hours dies. A woman diagnosed with mild
back pain the entire two weeks prior by Dr. Semus..
A woman ready to go home as diagnosed by Dr. Necozy
the two weeks prior to that. But diagnosed by Dr.
Collister as having no more than 14 days to live.. on
February 2.. and on March 7. [NO COMPLAINTS DEPARTMENT]
He failed at murder, then to cover his attempt, a month
later, went ahead and tried again.. Dr. Semus informed
me, that the hospital removed the entire February
incident from the books. The incident recorded as
transpiring by three doctors, three nurses, including
the head nurse of which I speak with for near a hour on
the matter as recorded as well. There have been no
investigations on Dr. Collister's actions for near a
decade as clearly being among psychopaths. For the
Winnipeg Police to forbid Justice, because they believe
in something of a death cult, that costs a great many
innocent lives needs to be brought to the Public's
attention, and halted immediately. Accessory to murder
in not what OUR police are for. Many more lives are
still threatened by this mass murder program called,
"Comfort Care" - an unelected death sentence given to
thousands of Manitobans with families who have complained
of "similar incidents" of murder, according to my private
discussions with a provincial employee familiar with the
numbers. I have heard from three acquaintances in my
personal life, that claim near identical scenario. 'No
choice, your loved one will now be denied needed medicines,
while given poisons to hamper breathing', and so on..
This needs a public inquest, or a truth commission to
uncover this unholy nightmare. Let's do right by saving
innocent lives, not hide to see further needlessly die
victims to our cowardice of being professionals. This
is very much an issue that involves aboriginals and the
poor most especially, not only the elderly, but the
young as well.

Please, I beg you with everything I am.. save innocent lives..
Forward this information. It is life and death. Care for those
of our society you are not absent from my friends or foes.

Important: The Public must be warned.. Save lives.. Support a Public Inquest

My mother, Jennie Cinal, was murdered in a
Winnipeg hospital, on March the 8th, 2016
under a program of first degree mass murder
called.. "Comfort Care"..

(..this on the first attempt at murder..)
Introduction to the Case: back-from-the-dead

Shortened synopsis..

I wad told Jennie had multiple organ
failure, and was on end of life medication.
I said bullshit, she was great just hours
ago.. The head Doctor, Dr. T, called a halt
to the death meds.. Telling Nurses, if
Jennie experiences any discomfort, I am
to be phoned to okay the death meds once
more.. I am phoned for such action the next
day, arrive in under 7 minutes, to find
my mother pronounced clinically dead by
RN Delaney, due organ failure.. I revive
my mom to discover, she has no organ
failure.. Being doped everyday under
Forward this information to everyone who
loves their mother.. The Police most
especially. They have been caught attempting
first degree murder of made helpless innocent
old folks at Winnipeg's Health Sciences

Suggestions to the RCMP on how to conduct criminal
investigations regarding the murder of Jennie Cinal,
that happened on March 8, 2016, at Winnipeg's Health
Sciences Center, 4H.

There are two major crime scene involved in this matter..
There was the attempt at murder made on February 2,2016,
and the murder that took place on March 8, 2016.

On February 2, 2016 I was told my mother was to die
from total organ failure.. So as a consequence, she
was then being given an opiate, Hydromorphone, non-stop,
until she dies. Which will be no more than 14 days. A
poison the doctor tells, limits my mother's breathing
too, to treat "shortness".. of which only hours earlier,
through to several weeks prior, she had no problem with
as perfect.. So an opiate to trick the body into well
being, while limiting one from breathing. Knowing too,
this "shortness" concept, being chemically treated, is
not quantified correctly. Short what? At first I tell
the Nurse to stop immediately this clear madness. No
she claims, "don't be cruel". A tactic used that had
no effect, for I was not blind to the circumstance.
As many others would be, not having the time to stay
with their loved one everyday, or being astute in reason.
I state this position to her intelligently, that my
mother doesn't need to be hampered in her breathing,
and is suffering in no pain.. and so, she calls me to
talk to another nurse, who claims again "don't be cruel".
I know then as now, these people are not mindfully of a
fair measure. I then quickly go to speak with Dr. T..
my mother's doctor that week.. Claiming my mother was
fine only hours earlier.. We were talking about going
home on video.. When did this organ failure occur I ask?
Dr. T. then calls a halt to the poisoning.. without
answer. (I learn later the next day, this was the first
time in the history of their operation - where all under
this order have been put to death without exception.)
Dr. T tells the nurses, that Jennie Cinal will no
longer receive Hydromorphone, unless she is found
expressing some discomfort in pain..If she is, I am
to be phoned at home to come to witness such a
circumstance. I stay with my mother over the next
few hours, where her breathing becomes closer to normal.
The next day, nurse Delaney calls me at home to okay
the death medication.. I happened to be already on my
way.. and arrive in approximately seven minutes.. to
see my mother appear poisoned with a diuretic , and
pronounced clinically dead by Delaney. Who then
encourages me to stop talking to Jennie, "She's had
multiple organ failure" "her kidneys gave out" "she
can not hear you", "she can not speak with you", "see
can not see you".. I continue talking to my mother..
while Delaney again goes off with "just remember all
the good times you had" and in several minutes, my
mother begins to revive.. She can not barely breath
due the poison, that takes 10 hours to leave her, as
her breathing recovers near back to normal. As on video..
without any pain. When my mother started to revive..
Delaney left to not be seen again.. save for the day
my mother dies. No action on her part to investigate
how such a thing could have happened.. I remain with
my mother for near 24 hours.. To then call everyone
officially that can help save my mother's life as
still threatened by these psychopaths. So witness
yourself..up until the murder on March 8, 2016.
she had had no "multiple organ failure".

Now to substantiate this with the facts that matter through a preliminary criminal investigation..

First thing: contact Dr. T and state, we of the RCMP,
are just doing a preliminary investigation is respect
to the late Jennie Cinal.. who died on March 8, 2016..
But our attention right now has to do with an event
that started on Feb 2, 2016.. In where we are trying
to establish whether an order to stop Hydromorphone
was given to the attending nurses responsible for
Jennie Cinal's care? Now, if Dr. T is truthful.. of
which I suspect she will be.. she will claim yes. So,
that means that Delaney gave my mother a medication
against the Doctors order, that left her almost dead,
gasping for air for ten hours. In the recording
titled, 'back from the dead', 24 hours after I
raised my mother from her early grave, the head
nurse confirms, the last time Hydromorphone was
given, was 24 hours earlier. An attempt at murder,
for it shows, she did not have total organ failure -
surviving she did, for more than a month after. Now
get this: Dr. Semus informed me this whole incident
was made absent the medical record. But say Dr.
T states that no.. such an order didn't happen?
Well again, the head nurse confirms that the
reason I was called by Delaney was to okay the
death medication that had been forbidden.

How does this look? My mother was sentenced to die
murder victim with lies. And under every circumstance
prior.. this process had never before been stopped.
So Dr T. did the right thing.. working for Justice..
suspecting perhaps she did.. just when was this
determination made of total organ failure occur? If
Johnny had been there almost every hour, every day?
Established too, of the recording of suspect nurse
2.. who tried to insist I get my mother back on the
Hydromorphone, because of her "multiple organ failure".
The head nurse discusses her talk with suspect nurse
2, in where she tells.. we must never allow someone to
stop the process again. Now, get this.. When I
complained about them trying to murder my mother?
there was no investigations done by anyone.. for
there is zero accountability.. No complaints
department. While the college of Physicians and
Surgeons.. upon hearing of this disorder.. recommended
the police needed to investigate.. because the College
never gets involved in clearly criminal behavior.
The Winnipeg police took no action! no phone calls to
the Physicians and Surgeons.. no calls to Dr. T.. to
anyone.. including me to help them through reasonably..
They must have been lost, but refused to ask someone
for directions. Despite me going over there four times..
According to my source in government, thousands of
victim families have been denied Justice, stretching
over at least, seven years. Please.. be honorable. Do
you job and defend our lives.. This is a issue
involving all Canadians, and travelers through our
forsaken city. Why do they do it? We can only
speculate. They are very sadistic.. Delaney got
off punching my 83 year old mother in the eye just
before the attempt at murder.. Ask her about it..
They would abuse my mother, to spite me.. I would
go out for a quick coffee, and come back where
someone felt it necessary to throw her about in
the bed horrifically. I know why there, but that's
another story.. Like the young girl, and the young
man.. and the lies they were told of how they could
get out any day, if they just continue to cooperate..
Nobody has ever left Comfort Care in 4H. Not one
person. So was told to me by two nurses.. one there
for more than seven years. As recorded. And all those
that work there know it. No accountability breeds
success for the contemptuous. There are many other
stories I can tell of these sadistic enemies of
Life and God. But nobody seems to care to save
innocent lives being mass murdered. How come
chums? Let's all get started on this.. Everyone.
Please. What if it was your mom? Forward this
information. please.. let's save some innocent lives.

To the Honorable Health Minister of Manitoba

Hello.. I have disturbing news to tell, of my mother, Jennie Cinal, being first degree murdered at the Winnipeg Health Sciences Center, ward 4H. What is the evidence? Dr. Colister, on the day he committed this murder, March 8th, speaks to me as recorded, that, wouldn't I like to approve something unheard of, to stop my mother's congestion? (To have him not take the blame for her soon death no doubt.). I respond, as recorded, that no. Such quackery will do nothing TRULY to alleviate my mother's newly acquired contagious condition. At that time, not even knowing what this poison called "Devil's Breath" was, but typically, of all his sadistic 'end of life' 'medicines', they are clearly poisons
to murder anyone as healthy with. Of which he does routinely as mass murdering psychopath. Importantly, he with his partner, does not disagree with my astute medical assessment.. and leaves stating to my mother and me, that he will allow her to recover without new poisons offered that day.. But does so secretly.. According to the night nurse, as recorded in the medical record, showing me the order herself, for 'Devil's Breath' to be given to Jennie as needed.. Needing they did, Dr. Colister and the day nurse, Colette, to administer the lethal shot when I wasn't present.. For I would have told.. Dr. Colister, and Dr. Chisic told no new poisons to attempt murder once more would be offered for
that day.. of March 8th.. For I had explained such wickedness, will do nothing but harm my beloved mother. hey hated me for being wise, exposing their falsehoods, of faith initiatives. In quips I gave, no longer than two or three sentences. As they did when I explained this operation of getting everyone stoned with poisons to stop breathing, while depriving life saving treatments is beyond insane.. They would speak of their treason against life and God with grins of pleasure..of our powerlessness. Go ask them yourself.. I called it a horror show.. Because it is.. When I would explain, a heroin junkie can feel comfortable starving to death.. they wouldn't as couldn't disagree.. Remember, my
mother was not suffering from anything, but their poisons.. As her thyroid condition cleared right up.. DUE MY DEMANDS FOR HER MEDICINE, of which they argued near endlessly, as pure wicked evil to not allow.. Told me, a thyroid condition of my mothers can not be treated.. as once it's gone.. it's gone.. A LIE.. Proven as so.. as my mother did recover.. Why so apposed? Because a thyroid condition, has the human body retain water.. causing mild hallucinations if not treated.. Hallucinations lend well to no complaining effectively.. Once she recovered.. she spoke of these "murderers".. she spoke of Delaney punching her in the eye.. she spoke desperately, while I cried.. to free her of these
torturers.. They were so sadistically mean to her.. Knowing no police have entered to investigate for years of formal complaints. See, the doctor the week prior claimed.. sure all Jennie has is some mild back pain.. but he was not prepared to stop the Fentanyl.. perhaps for fear, of then Colister coming in with his needle.. that murders all, every single time, save none.. As all of Colister's history, of determining end of life for countless others in no more than 14 days.. .Except my mom the month before. It was at that time I went to talk to the teen police at Winnipeg's public safety building, after consulting with the College of Physicians and Surgeons.. who recommended the police be
brought in, on me catching them FOR SURE, attempting murder the first time on Feb 2.. They just simply refused to do anything.. Not even a single phone call.. Nothing.. I went back.. spoke polite.. on how these teens didn't understand the words I'm telling of.. It's so important.. It's life and death.. It's important here to know, they didn't tell that I was in error. And yet still. refused to do anything.. Like call their Dad, or an adult even.. I went again.. and again.. Then a teen police officer, told me not to come back.. NO REASON GIVEN. I guess she didn't like having to call someone else who can fairly reason. Perhaps it's all due the vaccines.. Anyway.. we need adult police officers
from the RCMP, to consult with Prosecutors with scientific minds to know this was no accident.. but willful first degree murder.. When I caught them the first time.. The Hospital did not call for an investigation.. they just threatened me to not divulge the information.. or they would give us all the what for.. Fear is not in me however. Perhaps to a fault.. I demand Justice must come, to see these murderers spend a life time behind bars.. I hope I am making myself clear.. These crimes have occurred for many years.. due the struggle with most in time to understand.. Look at my story.. I knew, as proven, they had tried to murder my mother.. and yet.. what more could anyone do? We need to also
look at how police investigations must be handled in the future.. First things first.. I need support from the Province and the city, in lieu of me not suing.. to save my home.. to save our lives.. While I work with a prosecutor for Justice to finally come for everyone. No longer forsaken by our careless disregard for the rights of a great many others, of our same community. Please let's get started on doing right for ourselves. What if it was your mother?

- If a decision to not fairly investigate this is made, furthering more murders - I want to still be contacted and told of such lies to hide yourself from we being fair. I bid a good day for catching bad guys. Let's do this right.

Support a Public Inquest, Truth Commission, and Police Investigation on HSC's "Comfort Care" program of murder, in the first degree. Where your loved one is sentenced to die victim to neglect as official public paid for policy.
(smilely face)
2016-09-14 17:58:08 UTC

Have a Nice Day - a stranger this way comes.
- The angriest man alive!
- you have to see to believe


The Winnipeg Police are Forbidden...

Mass Murdering the Poor
in Winnipeg Health Sciences Center
- Police Refusing to Investigate is Criminal

They refuse to make the arrests of those guilty
of premeditated mass murder, refusing all
investigations to transpire, as the most demonic
evil ever witnessed. Listen to the cops laugh in
our faces, to think they would allow OUR laws
be enforced. Fight back for Christ sake man.

The Winnipeg police are complicit in the
continuing mass murders of the poor in our city.

The Winnipeg police are complicit with the newspaper
in mass murdering our poor, with a program run across
our countries called, "Comfort Care". taken against
our wills, to be murdered. Why can't you help save
innocent lives, by warning others? Too much of an
effort to listen to the recorded police, telling
no, they will not allow criminal investigations?
Too much trouble to listen as recorded the Chief
Medical Examiner of the province telling thousands
die victim like this in Winnipeg, and he is prepared
to do nothing, but assist in the escape of the

Real people are being murdered in Winnipeg.
They deny medications, while poisoning our
loved ones to death..While the police are
made forbidden from investigating. While
the newspaper with CJOB laughs in the powerless
faces of our poor families denied Justice,
while the city is left for more mass murder.
I call on all militaries to help Winnipeg take
down these lawless mass murderers of our poor,
to be tried fairly by We the People of the Public.
Save innocent lives..Defend freedom, defend God.

AUDIO of Chief Medical Examiner of Manitoba
TheTruth - (eleven megabyte audio file)

My mother and I, did not sign up for Comfort Care,


My mother Jennie Kinal and I, were not asked if we
willed to have her end her life in the Winnipeg Health
Sciences Center, by them placing my mother in "Comfort
Care" - depriving her medicines, while poisoned to die.


Open Letter to Canada’s Governor General of Canada,
His Excellency, the Right Honorable David Johnson.

Hello. My name Is John Kinal, and I am a citizen of Canada living in Winnipeg. Terribly, my mother was recently murdered right in front of me at Winnipeg's Health Science Center. Against her will, she was denied medical aid, and poisoned to die under an un-elected murder/suicide program titled, "Comfort Care". The moment the hospital told me they were poisoning her to die, because she was at "end of life" I demanded they stop immediately - that the allegation was obviously false.. Her doctor for that week, known as “Dr. T” (something like, Tazarasing) , agreed, and ordered the nurses stop poisoning Jennie Kinal. The head Nurse told AS RECORDED, that Nurse Delaney decided to disobey the
doctor, and went ahead suffocating my mother, with an overdose of hydromorphone, along with an overdose of a diuretic. My mother was pronounced dead the next day from the lie she had, “multiple organ failure”. I was capable of reviving her from her poisoning, and I ran to the police, and spoke with the college of physicians and surgeons, begging to save my mother from these then caught, attempting first degree murder. The College's spokesperson Irene McDonald told, that they can not get involved in any criminal allegations, and that the police must be called in, while the police, told eventually, they never had one minute to give the allegation of attempted murder, because Mike at the
Winnipeg Police's, Public Safety Building tells, they never allow capital crime investigations to happen at a hospital, because the doctor is always right, when it goes to court. RECORDED. I went to the police a total of seven times, trying to seek a defender of the criminal code of Canada's opposition to murder.. Never happened, but for laughs in my face, that my mother being tortured, being punched in the face by the nurse, was not something they would EVER get involved with. My mother was finally murdered right in front of me 30 days later, by Dr. Colister with Fentanyl and “Devil’s Breathe” in a conspiracy with Nurse Collette.. AS RECORDED..

This is an abbreviated synopsis, with all the evidence recorded, of the most serious of crimes. The day my mother was finally done in, her doctor from the week before, Dr. Semus, told me as recorded, that the first time they tried to have her murdered, had been expunged from her medical record. Despite my many hours of video recorded, documented the event with several nurses, and doctors.. And my recorded visits to the police.

Here is a link, with a more detailed timeline..

An Open Letter to Winnipeg's Mayor Brian Bowman

The Winnipeg Police are complicit in the continuing murders of the poor in our city.

All I ask, is a criminal investigation of my allegations be sought. I have several talks with nurses recorded.. One where nurse Charlene tells, of no one ever escaping their death sentences in seven years, given against our wills, on the hellish, 4th floor, Health Sciences Center.. Thousands of victims, who’s sin, seems to be, being poor. Please, don’t forsaken the value of my innocent mother’s life, Jennie Kinal. Demand a criminal investigation.. as the Chief Medical Examiner for our province tells me, he is forbidden to look at patients medical records. RECORDED. Refusing to allow an autopsy too, or to ask my mother’s doctor if she had ordered the stopping of the poisoning.. He is found
complicit, by simply listening to the recorded phone calls yourself, or as a crime scene investigator.. I beg the Queen to intervene, to demand a fair measuring on this continuing crime scene.

Contact me at your earliest opportunity, with any further follow up questions.. so we can get started on freeing ourselves of this dreadful tyranny, that apposes God and our Humanity. What I request, as a sovereign citizen, is my Right, a preliminary criminal investigation regarding this alleged murder scene, that will easily find these murderers in serious violations, of many laws designed to defend our liberties..

I too, wish this wasn’t so.. The evidence speaks for ourselves..


An Open Letter to Winnipeg's Mayor Brian Bowman:
Under no circumstances will the city allow a
complaint of murder to be drawn and forwarded
to homicide regarding the mass murdering of the poor..

This was emailed to all city of Winnipeg councilors
along with the Mayor, and many provincial MPs.
Including the WRHA, and the two Colleges.
Including the local papers. Think now of this
time going by already, where innocent people are
still not being defended from being murdered by
the clear enemies of being fair as we free of
their ungodly tyranny. We need a formal criminal
investigation to start immediately.


To All Concerned..

An Open Letter to Winnipeg's Mayor Brian Bowman

After talking with the RCMP, I am told that our honorable
Mayor, has the right to ask for a preliminary criminal
investigation, as to whether our laws have been broken,
in respect to my recently murdered mother. Denied health
care, while poisoned to die against her will and my own as
wilful first degree murder. Understand it isn't that any
officer of law in Winnipeg, has in anyway disagreed with
this fair assessment - documented with evidenced video,
and audio recordings included..But to blindly deny all
rights to be defended, because Mike, at the front desk of
the PSB states".. a judge always sides with the Doctor
on criminal matters" - as the reason he gives for why all
are forbidden to be defended by Law equally. He refuses
to allow me file a formal complaint repeatedly. The
recordings with Manitoba's Chief Medical Examiner,
suggest there could be thousands of victims here.. The
Chief apparently can't tell precisely, claiming, he too is
forbidden from reviewing the provably doctored medical
records, of all those alleged murdered, denied
formal investigating.

I, John Kinal, am available for any questions or interview.


Winnipeg Police state unlawfully, under no circumstances will
they allow a complaint of murder to be drawn and forwarded
to homicide - for those of Winnipeg who are chosen, AGAINST
OUR WILL, to be first degree murdered, at the Winnipeg Health
Sciences Center.

The Winnipeg police are complicit in the
continuing murders of the poor in our city.

Evidence on the continuing murders - 250+meg file

I am begging Humanity for help.. please be human..

My mother Jennie Kinal was taken against her will and my own, and put into the Winnipeg Health Sciences Center mass murder program titled, "Comfort Care". Where my mother's medications as effective health treatment, was denied, while being poisoned with agents that suffocate and paralyze. We were told we could not leave, or stop them from poisoning her. When asked on March 8th, whether my mother could receive some help with her newly acquired chest infection - I had suggested penicillin or maybe a antibiotic.. Dr. Chisic told me as recorded, "we don't do that here in Comfort Care" SHE KNOWS she is committing murder with Dr. Colister, by denying my mother the care she deserves, while being

Jennie Kinal was finally murdered at the Winnipeg Health Sciences Center by Dr. Collister and Nurse Collette. Earlier in the day that they committed this murder, my mother and I meet with Dr. Collister, that I have recorded - of Dr. Collister, talking to me and my mother, of how he wants to give my mother 'Devil's Breath'.. (the worst thing imaginable - as it stops the lungs from expelling phlegm.) I say no, because it will only exacerbate her newly acquired chest infection. He can only agree.. and ends our conversation stating, no new poisons will be prescribed.. (as too we received promise from Dr. Chisic) But Dr. Collister, the murderer, arranges with Nurse Collette to give 'devil's
breath', mixed with her fentanyl when I am absent the room.. of which my mother soon succumbs during the next shift, at the cruel hands of night Nurse, Charlene. Who when I briefly rushed home, thinking she was someone I could trust, she phones me to tell, my mother will "not be walking out the front doors". And no, she will not revive.. "We don't do that here."


Mass Murdering the Poor in Winnipeg Hospitals
- Police Refusing to Investigate is Criminal

What is this world to not express a concern for innocent life
sacrificed? A world truly dying from self contempt. All I ask,
is for we the people to demand Justice, of which the Winnipeg
Police refuse to allow. Please, support fair say, as the
enforcement of our laws apposing murder

Honesty requires effort to discern.. and a care for the
plight of others in the society we are not absent of. I've
just released my newest video off my home page, of the
mass murder program against the poor being run in the city
of Winnipeg with the Police. Please care enough not to
dismiss our innocent lives, as too much trouble to witness
the horrific reality yourself. I am begging Humanity to
speak out for the continuing falling crime victims, denied
our rules of law.. Where the police claim, we the people
can not have our laws, to defend our innocent lives being

The Winnipeg police are complicit in the continuing mass murders of the poor in our city.

I am begging Humanity for help.. please be human..

I explain in detail, with recordings of me speaking with the
police, and the Chief Medical Examiner.. The city refuses to
allow me to submit a complaint of murder. Trouble yourself to
listen. Lives are still being stolen, simply for being poor.

Winnipeg Police state unlawfully, under no circumstances will
they allow a complaint of murder to be drawn and forwarded
to homicide - for those of Winnipeg who are chosen, AGAINST
OUR WILL, to be first degree murdered, at the Winnipeg Health
Sciences Center. My mother was denied her needed medicines,
while punched out and suffocated. All evidence is freely
available. She nor I, did we will her to die murder victim as
suicided.. We went to the hospital for help.. If others had
warned us, we wouldn't have sacrificed our lives to these mass
murderers. The Winnipeg police, as recorded several times,
OFFICIALLY claim they are to be left unaccountable as lawless.
There are many other victims here, denied our rules of law.

like anyone else would

We the People

Please support a criminal investigation on the recent
murder of Jennie Kinal in Winnipeg. The city forbids
all police agencies from enforcing OUR law against
premeditated murder.. at the Health Sciences Center
4th floor - "Comfort Care" ..mass murder in fact.

Being civilized, is naturally progressing in understanding.
All the prophets will justice as fair say here.. as too,
the astute Atheist. Willing to be free of tyranny.

They are mass murdering the poor in Winnipeg today..
Where our police are forbidden to investigate.. Please
check my homepage for further details.. I know it's
hard to believe, but it's happening.. They murdered
my mother right in front of me.. and the police I
have recorded several times refusing to enforce the
law by accepting a formal complaint, while laughing
at me.. by suggesting they need to enforce our
standing criminal code. UNDERSTAND, no matter what
the truth is, our police services are forbidden from
investigating allegations of murder at the 4th floor,
Health Sciences Center, where mass murder is still
transpiring.. Please fight back for fair say here..
innocent lives are being stolen..

The Winnipeg Police are complicit in
mass murdering the poor of our city.

Hi everyone, my name is John Kinal.

Do right for others in the society you are of. I'm
trying to save countless innocent lives from further
mass murder in the city of Winnipeg. Innocent people
are dying, all because we can't care enough to find
ourselves as normal human beings willing Justice as
fair say. It's what we have laws for.

The only power they have, is our indecision to do right for another.

Get the full evidence archive with links provided below..

Forward this to save innocent lives..
(simply email a link to the story)


My mother Jennie Kinal and I, were not asked if we
willed to have her end her life in the Winnipeg Health
Sciences Center, by them placing my mother in "Comfort
Care" - depriving her medicines, while poisoned to die.

Did not sign anything to agree to 'Comfort Care'.

Justice done is freedom won.

SHOCKING AUDIO - Winnipeg Police Admit Being Complicit in Mass Murdering the Poor of Winnipeg - SHOCKING AUDIO


Who cares for Winnipeg murder victims?

THE CITY REFUSES TO ALLOW A COMPLAINT OF MURDER MADE - My mother Jennie Kinal and I, were not asked if we willed to have her end her life in the Winnipeg Health Sciences Center, by them placing my mother in "Comfort Care" - depriving her medicines, while poisoned to die. Did not sign anything to agree to 'Comfort Care'. All Winnipeg police officers clearly wouldn't support this wicked criminality continuing, but they are not made aware, as the complaints are not allowed to be filed. LISTEN TO THE COPS TELL ME SO AS RECORDED. We can't remain silenced on this matter of our families being first degree murdered at the lawless hospitals. It's justice for us or further we go bust. All invites for
friendship welcomed.. Murderers Allowed To Walk Free in Winnipeg - Police forbidden to investigate.. WE DID NOT SIGN TO DIE UNDER COMFORT CARE. HOSPITAL REFUSED TO STOP END OF LIFE MEDS. JENNIE KINAL PRONOUNCED DEAD FROM ORGAN FAILURE. RECOVERED HER TO FIND NO ORGAN FAILURE.. TORTURED FOR 33 MORE DAYS UNTIL DEAD FROM DEVIL'S BREATH. Allow the truth to prevail.. Are you not human? Warn innocent people of these crimes.. save lives..

Did not sign anything to agree to 'Comfort Care'.

TheTruth - murders still occurring at
Winnipeg’s Health Sciences Center – H4.
Manitoba confirming no investigations
allowed..(eleven megabyte audio file)


Mass Murderers Allowed To Walk Free in Winnipeg


There is so much for criminality transpiring in our dying world,
and near no honorable leadership screaming for Justice.. What are
we going to do? How about just taking the link for the story, and
forwarding it to those who you believe should hear the good news?
That we're not putting up with mass murder in Winnipeg any longer..
Fair say all the way has you win too, a better world.. Please I
beg you, be human. Judge this incredibly serious matter for
yourself. The top recording is of me speaking with the head of
all murder investigations in the province.. Telling he doesn't
support getting to understand what the cause is ever of any,
murdered in Winnipeg under this not elected program titled,
"Comfort Care" where they ON PURPOSE.. deny medicines the
patients needs, while then being poisoned to die with opiates,
along with concoctions that stop the patient from breathing
effectively, while spreading infections. Thousands of victims
so far, according to my contact, directly connected - and the
Chief Medical examiner stating in a recording in the archive..
too.. of "thousands" being put down this way in Winnipeg. .
My mother, nor I, did not sign into being murdered, or as they
call, suicided.


Save Lives

In Winnipeg, the police state they will not investigate
capital offenses that occur at Hospitals, because judges
always side for doctors in criminal matters. Recording
available. But in my case, with my mother, it was the
doctor that ordered Jennie Kinal no longer be poisoned,
with end of life medications.. but the nurses went ahead
anyway to attempt murder.. for it was proven, Jennie Kinal
did not have "multiple organ failure" - and they needed
to cover up their murderous crimes against the poor as
disadvantaged. Fair say all the way means we're living
civilized lives, not being murdered as forsaken in
Winnipeg.. Save lives in Winnipeg by warning others
of this program titled, "Comfort Care" - It's a matter
of life and death.

Save innocent lives by allowing the truth to prevail. By
warning others, you save lives.. Do right for ourselves,
Love justice. Love freedom. Love life.


"No one goes into palliative care without signing documents."

John Kinal - Never signed anything. And it's the medical doctor who
ordered my mother no longer be poisoned.. but my mom was according to
the medical record, and the head nurse.. and two other nurses.. all
to attempt cover of the fact, she never had 'multiple organ failure'.

"Who never signed nothing? And how did your Mom end up at the hospital?
I take it they didn't kidnap her too? Who poisoned your Mom? Again those
are allegations of wrong doing. Multiple organ failure would be a cause
of death, not something anyone could live with."

John Kinal - That's right. That's why it is so clearly, attempted
murder on Feb 2nd when it was alleged, she had "multiple organ
failure" .But lived for more than 30 days longer.. While the police
refused to investigate, while the College of physicians are forbidden
to involve themselves in criminal matters. The audio recordings are
available.. They are murdering the poor, under "Comfort Care".. My
mother entered the hospital in hopes to be helped with her thyroid
condition, that had cause swelling in her legs.. Instead they pumped
steroids and other things into her veins non-stop, which caused tremors
from the minute after giving her health card information.. then kept
near a coma, doped with Fentanyl 80X more powerful than morphine, and
hydromorphone to seriously hamper breathing,. to her subsequent murder
on March 8th with "Devil's Breath".


Listen: People of the world.. In Winnipeg, if a
capital offense occurs at a hospital.. the College
of Physicians and Surgeons can not get involved, and
the concern needs to be forwarded to police.. while
the police in Winnipeg state, they never allow officers
to investigate capital crimes that occur in hospital..
Recording available. THAT'S A BIG PROBLEM. For everybody.
We, the People have to face this fair. Don't fear
standing on principle.. This is really a serious
matter, of murder going unpunished. We all need to
defend ourselves fair.. Who do the Winnipeg Police
Department think they work here for? It is we the
people of Winnipeg.. The Winnipeg police department
is complicit, as an accessory to mass murder by
refusing to enforce our laws. Minimally,
obstructionists. That Law against murder we must
enforce. They get a fair say, before conviction can
be gained.. We love all honorable cops.. as they are
of us, willing freedom. The freedom to not be
murdered. Fair say all the way means cops win too,
hip hip hooray!


"Here's a list of grief counselors who can help you.."

Things are true for us to find too. Without needing a
reflex reaction, to hear of such foolishness.. as the
cause for why Winnipegger's are cheated to die victims..
denied Justice.. denied equal protection under the laws
of Canada.. it is for you friend.. a sad day to reflect
on our TRUE circumstance.. as measured correct, 100%.
Facts are facts.. and no one can thwart our fair
measure being human. Freedom is Justice.

All the evidence is made publicly available my friend.
Read the facts for yourself to be horrified. Recording at
the police desk, telling no.. they will not allow any
investigations.. no matter what. It's like a death cult.
And yeah.. it is rather terrifying to learn, I tell the
truth. Cops of course are good on general terms, but they
have to obey the rules too. The truth is better than the
lies, while further innocent lives are lost due our
inaction in further silence. Why this happens is
difficult to talk on, as it is a part, speculative.
The whole branch of medicine, called "death meds", or,
'end of life' medications, if you ask me, is extremely
faulted in error. However, it is for really happening
across North America too. Medicines to stop breathing,
or to spread infections, are clearly poison to the
thinking man or woman.. In Winnipeg the patient and
family have no rights defended whatsoever. We need
to demand a public inquest.. as so, the facts are
brought to the attention of everyone being civilized.

An Open Letter to the Crown Prosecutors of Canada

The Oath of Crowns "pursue Justice where ever it leads.."

My mother, Jennie Kinal, was first degree murdered at the
Winnipeg Health Sciences Center on March 8, 2016. There was
also an attempt made on Jennie Kinal's life on February 2 and
3 2016. All documented as proven easily. When contacting the
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba, and speaking
with the investigative Community's spokesperson Irene Mcdonald
regarding the attempt at murder incident, whereas I forwarded
the Committee the evidence.. Irene advised me that such a
criminal allegation was something they can not as ever
investigate.. and that the complaint needed to be brought
to the attention of the Winnipeg police.. Of which I did, in
total five times. The fifth time, on April 29 2016, Mike at
the desk told me, that under no circumstances do they allow
any officer of law to investigate capital crimes that occur
at hospitals, due the Doctor always being correct.. Recording
available. They didn't tell me of their willingness to BLINDLY
be, accessories to mass murder of Canadians until then. When
I first brought the indisputable evidence of the attempt at
murder, they did not tell me then, they would have all
honorable police officers denied my pleas for mercy, or
warn me that they would not be defending my mother's life
left held in jeopardy, no matter what the facts were.
Instead it was told that someone would look at it repeatedly.
Of which at no time did they phone anyone to clarify an
understanding. To simply validate the claim, only took one
phone call to Dr. T, of which they refused to do. Caring
not for the well being of my mother, a Canadian citizen
who was attempted to be murdered, upon my repeated requests
for the police to protect.. Nor did they at any time talk
to me, about how they found the facts lacking, or hard to
grasp. The evidence of the attempted murder is a solid as
it comes.. While the murder consists of Dr. Collister
telling my mother and myself, that his suggestion of
"Devil's Breath" and another drug to mix with Jennie's
Fentanyl, that "doesn't cross the blood brain barrier"
would NOT instead be administered, due my wise words
explaining why such action will bring about only harm
to my mother, with a contagious chest infection just
acquired the day before. Of which he does not disagree
with as recorded. Why? As I state, to hamper my mother's
ability to expel phlegm will do her no good obviously.
Not knowing then what "Devil's Breath" was as deadly,
and completely inappropriate obviously. But then as
documented fully, Dr. Collister goes ahead secretly in
a conspiracy with Nurse Colette to administer just such
a poison when I am not present, gone for coffee. Again,
recorded as administered by the day nurse, the night
nurse Charlene shows me the order herself, again, as
recorded. Once administered, Jennie becomes paralyzed,
then shortly in hours dies. A woman diagnosed with mild
back pain the entire two weeks prior by Dr. Semus..
A woman ready to go home as diagnosed by Dr. Necozy
the two weeks prior to that. But diagnosed by Dr.
Collister as having no more than 14 days to live.. on
February 2.. and on March 7. [NO COMPLAINTS DEPARTMENT]
He failed at murder, then to cover his attempt, a month
later, went ahead and tried again.. Dr. Semus informed
me, that the hospital removed the entire February
incident from the books. The incident recorded as
transpiring by three doctors, three nurses, including
the head nurse of which I speak with for near a hour on
the matter as recorded as well. There have been no
investigations on Dr. Collister's actions for near a
decade as clearly being among psychopaths. For the
Winnipeg Police to forbid Justice, because they believe
in something of a death cult, that costs a great many
innocent lives needs to be brought to the Public's
attention, and halted immediately. Accessory to murder
in not what OUR police are for. Many more lives are
still threatened by this mass murder program called,
"Comfort Care" - an unelected death sentence given to
thousands of Manitobans with families who have complained
of "similar incidents" of murder, according to my private
discussions with a provincial employee familiar with the
numbers. I have heard from three acquaintances in my
personal life, that claim near identical scenario. 'No
choice, your loved one will now be denied needed medicines,
while given poisons to hamper breathing', and so on..
This needs a public inquest, or a truth commission to
uncover this unholy nightmare. Let's do right by saving
innocent lives, not hide to see further needlessly die
victims to our cowardice of being professionals. This
is very much an issue that involves aboriginals and the
poor most especially, not only the elderly, but the
young as well.

Please, I beg you with everything I am.. save innocent lives..
Forward this information. It is life and death. Care for those
of our society you are not absent from my friends or foes.

Important: The Public must be warned.. Save lives.. Support a Public Inquest

My mother, Jennie Kinal, was murdered in a
Winnipeg hospital, on March the 8th, 2016
under a program of first degree mass murder
called.. "Comfort Care"..

(..this on the first attempt at murder..)
Introduction to the Case: back-from-the-dead

Shortened synopsis..

I wad told Jennie had multiple organ
failure, and was on end of life medication.
I said bullshit, she was great just hours
ago.. The head Doctor, Dr. T, called a halt
to the death meds.. Telling Nurses, if
Jennie experiences any discomfort, I am
to be phoned to okay the death meds once
more.. I am phoned for such action the next
day, arrive in under 7 minutes, to find
my mother pronounced clinically dead by
RN Delaney, due organ failure.. I revive
my mom to discover, she has no organ
failure.. Being doped everyday under
Forward this information to everyone who
loves their mother.. The Police most
especially. They have been caught attempting
first degree murder of made helpless innocent
old folks at Winnipeg's Health Sciences

Suggestions to the RCMP on how to conduct criminal
investigations regarding the murder of Jennie Kinal,
that happened on March 8, 2016, at Winnipeg's Health
Sciences Center, 4H.

There are two major crime scene involved in this matter..
There was the attempt at murder made on February 2,2016,
and the murder that took place on March 8, 2016.

On February 2, 2016 I was told my mother was to die
from total organ failure.. So as a consequence, she
was then being given an opiate, Hydromorphone, non-stop,
until she dies. Which will be no more than 14 days. A
poison the doctor tells, limits my mother's breathing
too, to treat "shortness".. of which only hours earlier,
through to several weeks prior, she had no problem with
as perfect.. So an opiate to trick the body into well
being, while limiting one from breathing. Knowing too,
this "shortness" concept, being chemically treated, is
not quantified correctly. Short what? At first I tell
the Nurse to stop immediately this clear madness. No
she claims, "don't be cruel". A tactic used that had
no effect, for I was not blind to the circumstance.
As many others would be, not having the time to stay
with their loved one everyday, or being astute in reason.
I state this position to her intelligently, that my
mother doesn't need to be hampered in her breathing,
and is suffering in no pain.. and so, she calls me to
talk to another nurse, who claims again "don't be cruel".
I know then as now, these people are not mindfully of a
fair measure. I then quickly go to speak with Dr. T..
my mother's doctor that week.. Claiming my mother was
fine only hours earlier.. We were talking about going
home on video.. When did this organ failure occur I ask?
Dr. T. then calls a halt to the poisoning.. without
answer. (I learn later the next day, this was the first
time in the history of their operation - where all under
this order have been put to death without exception.)
Dr. T tells the nurses, that Jennie Kinal will no
longer receive Hydromorphone, unless she is found
expressing some discomfort in pain..If she is, I am
to be phoned at home to come to witness such a
circumstance. I stay with my mother over the next
few hours, where her breathing becomes closer to normal.
The next day, nurse Delaney calls me at home to okay
the death medication.. I happened to be already on my
way.. and arrive in approximately seven minutes.. to
see my mother appear poisoned with a diuretic , and
pronounced clinically dead by Delaney. Who then
encourages me to stop talking to Jennie, "She's had
multiple organ failure" "her kidneys gave out" "she
can not hear you", "she can not speak with you", "see
can not see you".. I continue talking to my mother..
while Delaney again goes off with "just remember all
the good times you had" and in several minutes, my
mother begins to revive.. She can not barely breath
due the poison, that takes 10 hours to leave her, as
her breathing recovers near back to normal. As on video..
without any pain. When my mother started to revive..
Delaney left to not be seen again.. save for the day
my mother dies. No action on her part to investigate
how such a thing could have happened.. I remain with
my mother for near 24 hours.. To then call everyone
officially that can help save my mother's life as
still threatened by these psychopaths. So witness
yourself..up until the murder on March 8, 2016.
she had had no "multiple organ failure".

Now to substantiate this with the facts that matter through a preliminary criminal investigation..

First thing: contact Dr. T and state, we of the RCMP,
are just doing a preliminary investigation is respect
to the late Jennie Kinal.. who died on March 8, 2016..
But our attention right now has to do with an event
that started on Feb 2, 2016.. In where we are trying
to establish whether an order to stop Hydromorphone
was given to the attending nurses responsible for
Jennie Kinal's care? Now, if Dr. T is truthful.. of
which I suspect she will be.. she will claim yes. So,
that means that Delaney gave my mother a medication
against the Doctors order, that left her almost dead,
gasping for air for ten hours. In the recording
titled, 'back from the dead', 24 hours after I
raised my mother from her early grave, the head
nurse confirms, the last time Hydromorphone was
given, was 24 hours earlier. An attempt at murder,
for it shows, she did not have total organ failure -
surviving she did, for more than a month after. Now
get this: Dr. Semus informed me this whole incident
was made absent the medical record. But say Dr.
T states that no.. such an order didn't happen?
Well again, the head nurse confirms that the
reason I was called by Delaney was to okay the
death medication that had been forbidden.

How does this look? My mother was sentenced to die
murder victim with lies. And under every circumstance
prior.. this process had never before been stopped.
So Dr T. did the right thing.. working for Justice..
suspecting perhaps she did.. just when was this
determination made of total organ failure occur? If
Johnny had been there almost every hour, every day?
Established too, of the recording of suspect nurse
2.. who tried to insist I get my mother back on the
Hydromorphone, because of her "multiple organ failure".
The head nurse discusses her talk with suspect nurse
2, in where she tells.. we must never allow someone to
stop the process again. Now, get this.. When I
complained about them trying to murder my mother?
there was no investigations done by anyone.. for
there is zero accountability.. No complaints
department. While the college of Physicians and
Surgeons.. upon hearing of this disorder.. recommended
the police needed to investigate.. because the College
never gets involved in clearly criminal behavior.
The Winnipeg police took no action! no phone calls to
the Physicians and Surgeons.. no calls to Dr. T.. to
anyone.. including me to help them through reasonably..
They must have been lost, but refused to ask someone
for directions. Despite me going over there four times..
According to my source in government, thousands of
victim families have been denied Justice, stretching
over at least, seven years. Please.. be honorable. Do
you job and defend our lives.. This is a issue
involving all Canadians, and travelers through our
forsaken city. Why do they do it? We can only
speculate. They are very sadistic.. Delaney got
off punching my 83 year old mother in the eye just
before the attempt at murder.. Ask her about it..
They would abuse my mother, to spite me.. I would
go out for a quick coffee, and come back where
someone felt it necessary to throw her about in
the bed horrifically. I know why there, but that's
another story.. Like the young girl, and the young
man.. and the lies they were told of how they could
get out any day, if they just continue to cooperate..
Nobody has ever left Comfort Care in 4H. Not one
person. So was told to me by two nurses.. one there
for more than seven years. As recorded. And all those
that work there know it. No accountability breeds
success for the contemptuous. There are many other
stories I can tell of these sadistic enemies of
Life and God. But nobody seems to care to save
innocent lives being mass murdered. How come
chums? Let's all get started on this.. Everyone.
Please. What if it was your mom? Forward this
information. please.. let's save some innocent lives.

To the Honorable Health Minister of Manitoba

Hello.. I have disturbing news to tell, of my mother, Jennie Kinal, being first degree murdered at the Winnipeg Health Sciences Center, ward 4H. What is the evidence? Dr. Colister, on the day he committed this murder, March 8th, speaks to me as recorded, that, wouldn't I like to approve something unheard of, to stop my mother's congestion? (To have him not take the blame for her soon death no doubt.). I respond, as recorded, that no. Such quackery will do nothing TRULY to alleviate my mother's newly acquired contagious condition. At that time, not even knowing what this poison called "Devil's Breath" was, but typically, of all his sadistic 'end of life' 'medicines', they are clearly poisons
to murder anyone as healthy with. Of which he does routinely as mass murdering psychopath. Importantly, he with his partner, does not disagree with my astute medical assessment.. and leaves stating to my mother and me, that he will allow her to recover without new poisons offered that day.. But does so secretly.. According to the night nurse, as recorded in the medical record, showing me the order herself, for 'Devil's Breath' to be given to Jennie as needed.. Needing they did, Dr. Colister and the day nurse, Colette, to administer the lethal shot when I wasn't present.. For I would have told.. Dr. Colister, and Dr. Chisic told no new poisons to attempt murder once more would be offered for
that day.. of March 8th.. For I had explained such wickedness, will do nothing but harm my beloved mother. hey hated me for being wise, exposing their falsehoods, of faith initiatives. In quips I gave, no longer than two or three sentences. As they did when I explained this operation of getting everyone stoned with poisons to stop breathing, while depriving life saving treatments is beyond insane.. They would speak of their treason against life and God with grins of pleasure..of our powerlessness. Go ask them yourself.. I called it a horror show.. Because it is.. When I would explain, a heroin junkie can feel comfortable starving to death.. they wouldn't as couldn't disagree.. Remember, my
mother was not suffering from anything, but their poisons.. As her thyroid condition cleared right up.. DUE MY DEMANDS FOR HER MEDICINE, of which they argued near endlessly, as pure wicked evil to not allow.. Told me, a thyroid condition of my mothers can not be treated.. as once it's gone.. it's gone.. A LIE.. Proven as so.. as my mother did recover.. Why so apposed? Because a thyroid condition, has the human body retain water.. causing mild hallucinations if not treated.. Hallucinations lend well to no complaining effectively.. Once she recovered.. she spoke of these "murderers".. she spoke of Delaney punching her in the eye.. she spoke desperately, while I cried.. to free her of these
torturers.. They were so sadistically mean to her.. Knowing no police have entered to investigate for years of formal complaints. See, the doctor the week prior claimed.. sure all Jennie has is some mild back pain.. but he was not prepared to stop the Fentanyl.. perhaps for fear, of then Colister coming in with his needle.. that murders all, every single time, save none.. As all of Colister's history, of determining end of life for countless others in no more than 14 days.. .Except my mom the month before. It was at that time I went to talk to the teen police at Winnipeg's public safety building, after consulting with the College of Physicians and Surgeons.. who recommended the police be
brought in, on me catching them FOR SURE, attempting murder the first time on Feb 2.. They just simply refused to do anything.. Not even a single phone call.. Nothing.. I went back.. spoke polite.. on how these teens didn't understand the words I'm telling of.. It's so important.. It's life and death.. It's important here to know, they didn't tell that I was in error. And yet still. refused to do anything.. Like call their Dad, or an adult even.. I went again.. and again.. Then a teen police officer, told me not to come back.. NO REASON GIVEN. I guess she didn't like having to call someone else who can fairly reason. Perhaps it's all due the vaccines.. Anyway.. we need adult police officers
from the RCMP, to consult with Prosecutors with scientific minds to know this was no accident.. but willful first degree murder.. When I caught them the first time.. The Hospital did not call for an investigation.. they just threatened me to not divulge the information.. or they would give us all the what for.. Fear is not in me however. Perhaps to a fault.. I demand Justice must come, to see these murderers spend a life time behind bars.. I hope I am making myself clear.. These crimes have occurred for many years.. due the struggle with most in time to understand.. Look at my story.. I knew, as proven, they had tried to murder my mother.. and yet.. what more could anyone do? We need to also
look at how police investigations must be handled in the future.. First things first.. I need support from the Province and the city, in lieu of me not suing.. to save my home.. to save our lives.. While I work with a prosecutor for Justice to finally come for everyone. No longer forsaken by our careless disregard for the rights of a great many others, of our same community. Please let's get started on doing right for ourselves. What if it was your mother?

- If a decision to not fairly investigate this is made, furthering more murders - I want to still be contacted and told of such lies to hide yourself from we being fair. I bid a good day for catching bad guys. Let's do this right.

Support a Public Inquest, Truth Commission, and Police Investigation on HSC's "Comfort Care" program of murder, in the first degree. Where your loved one is sentenced to die victim to neglect as official public paid for policy.

Justice for US
Who would apposes doing right?
Many lives are still falling..
Please, have mercy.. forward this info.

Important: The Public must be warned.. Save lives..

Support a Public Inquest

My mother, Jennie Kinal, was murdered in a Winnipeg hospital, on March the 8th, 2016, under a program of first degree mass murder called.. "Comfort Care".

I beg everyone to reach out to our media, in hopes they'll too support shedding some light on this very serious circumstance.. We need our voices heard as fair here. Forward this concern to everyone being human. They are stealing innocent lives. A heroin junkie can feel comfortable starving to death. So.. what the hell is happening in our hospitals.

What if it was your mother?

I am doing what I must, after having my mother murdered in hospital, and then to note. There was no complaints department.. no newspaper, no radio, and no police determining fair measure either. My life is ruled by law to live speaking for a just cause..I am admittingly, kind of weird this way.. Not since the murder, but well before in decades.. So this tragedy, that has hurt me more than anything ever can, has me giving of everything now, to not allow these murderers to conduct their business as usual, further escaping our police authorities,. God willing justice, demands of you to try for fairness towards all parties, of the society you are not absent of. It's called, acting civilized. It
seems the TV's devote relationship tied to blindly serving doctors no matter what, is a cause they need not worry for to truly understand.. Like a cult.. A cult that is costing our lives as innocent people.. murdered by those near never chastised with accountability throughout their lawless ranks.. Dr. Semus told me directly, that the first try at committing murder against my mother on Feb 2 and 3rd.. had been scrubbed from the files.. And Vanessa too, would weave the most fantastical lies, you were never lost to know, she hadn't a clue of what she was saying for real.. As recorded..

The Telling Truth

John Kinal to Dr. Colister "No I don't agree.. Such medications will hamper my mother's ability, to expel her newly acquired congestion".. He does not disagree.. Nor so does his partner. ..and in closing, supports allowing my mother recover by introducing no new poisons. Of which we learned of his betrayal from the record, that he instead conspired with nurse Colette, to murder my mother, with their, "Devil's Breath"... to a woman who had only suffered arguably with minor back pain the entire two weeks prior.. As to why they tried to put her to "end of life" meds a a month earlier, with Hydromorphone, was because, it turns out, she never even could have had multiple organ failure all along..
IT WAS A LIE they were publicly caught on.. Then as evil being dumb, then went ahead further, and finally murdered my mom. Didn't go, "look everyone! it's a miracle!" no no no.. no investigation whatsoever.. That's not we see? Perhaps, it's all a failure to communicate.

But so.. What about the responsibilities of the police to investigate crimes scenes such as these? Shouldn't they as we respect the rights of everyone in our society? To be fairly treated? The Province did not do the simplest of inquiries into the heart of the evidence before us. .. Leaving those that conspire to get away further from fair judgment.. on just who the hell they think we are.. stealing innocent lives going unreported. This is a routine case behind newspapers doors, involving many more forsaken victims absent your personal outrage, and action Let's truly save some great peoples lives by warning everyone.. How about it? Sounds good to see Justice finally succeed for Jennie
Kinal?, and so included, we the people? Demand Justice for Jennie Kinal..

David L. Martel <***@frontier.com> wrote:


You are puttin a lot of effort into this strange
belief. Your mother was on palliative or "comfort
care". This suggests that your mother was aware
that she was terminally ill and had decided to
end her life. Why do you believe otherwise?"

Hey Dave.. Yeah no.. all she had was a thyroid
condition when entering.. then we were told she
had a heart attack with her unwanted nicotine
patch, and then, multiple organ failure.. I
proved it was a lie.. And for a month, all
they did was not allow my mother to recover..
My mother, nor I, were never given a choice to
decide whether or not to end her life, by
depriving medications, while doping her with
'end of life' poisons that stop anyone from
breathing, or expelling an infection. First
degree murder. Not an accident. IN FACT:
freely admitted to.. like lawless demon
enemies of our better natures willing to
be civilized. Let's not murder people.

Remember.. Dr. Colister told my mother and I,
that he would not poison my mom with Devil's
Breath or anything else, then did so secretly
with fellow murderer, conspirator Nurse Colette.
I caught them at that, as too, when they attempted
murder in early February. Support a Public Inquest.

Forward this to save lives..


What they knew and chose nothing to do
about.. Still? Shouldn't someone be fired,
if not arrested as complicit in murder?

John Kinal - Protections of Persons in Care Act - Feb 24 2016

"10,000+ similar complaints in Manitoba."

Ignored.. Still? Hello people.. we have a
serious responsibility here to speak fair
against mass murderers.

If Chris, who works for our government,
had simply done the job by enforcing
Manitoba's standing law, Jennie Kinal
would be alive today. Don't allow them
to steal more innocent lives in Winnipeg.
Take action. Personally forward this to
the media movers and shakers, to save
lives, demanding Justice. I am available
for interviews. Help ourselves.

I beg you to do right.. Save an innocent life.

Please, peoples of our world..defend innocent
life being mass murdered here in Winnipeg, at
the Health Sciences Center, under a program
of the most heinous ungodly evil ever known
of titled, "Comfort Care". They openly deprive
vital medicines, while torturing the victims
with poisons such as with my mom. Given
through lies, Scopolamine "Devil's Breath",
secretly in a conspiracy with nurse Colette,
in deadly conjunction with Fentanyl, causing
instant paralysis, then unnatural death through
FOR SURE, proven first degree murder. My mother
Jennie, who only several days earlier was
guilty of only minor back pain, as to why
these demons refused to stop doping her since
her arrival two months earlier. Simultaneously
claimed though, she was by her murderer, Dr.
Colister, to have had multiple organ failure
continuously for more than a month. Proven
to be a lie on Feb 3rd, by myself told to
Winnipeg Police.. Through too, the broken
orders of Law by Dr. T., Jennie's Doctor that
week. The Winnipeg Police dishonorably, have
refused to do the simplest of preliminary
investigations..such as making a single phone
call to Dr. T.. to confirm the first attempt
made at murdering my mother by Nurse Delaney..
using then, ILLEGAL hydromorophone. You
personally could save an innocent life, by
simply identifying a citizen of Winnipeg,
to give them this post personally. Again
this "Comfort Care" mass murder program is
not made by the victims as something agreed
upon in OUR newspapers either. They just
privately announce your loved one is now
sentenced to deprivation of caring
completely, while openly being poisoned
with the most deadly of UNWARRANTED
'medicine'. So confident in our made
illiterate police agencies never getting
involved here, that they believe they can
escape sadistically mass murdering for
decades more perhaps.. if you continue to
take no action for the world you can not
escape my friend. It is truly all up to
you.. Do right. Care for your world.
Forward go freely of Justice winning
victory. Justice for we guarantees
freedom to be..

Here's an idea..
Down with murderers..
who's with we? fairly speaking..

Justice for Jennie Kinal

I want a public inquest in how my mother died, so justice can be served. All the evidence is in, it's just that, because the death occurred at a hospital in Winnipeg, the Police's hands are tied.

Jennie Kinal was murdered on March 8th, 2016, by the actions of Dr. Colister, at Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center.

Facts: Dr. Colister told no new medications would be administered on March 8th, to myself and Jennie.. Dr. Laura Chisic, Jennie's other doctor, one of more than four others, told of Dr. Colister, doing just as he claimed he would not, ordering on the 8th of March, the deadly, Scopolamine "Devil's Breath", in conjunction with already administered Fentanyl, . Nurse Colette, sold that it was Jennie's idea to take the most lethal drug on the Canadian market that she gave Jennie, Scopolamine, to hamper her ability to expel an infection that had recently appeared, leading to paralysis and death. Nurse Colette, couldn't administer the poison while I was present however, and couldn't let on, it was
ordered in by Dr. Colister. As Colette's crazy lie of my mom being willing, now makes more sense. No antibiotics are given in Winnipeg, for ANY Canadian patient in "comfort care", but poisons a plenty to first degree mass murder it disturbingly appears. You really should care.. Think of the next victims last night. Forward this concern to everyone who loves their mother. Do it.

The TRUE disregard for a patient's wellness, made as policy at Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center, is like a hell on earth for real, when you hear them tell of such madness openly, denying all rights to do right for ourselves. 'End of Life' poisons to those we guess near, perfect health. Poisons to weaken clearing our bodies of new infections, with poisons to hamper breathing, and then, to top it off, heroin derivatives 80 times stronger than morphine, apposing better health.. is simply willful first degree murder.. Again, they officially deny all "Comfort Care" patients antibiotics, to die victim from neglect.. With too, refusing to resuscitate any patient as policy of evil.. So, say you
were poisoned by Scopolamine with her Fentanyl. as my mom was against her will and my own.. they told me as such, over the phone.. they will make no attempt to save my mother's life as "doctors" on scene. Demand a Public Inquest.


(these were words sent to, in part, the college of physicians and surgeons.. and too, the college of nurses.. )

Formal Complaint Against the Named Nurses
and Doctors of Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center

On the 21st of January, despite Jennie's expressed wishes upon intake, and my own, the Doctor not responsible for Jennie, but on "the Team", asked if she was a smoker, and would provide a nicotine patch, I told him no.. she didn't want it, nor did I..

On the 22 of January, I was told Jennie had a heart attack, and I found what I disproved of, a nicotine patch on her shoulder area..

To whom this concerns..

My name in John Kinal, the son of Jennie Kinal, currently held against our will at 4H at the Health Science Center.

My mother told the hospital upon admission, she did not want a nicotine patch, but two weeks in, when she's near a coma.. they appose her wishes and my own, giving her the POISONOUS nicotine, and she then has, a massive heart attack hours later..Then a week later, puts her on end of life medications.. To die of.. for sure for sure.. 100%.. every patient under such treatment DIES.. I fought to deny my mother had complete organ failure.. and over 20 hours in total, brought her back to life..From a position the hospital has decided to do nothing for.. because she was clinically dead..

"Hydromorphone may cause serious or life-threatening breathing problems, especially during the first 72 hours of your treatment and any time "

Think of this.. They poison patients so they can't take a breath, then when the patient struggles to breath due the muscles not working, they only answer, must need more pure oxygen, or Hydromorphone ..Another quick death they believe they will escape criminal charges over..

When I learned they were giving my mother end of life medication, where only the day before she was at near the best she had been since arriving.. I demanded such madness stop immediately.. Of which two RNs on the floor argued with me for 30 minutes, to suggest I was being cruel to try such action. They argued I have not the right to deny death meds, and told I must speak to "Dr. T", of which I did.. Reminding her of all the witnesses to my mothers health, from the day before.. such as the physiotherapist.. sitting in bed, talking, and eating several yogurts, juice, and water.. She told she would then have the poising stopped... and if the seriously unqualified RN Ms. Delaney, decided it at
a later time needed to continue, would have me called firstly, to get to the hospital to witness such need.. The next day, at approximately 6pm, Ms. Delaney called me to come and witness her condition, in need of death meds.. I get all the way to the distant HSC in approximately 7 minutes.. to witness her 'dead' in bed.. not breathing due the medication stopping the muscles of her lungs incapable of taking a breath..Ms. Delaney told me to stop talking to a corpse that can't hear, speak, or see.. All the fluids of her body had been removed due, what was likely an overdose of a diuretic.. her lips were near black. Ms. Delaney told I was not ever going to get a response talking to a body with
complete organ failure..She can't pee, so her body is clinically dead..I remained, and in approximately an hour, her lips move in response to water.. and slowly I brought her back to life.. Delaney never returned to the attempted murder scene for the rest of her time at shift.. No 'miracle' claimed, but for by the several aids who witnessed, in part the 'miracle'.

The evidence offered for fair public interest, tells Ms. Delaney's plan was to tell she didn't give such medications as a lie.. Why? On video, of my mother recovering the assault states.. she can't take a breath (her lungs are poisoned on purpose, due the "medicine") it takes near 20 hours for the poison to be left absent her blood stream according to the videos..The medical record as quoted to me 24 hours later, when I'm leaving for home after resurrecting the dead.. I'm told indicates the last poisoning to stop muscle function occurred 24 hours prior..

I need a formal investigation, following probable cause to arrive at the fair conclusion of decisions made to steal my mother's life..

Contact me immediately on the fair actions already underway to gather the facts here,

To College of Registered Nurses in Manitoba...


It is John Kinal reporting in on recent disturbing developments on the Jennie Kinal matter at Winnipeg's Health Science Center in 4H. As you may already be aware, hopefully, I struggled in a meeting with five professional individuals on Wednesday, the 24 of February, 2016, to have Jennie Kinal taken off the Hydromorphone, considering it appears as the primary cause for why it killed her, as according to RN Delaney, on February 3rd, 2016. They crazily, like unreasonable psychopaths on a mission of self destruction, argued against it.. claiming my reasoning they would at all costs refuse to tune into.. so mush so.. that Dr. Semus suggested, perhaps an alternative could be found to stop their
naked exposure to the light of being.. and would get on that, quickly, as they had done.. as it was achieved, the next day. Despite Jennie and myself stating, we do not want to be doped.. we want our bodies to heal without the confusion created by opiates, and poisons that mess with the muscles of our lungs to stop one from breathing.. But who cares truly for the health as well being of person or persons truly, for they appear insisting, Jennie's life is not the concern here.. The concern is not allowing her to live, free of the lie, that she still has, "multiple organ failure" going on three weeks..pigging out.. (she wants yogurt, egg salad, salmon, blue berries, and some kind of specialty
stews..) , Instead of facing the mistake, they've chosen still, to steal her life.. Her life loved by me.. As it has turned out however, the new opiate concoction administered by patch, exposed the reality, with the turn around.. That NO PAIN Jennie had, or has through the transformation to getting well.. But get this my learned friends.. prepare yourself.. Friday morning, February 27 2016.. Vanessa, head of all nurses for the Health Science Center, ward 4H and beyond, at approximately 9:14 am, informed me, that Jennie yelled throughout the night.. I spoke to state, that even so, the quantification she was making is still unknown.. See, it could mean, her screaming is a good thing.. because,
now she can breath.. Then she said, challenging my great wisdom of all ages, she had been screaming, "help me".. I asked Vanessa firstly, "was she then sedated", she responded, "no, she wasn't." I then said, "so this is then in the official report? She said "yes..". "Oh", I said.. "I arrived here at approximately 6:18 am, and was approached by the night Nurse responsible for Jennie, knowing her well, over this life and death struggle.. and she's stated that Jennie was exceptional through the night.. rested comfortably.. as showing a good sign for progress." I then looked over to my left, and there she was.. six feet away, not gone home yet.. I stated, "Hi.. ..did you hear Jennie scream,
'help me, help me', through the night?" She only looked briefly in terror at the face of Vanessa, then turned quickly, without a word.. and took off out of there.. Oh oh.. This is very serious.. potentially deadly if you asked me to speak in all candor, knowing what I know.. as true, holds some jeopardy to the night Nurse's true professionalism for starters, as Vanessa is her blindly foolish superior .. Why so certain? I don't have to tell you, as the College of Registered Nurses here in Manitoba, but for those not familiar reading here. See.. That would mean, Vanessa has committed a crime, and should in all fairness, though PUBLIC fair trial, be challenged to lose her license for a
lifetime.. and.. we most definitely need to call the cops about the attempted murder no doubt.. As I've stated since this madness of contempt for thousands of innocent lives started, by irrational constructs, of those who mostly only deceive themselves when Johnny enters the scene .. Do not now, in addition to holding Jennie's life in contempt, do so also, to the other wonderful woman who has done no harm alleged to anyone, being curtious, kind, and all around.. a really sweet gal.. I immediately explained this true horror occurring in real time to Dr. Semus, of which Vanessa, only feet away to hear me explain.. took the stage.. Time is pressing.. and this story is far from over.. though
when telling of her twisting to tale a fib so ridiculous, Dr. Semus walked away while she was speaking... In short form, she claimed she spoke not of 'through the night', but of 'through the evening'.. defining such a term as between 3pm and 5:30 pm.. trouble is, I was there with Jennie through out near that entire frame.. as was the tricky Dr. Colister.. and three others from Palliative care.. No.. four.. I left at approximately, 5:12pm that day.. I kid not.. my life is bared to witness. So, of course.. I then expressed THE ONLY RIGHT I have in demanding the report of my mother's treatment from starting on this allegation against a honorable nurse to finish including the critical incident
summaries of her death on February 3rd.. And in short form, Dr. Semus, responded, he had no knowledge of February 3rd, 2016.. Despite, Wednesday, the 24 of February, 2016 (Many Doctors lead busy busy lives I suppose..) WOW.. that means.. well.. you as the professionals should know without me telling.. I will my mother to be moved from 4H at our earliest convenience, and especially, not given opiates mixed with poisons to further steal her precious innocent life.. She does not deserve this.. nor should anyone else, ever again.. We need a public action to remedy this for the better good of everyone..With the newspaper or without..Thousands here in Winnipeg have fallen victim to die forsaken,
according to my discussions with one Provincial investigator's aid. That of which, we together, don't yet, have the manpower, or the jurisdiction.. the Police do though, as lead by experienced practitioners.. I will to assist in any way possible to get to the core of what is important here.. My mother.. Let's let science prevail in determining what serves our health best how about my friends?

Addendum : when I stated that it could be a positive thing that Jennie can now freely breath instead of being suffocated, I also stated, that she is for this day, eating more than she has since entering the hospital.. a container of blue berries, three yogurts, egg salad.. Vanessa immediately responded, by stating "I don't know that." See? No care for Jennie's well being..

Love John.
or Johnny..
or whatever..
let's do this..



(tiny 4 meg file of police claiming no investigations allowed.)

TheTruth - update on the case of murders still occurring
at Winnipeg’s Health Sciences Center – H4.
NEW AUDIO of Chief Medical Examiner of Manitoba..
(eleven megabyte audio file)


(..this on the first attempt at murder..)
Introduction to the Case: back-from-the-dead

The Winnipeg Police are Forbidden...

Evidence on the continuing murders - 250+meg file

Please, for the love of God, forward this concern as if it were your own..As it should be. Are we not human? All I ask for is Justice fairly wagered, while our police are forbidden to do so by Mike at the PSB. Complicit in mass murders in the thousands. I wish it weren't true too.. Don't hide from this reality, it is truly unbecoming..

I am begging Humanity for help.. please be human.
